Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hoth, the home to many but also none (Duel)

Haven Pryde

Pirate Queen | ODF Marine
As haven walked across the frozen hoth wilderness she once called home she walked along the old corridor of the waterways, they called it this since when the snow starts to melt, which it really never does, it would ran across this area of land.

Her mind was focused and she was ready to duel against @Zooey Marix on her old home world.
I had come here upon request of a woman wanting to what she called "duel". It may have been a duel for her. But for me, I wanted to have a little fun. Sometimes I felt like there was a little demon in me wanting to just yank at some random girls hair, or rip the family jewels off of a man who looked to be in a happy mood. I hated it when people where happy. I never was. I mean, what is it with people coming up to you and say hello on a nice day, when all I feel is pissed off. I walked off my ship and gathered my gear of an exoskeleton, a large Vibrosword, and an Echani Dueling shield. The snow was crunching beneath my feet as I walked up to her. before I even spoke a word. my sword was in my hands, and the shield activated to give off a red glow. "I hope you like scars."
@[member="Haven Pryde"]

Haven Pryde

Pirate Queen | ODF Marine
Th woman before her asked if she liked scars, she was not fond of them but also was not fond of little girls with such big swords and his one carried a shield which was weird but worked, for the most part she seemed like she knew what she was doing and seemed like she was handy with the steel, funny how the days progress only made for a nights regroup and as haven stood here she had her pony tail flapping in the winds, she wore the standard fringe gear made for merely surviving an arctic battle and pilgrimage, but one thing that is for certain is the fact this just got odd.

Taking her own blade off her belt, she activated it with a clean snap-his and the silver-pink blade shone with a seriousness to it that only augmented the surroundings, her other saber was left on her belt for use for later; Haven adopted her jedi ready stance.
@[member="Zoey Marix"]
I smiled as she didn't respond to my question. The only responce that I got was the snap hiss of a lightsaber. Smiling, I had dealt with these before. Even then I liked how she acted. Silent and deadly. I could tell in her eyes that she was a person not to be trifled with. However I was not one to just sit idly there. Bringing my sword up to point at her, I smiled as I spoke, "I like you already. Quite and ready for action." I brought my sword out to my side with a quick swipe letting the loose snow around me fly up in a little tuft of wind. Sadly I didn't make the wind. It just happened as if on cue.

I brought my shield up to my side as I ran at the woman. Bringing my arm up to protect myself in she chose to swing at me at that moment, and brought my sword around for a cut to the legs and coming back for a cut to the left arm.
@[member="Haven Pryde"]

Haven Pryde

Pirate Queen | ODF Marine
She spoke again Haven didn't give off a single response and just held her hand to the side while holding her own saber like a batter ready to strike a homerun, it wasn't the fact she was new to this whole business of dueling and saber fighting but she also knew enough to defend herself at least, then the other woman brought her saber up for an attack and swiped her leg which she stepped out of and then was sliced on her arm, this only irritated Haven and she ended up smacking the sword away from her arm with a violent sweep of her own blade against the woman's.

as now they were in close range she quickly backed away and held her blade level made for parrying, and then began to pay attention to the other woman, she would not fail this duel and would be seen, eventually, as a worthy opponent to all but first she needed to find her own groove and balance with her technique.

@[member="Zoey Marix"]
(OOC: I have a vibro sword not a Lightsaber)
The woman used her own blade to smack away mine as I sent both strikes her way. Mixing it up I sent another at her chest, then I thrust my shield arm forwards to bash her in the chest. It was hard for a lightsaber to block a shield. But just the opposite for a lightsaber after a shield. Not very much could be done as the woman didn't chose to attack me. She may be just testing me, to see my style before trying to overcome with her own. Or she just didnt choose to. Ether way, I was going to take the opening.
@[member="Haven Pryde"]

Haven Pryde

Pirate Queen | ODF Marine
She came in with her shield and saber to both stab her and bash her and at this moment haven used a force throw at the other girl and readied herself to move out of the way just in case the force throw didn't work, her saber was held to bat away the girls saber if her throw had failed and she simply readied herself to bob and wave out of the way of the woman's shield.
@[member="Zoey Marix"]
(OOC: Sorry I mistook it for a lightsaber)
With the force I was thrown back. Smiling ever so brighter. She was one to use the force rather than a blade. Well then I can do that as well. Running up to her again this time I raised my left hand to bring the snow that was loose around her to come up to her face. Blocking her vision, only then did I send a force push at her. Though the push seemed to morph into a wave of snow as it picked up the loose material. If she wanted to play force games, then I'll play.
@[member="Haven Pryde"]

Haven Pryde

Pirate Queen | ODF Marine
haven leapt into the air dodging the mist of snow that was coming at her, her eyes had snow blown into them prior to the force push sending her a wave of snow and then landed in back of the wave, she had a smirked on her face and brought her own saber up ready to parry an attack but this time she held her saber out as the woman came running up to her and allowed the force to guide her while trying to impale the moving target.

@[member="Zoey Marix"]
Now this was getting interesting. Haven jumped into the air to avoid the little plume of snow and the force. As the woman came down I neared her as she intended to stab me. Her silver blade came at my stomach. However, my shield came between us at a slight angle. It was off by only a few degrees, but that would be enough for her saber to just slide by. and allow my own stab at her knee. If I was to get at this woman, I would have to go for the less obvious attacks rather than simple ones that everybody knew.

The stab was just to get her moving as my blade came up for a cut to her other leg, just above the knee. The woman was a person that would rather like a open area for a battle, by the way of her movement, jumping and sending attacks that would cause the person to fall back. Unlike me who liked somewhat enclosed spaces as I would literally jump off of walls sometimes.
@[member="Haven Pryde"]

Haven Pryde

Pirate Queen | ODF Marine
Haven loved to jump off structures and to leap but the reason for hoth was because she felt more at home here, as she held her saber against the shield she felt the woman jabbing at her leg and the twirled quickly around her attack and brought her saber in for a slash at the womans arm when she was able to... if the woman was smart she'd do something to make sure her own arm wasn't sliced open.

@[member="Zoey Marix"]
Haven evaded my attack to her knee and her other leg. Eh ether way it seemed that I was missing each strike. I would have to get to her somehow. This time I decided that I wouldnt attack. Her saber came down to hit my sword arm. Though it was pretty easy to just move my body away from her and slam my shield to her chest as the blade came down. I used the force to push the woman away from me and jumped away if I somehow missed. landing after alittle flip in the air. I smiled.

Bringing my shield arm up and my sword pointed out resting against the shield made of plasma. And then I waited.
@[member="Haven Pryde"]

Haven Pryde

Pirate Queen | ODF Marine
She felt the force push and allowed herself to fly away from the other woman and while in the air Haven did a summersault and then landed on her feet and hands, on the way down she deactivated her saber and landed and then rose, her own saber was still in her hand.

As she rose she threw her saber and activated it and then tore her second off her hip and activated and leapt through the air, haven the slashed at the woman's body hoping she would try and defend against haven's bladed attack.

@[member="Zoey Marix"]
A grin broke my face as the woman sent the saber at me through the air. As it twirled around, end over end, I grabbed the blade with the force as it came to me. and threw it sky high, hopping to take it out of the picture. Even though I had a Shield, I was taking no chances against two lightsabers. The woman came falling through the air towards me with her second saber plunging towards my body to cut me in half. Smiling I wouldn't block it. I thrust my hand up, sending a pink lightning arc to slam her in the chest.
@[member="Haven Pryde"]

Haven Pryde

Pirate Queen | ODF Marine

getting hit by the lightening haven fell to the ground dazed and breathless as it hurt, she was not expecting that one and as she continued to rise she brought her second saber to chest level and smirked at the other woman, she was good, very good... but the lords were known to be better as she rose she twirled her saber in her hand and then struck against the woman's shield and then held her hand level with the woman's legs and shot a icy colored spark into the woman's legs hoping it would hit, funny as it seemed haven's blade would be countered by the woman's shield while hopefully her spark would find the woman's leg impairing her mobility.

@[member="Zoey Marix"]
(I KNOW! *fangirl scream*)
The woman fell to the ground with a slight daze from the shock. Smiling, I ran up to her as she rose. Her blade came to hit my shield, However, Why would someone hit a shield intentionally? There was something wrong as the red circle blocked the oncoming lightsaber. I would be open for an attack. Smiling as we both thrust our hands forwards, I sent a force push with a point of my two fingers. I didn't care what attack she would send my way, I didnt want any part of it.
@[member="Haven Pryde"]

Haven Pryde

Pirate Queen | ODF Marine
Haven smirked as she was sent through the air and then landed on her feet yet again, she was like a cat.. as she rose yet again she called for her second blade that somehow stuck out of the ground not ten feet from the girl and caught it, swinging them both in her arms she smirked and then reversed her grip and started to spring up to the woman, haven's flicked her wrist and brought one into a more traditional shien grip, as she closed the distance she swung her blade and then sweeped the woman's leg with her other as ss she closed the distance and came upon her, she caught the woman's shield with one while the other had free reign for the targeted area... she was not trying to harm the woman but was trying to prove to herself that she could duel with sabers and possibly even deal combat damage with them.

@[member="Zoey Marix"]
As I neared the woman, we began to run at eachother. I smiled even larger showing teeth as We were coming for an attack. her blades came for my legs as now she had both sabers. Only, they were to slice into the air with a hum. As we neared eachother I lowered my self to almost be like a cat as I ran. Then suddenly I dropped. The snow was soft and yet smooth. I held out my shield on my stomach as a sled allowing myself to slide past her The blades narrowly past over my head, Cutting strands of my pink hair that rested on the back of my head. I turned to my side past her and rolled to come to my feet standing with my sword towards her. Only then did I raise both of my hands towards her and use the force. I grabbed onto the ground beneath her and sent it flying up in chunks and pieces, and individual flakes of snow would rise up like backwards rain.
@[member="Haven Pryde"]

Haven Pryde

Pirate Queen | ODF Marine
haven worked fast and sliced through the wave of force pushed sleet and then batted away another strand, she had smartened up since the start of this duel and even though it was mere sleet and power she still didn't want to get any in her eyes, as she jumped up into the air she spun in a full 360 and came down while spinning and slashed her blade at the other woman trying to cut her, she was not wanting to harm her but a simple elegant cut would not be doing harm, correct?

As she came down she slashed at her with one of her blades and used the other to parry whatever the girl could throw at her whether it be powder or a blade strike of any kind.

@[member="Zoey Marix"]
Smiling as the woman seemed to now have some slight trouble with my fighting. Smiling as now the woman was moving from the snow tornado that I had made. Once more she fell towards me to strike me down. This time she had her second blade ready for any thing that was sent her way. Oh how I thought that she may be thinking to poorly of me. I raised my hand and grabbed her body with the force. and squeezed. The woman was in the air. Easy for me to grab, yet hard for her to keep a hold of her surroundings. Easy pickings.

If that pain didnt give her incentive to not attack me, Then I would just have to do another nasty thing.
@[member="Haven Pryde"]

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