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House Zambrano

  • House Zambrano of Panatha
    Coat of Arms: ​The Eye of Solomon on a red field.
  • Words: ​The strong do what they will and the weak suffer what they must.
  • Seat: ​Vain Hollow, Panatha
  • Current Lord: ​Kaine Zambrano I ([member="Darth Carnifex"])
  • Region: ​The Pacanth Reach (Primarily). Assorted holdings throughout the galaxy.
  • Title:
    Arch-King of the Pacanth Reach​​
    ​King of Panatha
  • ​King of Bunduki
  • King of Fornow
  • ​King of Ravaath
  • King of Sorimow

[*]​​God-King of the Epicanthix
[*]Warlord of Rattatak
[*]​King of Thule​​

[*]Heir: Braxus Zambrano I (Darth Prazutis)
[*]Cadet Branch:
  • ​​House Rapux ([member="Drios Rapux"])

[*]Ancestral Weapon: N/A
[*]Founder: Magnus Zambrano I

  • The traditional Zambrano look consists of a squared face, muscular athletic build, brilliant emerald eyes and black hair.
  • ​All Zambranos are force sensitive with strong connections to the force and have an affinity for the dark side of the force, that flows naturally through their veins.
  • ​The Zambranos are seen as prone to madness apparently caused by their inbreeding. An ancient rite put into effect by ancestor Solomon the Black mandated that to keep the bloodline pure a Zambrano can only wed and have children with another Zambrano. This practice continuing for over eight hundred years.

    It was said because of this practice that "Zambranos are the coldest, and most black hearted spawns to walk the earth". A common rumor has been over the years that Zambrano children embodied one of the many personality traits of Solomon the Black to the extreme. This resulted in most descendants developing cruel, cold, and ruthless traits. These descendants very names proclaims their nature to us: Dagon the Soulless, Ragnar Widowmaker, Rameses Skin-Flayer, Viktoria Demonlover, Aldrick the Greedy, Harlan Bloodthirster.

    The last pureblooded Zambrano to follow the inbreeding rite was Kaine Zambrano I the Black-Iron Tyrant who promptly ended the practice early on with the deaths of his parents and then by outlawing it.

  • ​The symbol of House Zambrano has always been the black and gold phoenix. The phoenix represents the family's constant ability to rise from the ashes of nothing to Kings of Panatha under its first Magnus the Red. The phoenix resonates most with the family because through the many tragedies they suffered including being removed from Panatha as a whole, no matter how low you lay the Zambranos they always rise.
  • ​Historically the Zambranos wore armor and clothing either black in color or dark in nature. Many images of past Zambranos show the family members clad in black armors.
  • ​House Zambrano historically worships the Panathan Pantheon of Gods, with many worshipping Nereus the All-Father.
  • ​For eight hundred years nearly every generation following Solomon the Black adhered strictly to a custom of inbreeding to keep the bloodline pure. Until recently at the order of Kaine it was strictly followed.
  • ​The original seat of the Zambranos began at a castle known as the Dreadfort deep in the iron mountains. After the death of Solomon the Black and the Dreadfort was mostly used following the fall from power by the Zambrano family until they were exiled from Panatha and the fortress was abandoned with fear of it being haunted. The Zambrano seat was relocated to a large estate on Thyferra for a number of years until its destruction by the hand of Kaine Zambrano.

    ​After the Butcher-King's conquest of Panatha and his families former power restored a new ancestral seat was built in the form of Vain Hollow. After the first citadel's destruction a final Vain Hollow was rebuilt in Blacktalon Peak, the largest mountain in the Iron Mountain chain.
  • Nearly all Zambranos following Solomon who pursue their ability in the force have become wielders of the dark side of the force with most joining the ranks of the Sith.

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