Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How I Got My Little Brother.................

The house was a burnt husk, smoke being seen from the distance for miles around. Yet no one came, just Jan. Sometimes there is nothing you can do in the Dunes, it leaves you powerless. That is how Jan felt right now.

He had been out scavenging parts for his shop, and maybe his armor. He had seen a slight black tinge in the distance, and gotten on his speeder bike. He thought it had been a wreck, more opportunity for scavenge for him. He didn't think he would come upon a burned shack with bodies in a pile outside, also on fire.

Jan got off his speeder bike and unholstered his E-11 on his back. He approached the small burning hut, but stopped as the stench from the burning bodies made it up his mask. Jan stood there watching the shack and family burn, their ashes coming into his throat and lungs. Jan breathed it in and out, feeling powerless. He then felt an anger rise up and over him. He would find the people or monsters that did this. He would find them, and he would kill them all. He would leave their bodies for the Krayt dragons and Dunes. Yes, that is what he would do.

Jan walked to the shack and inspected the ground near the bodies. They had been piled together and beaten to death. Jan started to get his suspicions. Then Jan found the tracks around the bodies forming one singular line as they left their crime. That could only mean one thing. Sand People. Jan slowly felt the anger in him dissipate, into cold hardness. He walked over to his speeder bike and got on it. He turned it towards the direction of the tracks leading away from the shack, and took off. They would never hurt anybody again after today.

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