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House Exillion Industries


  • Image Source: Destiny, House of Kings
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Development Thread: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: House Exillion Industries
  • Headquarters: Starmark
  • Locations: Starmark
  • Operations: Vehicles, Arms, Armour
  • Tier: Tier II
House Exillion, the greatest defenders of Starmark, such is their title. War is their birthright. The lands of Exillion become an arid and cold tundra the more south you go. Thus, one might say that House Exillion is just as barren. But, you would be wrong. Towering above the harsh environments of the extreme south are the great fortress cities of House Exillion built by the greatest defenders of the planet. Members of House Exillion are masters of defense, engineering, city and infrastructure building. Not as politically powerful as House Archnovia and Starfell but, their word on matters of planetary defense and royal expansion are always heeded.

House Exillion Industries is responsible for the design, engineering and manufacturing of vehicles, arms and armour for the armies of Exillion. Unalike other companies that hold favour with the lords and ladies of Exillion, House Exillion Industries holds ultimate loyalty and does not share its designs and contracts with the other noble houses of Starmark. While they are not capable of constructing advanced stardocks and supreme dreadnaughts for the fleets of Starmark, they are fully capable of providing small production of elite vehicles, armour and weaponry for Exillion. These weapons of destruction and defense are that which Exillion's notoriety among the other houses comes from.

During the colonization of Starmark a team of climbers ventured far into the snowy wastes of Exillion. They climbed over the steepest of mountains, and maneuvered through the rocky plains that separated Exillion from the rest of Starmark. They paved paths for other settlers and as time went by the group grew from a small team of climbers to miners, engineers and architects. Roads were paved, tunnels drilled through the earth. Access ways were established between the far flung mountain fortresses of Exillion. The descendents of these pioneers would later establish House Exillion Industries when the Days of Fire began. As Starmarks independence was threatened and the other noble houses ties were cut it became every man for himself. Mighty machines of war defended the few paths into the lands of Exillion.

Exillion remained isolated and alone from the rest of Starmark. Requiring Exillion to focus on their own defense and independence, House Exillion Industries provided Exillion their own manufacturer. It was only at the end of the Days of Fire did Exillion emerge from their southlands, with the constructs they had crafted in the fires of their forges, the armies of Exillion spilled across the land and claimed their titles as the Greatest of Defenders and Starmark regained its sovereignty. House Exillion Industries continues to operate to provide Exillion with its own vehicles, arms and armour.


  • N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A

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