Adiara watched as drunken patrons stumbled from the Romping Rugger, one slender brow raised in amusement. Cantinas were always so full of inebriated and narcotised individuals, at least in all the downbeat areas of planets like Nar Shaddaa they were.
Still sat there, sipping at his stimcaf and blissfully sober, the Morellian kicked up his feet against the edge of the table and closed his eyes. A quiet yet drawn out sigh escaped his lips. This was bliss, when morning struck the smoke-filled establishment and the patrons were being kicked out. The music had already ended, the jukebox turned off and emptied of credits.
"Hey, Adi, you fancy a game of--"
"It's Adiara, and if you say anything other than Novacrown then you can count me out. You know I can't abide gambling games, Sinnat."
With a gruff grunt, the owner of the Romping Rugger pulled up a chair to the table Adiara was sat at and snapped his fingers; this caused one of the Besalisk who had been tending to the bar the night before to bring over their gameboard, which was still set from the last time Adiara had passed through.
Pulling out one of his gabaki sticks, Adiara lit the end which exposed the leafy interior and took a long draw of the soothing cigarette, knowing it was his turn to move. Sighing somewhat, and after five minutes worth of pondering in silence, he finally pushed a blue Karabbac toward Sinnat's purple Duuvhal.
Leaning back in his chair, he watched as a very slow stream of daylight patrons made their way into the establishment, heading to the bar in order to obtain some food or a caf to help them get ready for a long day at work.
"So, what brings you back to Shaddaa, Adiara? It's been about a year now"
The Gossam landlord narrowed his shrewd eyes towards Adiara during his query, before carefully moving a purple Mynock to take Adiara's blue Wompa.
"I'm supposed to be meeting a client" he offered, with a semi-casual shrug. I should have seen that move coming he internally scolded himself, forgetting that this game had been left untouched for a year now.
The Gossam was always such an amiable foe when it came to Novacrown.
(If you need to know what anything mentioned in here is, let me know!)
Still sat there, sipping at his stimcaf and blissfully sober, the Morellian kicked up his feet against the edge of the table and closed his eyes. A quiet yet drawn out sigh escaped his lips. This was bliss, when morning struck the smoke-filled establishment and the patrons were being kicked out. The music had already ended, the jukebox turned off and emptied of credits.
"Hey, Adi, you fancy a game of--"
"It's Adiara, and if you say anything other than Novacrown then you can count me out. You know I can't abide gambling games, Sinnat."
With a gruff grunt, the owner of the Romping Rugger pulled up a chair to the table Adiara was sat at and snapped his fingers; this caused one of the Besalisk who had been tending to the bar the night before to bring over their gameboard, which was still set from the last time Adiara had passed through.
Pulling out one of his gabaki sticks, Adiara lit the end which exposed the leafy interior and took a long draw of the soothing cigarette, knowing it was his turn to move. Sighing somewhat, and after five minutes worth of pondering in silence, he finally pushed a blue Karabbac toward Sinnat's purple Duuvhal.
Leaning back in his chair, he watched as a very slow stream of daylight patrons made their way into the establishment, heading to the bar in order to obtain some food or a caf to help them get ready for a long day at work.
"So, what brings you back to Shaddaa, Adiara? It's been about a year now"
The Gossam landlord narrowed his shrewd eyes towards Adiara during his query, before carefully moving a purple Mynock to take Adiara's blue Wompa.
"I'm supposed to be meeting a client" he offered, with a semi-casual shrug. I should have seen that move coming he internally scolded himself, forgetting that this game had been left untouched for a year now.
The Gossam was always such an amiable foe when it came to Novacrown.
(If you need to know what anything mentioned in here is, let me know!)