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Hugh Seyley

Hugh Seyley

Hugh Seyley


NAME: Hugh Seyley
FACTION: Lords of the Fringe, (Wardens of the Sky)
RANK: Acolyte
AGE: 26
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 175 cm
WEIGHT: 76 kg
EYES: Bright green


  • [ + ] Force-sensitive
  • [ + ] Good in hand-to-hand combat
  • [ + ] A good pilot
  • [ + ] Understanding and caring
  • [ - ] Lack of training in the Force
  • [ - ] No skill in using any weapons
  • [ - ] Eyes hypersensitive to light
  • [ - ] Relies on pills to stay alive
  • [ - ] Not so clever mind

Corellia, the beginning of 811 ABY - Hugh Seyley is born. Born to a rich family of businessman and, in one branch, smugglers, the boy soon got introduced to the world of money. Hugh's father, Tylan Seyley, was the wealthy leader of a company which soon made its way to the galaxy while his mother worked as a secretary in another famous business. The boy didn't have any siblings, so most of his days were spent with his smuggler uncle who took the responsibility to raise to boy into a noteworthy citizen of the universe.

He introduced Hugh to the galaxy in general, told him stories about how some relationships between planets came into existence, even spoke about the great Hyperlanes. From the very first moment the boy heard about these wonderful things, his thoughts started to wander around them and even when eight years later, his uncle died, he had only this one thing in mind. But now that his uncle was dead, he felt the responsibility to continue his legacy and start working with Hyperlanes.

The boy, starting to grow into a man, asked his father to take him to a few journeys over a few hyperspace lanes: the Corellian Run and the Corellian Trade Spire, and his interest in them grew a dozen times. His father was able to tell what the boy was becoming, so he gave an envelope to Hugh, saying it contained a letter from his uncle.

Hugh opened the envelope and learned that his uncle had been a Warden of the Sky and that he was looking for a potential heir to his position. He had given the envelope to Hugh's father so that he could analyze the boy a bit to see if he really was the potential heir to his uncle's legacy.

And as soon as the boy got to leave home, he started travelling around the Hyperlanes and continued his uncle's job at keeping the lanes safe and secure from pirates.

But can the boy really keep the lanes safe?​
Uses several, none of them actually belong to him.

None yet.

None yet.

Hugh Seyley

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