Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How things change [Ordo]

Nisha Decrilla

There were a hundred ways Anaya could have gone about this. She could have had Eleena listn out for clues, she could have slipped one of her HRD's into the midst to pick up information, but truth be told Anaya wanted to see this for herself. She wanted to smirk at Ordo and say 'i told you it would consume you.' Though not in so many words. Even as the guards stripped her of her lightsaber before marching her to the Throne of the infamous Dark Lord, Anaya was almost skipping with delight.

This was her favourite game. And she excelled at it.

When the guards planted her before Ordo, they attmepted to force her to her knees. A short force blast shimmered from her, enough to shove them back three steps. "Kark off you invalids. I bow to no one." she snapped at them before swinging that devilish smile toward @Ordo.

"Well isn't this a fascinating turn of events?" she purred at him.
[member="Anaya Fen"]

Ordo was not expecting this one, though he really should have. He remained seated on the throne that was still his and watched as the guards brought her in and tried to make her bow. He wasn't surprised that she forced them away, in typical defiance.

"Leave us." Ordo commanded as the guards moved to retaliate.

He stood slowly and stepped down the few steps before his thone and offered a smile that was far removed from his now golden glowing eyes.

"I told you you're masters had nothing on me didn't I?" He said walking closer, "Or did you think I couldn't be worse than any Sith?"

He stepped directly in front of her and raised a gauntleted hand and put his thumb and forefinger on the sides of her jaw and looked at her with his burning golden eyes as if peering deep into her very spirit.

"What do you want, Anaya?" He said his voice becoming a deep stir of echos as his force presence was expanded to what It had been for some time, "Or have you come to offer your services?"

Nisha Decrilla

"And I told you that the darkness would consume you. Guess we were both right." she retorted calmly as he descended from on high to be at her level. She'd almost forgotten how big he was. Almost. She managed to resist her instinct to flinch as his gauntleted hand came towards her face. It would do no good to show fear here. No that she was afraid. Not really anyway. She clicked her tongue and pushed his hand from her face.

"You and I both know my services are not open to other sith. I hate you all remember." She moved round him, ascending the steps to his throne and settling herself in his seat, trying it on for size as it were. "Now this is a view I could get used to." she teased.

"A client of mine has a vested interest in one of your newly acquired assets. I want to know where it is, what you're doing with it who has got their sticky paws on it." She sat forward in the throne to look down at him. "In return I'll give you some snippets of information you will find useful."

[member="Anaya Fen"]

Ordo slowly walked to the foot of the steps to the throne and placed a large foot on the bottom step. His burning eyes looked straight into hers and he smiled. His scarred face twisting oddly to allow the expression of humor.

"Or, perhaps...your grace." He said gesturing with a bow, "I should just -rip- it all from that labyrinthine mind of yours."

With a stab forward with his finger a finger of dark energy jabbed into her mind deeply for a moment before he pulled away and laughed. His laugh much like his voice was a stir of echos as if he was not one person but many for a moment.

"No, that won't do will it?" He said far from acting like the same man she had dealt with before, he was unaffected now, and seemed more amused than anything.

"Well since that won't do and since you came all this way to see how far the mighty have fallen, I'll hear you out. What dost her majesty need from this poor humble farmer?"

Nisha Decrilla

There was nothing funny about that as far as Anaya was concerned. Whatever flicker of mischief had been in her eyes was replaced by cold fury as she stared down at him after the intrusion.

"You do not want to make an enemy of me, Ordo." she said her voice calm "You might be the Dark Lord but I have had a hand in the rise and fall of three others far greater than you." She rose from the seat and moved down the step to stand before him. Anaya wasn't exceptionally powerful, but she was damn good at what she did. If Ordo remembered the history of the Empire, then he might take that into consideration.

"I need the Lady Protector."

[member="Anaya Fen"]

"You know nothing about me sith" Ordo said softly as he looked into the woman's eyes, "and you know nothing of what I've become."

Ordo stepped up to the same level and looked down at her for a moment and pulled off a gauntlet. He started back up the steps as he looked at his big scar spotted hand as black tattoos extended from his forearm to his fingers. He let his hand drop and turned back around to step toward her again.

"The lady protector?" Ordo said, "Is dead last I knew. Are you really just an errand girl for hire these days schemer? Perhaps I should have employed you as a dancing girl and concubine to save you from this fate?"

Ordo stood staring into her eyes as he let her stew in her own anger.

"Who sent you? It will take more than snippets to leave her alive."

Nisha Decrilla

"Likewise, Ordo." she replied coldly. Karking sith, the minute you gave them a title and territory to lord oover, they believed they were the greatest thing the force ever created. Untouchable. Fools, all of them. Oh how she wanted to see them all burn. Her jaw twitched at his slight, but she chose not to rise to it.

"Oh come on, Ordo, you don't need to ask me that. You know full well who's waving this paycheck at me." She folded her arms over her chest.

"Tell me what I need to know, and I will give you the location of a summit you will find fascinating."

[member="Anaya Fen"]

Ordo turned and looked at Anaya with a smile.

"A summit?" he said taking a lively tone, "I do love a good summit. Tell me,I will show you everything I know about the lady protector, and where her star crossed lover can find her."

Ordo held out his tattooed hand. "Do we have a deal mouse?"

Nisha Decrilla

Again, the muscle in Anaya's jaw twitched. For a moment, she sated her anger by imagining [member="Ordo"] consumed by fire, writhing and screaming in pain. She blinked, and took his offered hand. "Deal."

"It's being held on Ansion.It was organised by a woman called Rosa Gunn. She is, by all accounts a person of insignificance, though she's well connected." She smirked "Much like myself."

[member="Anaya Fen"]

Ordo smiled as she took his hand.

"I know of Rosa." He said as he clenched down on her red hand tightly, "Now for my end of the bargain."

Ordo let the darkness pour through him like a torrent as the inky black tattoo on his meaty hand lunged from his skin and onto Anaya's. His smile widened as the true power of the dark lord pour from his eyes and mouth and straight at the respective places of the Twi'lek Sith. She would see visions of a distant world full of vong formed creatures and a citadel that seemed to breath. She would see a Nautolan standing over a body that looked like it may have once been the lady protector but now hand changed drastically. The words "Hydra Queen" was mouthed by the nautolan as violet light went from him and into the woman while many stood around to see the birth of the newest general.

Ordo let go but the inky tattoo would remain as he wiped blood from his cracked lips then flicked it onto her exposed arm leaving a brown spot.

"You have what you came for." he said "But remember everything has a price."

Nisha Decrilla

As soon as the tattoo writhed towards her, Anaya tried to pull her hand away, but Ordo had her gripped like a vice. "No!" she shrieked before the darkness engulfed her. Images flashed through her mind, she didn't know the place, or the planet but she drank in the details. The more she remembered the better. She staggered back slightly as her let her go, skin burning where his blood touched her.

She knew a bloodtrail when she saw one. Panic flared. This could be her undoing. And all for Sarge.

She looked down at her hand, at the fresh tattoo, fury burning in her chest. "What is this? What did you do?" She demanded.

[member="Anaya Fen"]

Ordo began to laugh as she asked what he had done. He stepped toward he again.

"I gave you a the gift of knowledge." He said sliding his gauntlet back on, "and you gave me your hand."

He motioned to the tattoo that would take a form befitting her and take it's self across her skin to suit her properly.

"Now when you go back for payment from your friend, make sure he knows how much you paid for his precious lady." Ordo looked her up and down, "Or you could work for me properly like you lied you would before."

He drew on the dark mark and felt the force in her as well as her emotions.

"What ever you decide princess Anaya, I will find you." he said, "and the price of freedom is higher than you knew in youth."

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya stepped back from him, shaking her head. No. This wasn't happening.

His words were ringing in her ears.

She looked up, face full of fear. Backing away rapidly, she turned and fled the throne room.

His laughter, echoed down the hall after her.

Ordo continued to laugh as she left and sat down on his throne.

"Let he go." he told the Yuuzhn Vong slayer guards via a villip mounted on his trone. "She will be one of us soon enough."

[member="Anaya Fen"]

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