Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Horrible Things

Boethiah continued to wander Wild Space, aimlessly and without purpose.

More worlds continued to fear the unpredictable cult that followed her. The Primeval reappeared, attacked, and then vanished back into obscurity... To the face of most, but to the undefended worlds on the edge of inhabited space they were very real. A threat worth fearing, and all reckoned the day when Primeval ships broke atmosphere.

One such world had already suffered that reckoning, and those who lived were scattered into the wind like ashes of a burning fire. Boethiah stayed behind with the rest of her followers. Some out of faith, others out of worship, and many more who found themselves unable to think of anything else. The young witch took root in the magistrate's mansion. A large, spacious home surrounded by substantial defenses. Enough to keep rioters and mercenaries at bay, but futile in the face of a true enemy.

Her hounds ravaged the food stores, shredding through imported luxuries and protein packages alike.

Boe slept in her new quarters, and any who wandered into the hallway would find the witch's possessions among them. Artifacts of all kind, and nearly all consumed by the Dark Side of the force.

[member="Aria Vale"]
If you had asked Aria what she was doing staying with the Primeval still, she would have taken a minute or two to answer.

Half of it was loyalty, she supposed. Aria didn't abandon ship until she had a very good reason to. The Primeval hid beneath the radar lately, but hidden power was not the same as a lack of it. (She was a big believer in that idea). Until loyalty was to her detriment, Aria stayed loyal.

And truthfully, there was plenty to gain still. She'd never followed the Primeval because she cared for their gods; whether or not she was open about such a thing, Aria had followed out of an interest in their power, in their raw connection to the dark side. They had an endless wealth of the strange and the arcane and the other. So long as it was still endless, gods or no gods Aria could find a reason save obligation to stick around.

And that was exactly her interest in hanging around alongside [member="Boethiah"] and a handful of her followers after this world had seen the Primeval's strength. The reckoning part itself had been plenty fun, but afterwards when things were quieter where the group resided, there was a great deal to look at.

A great deal of strange and arcane and other to look at.

And so wandering the hallways examining handfuls of artifacts painted with the Darkside was Aria Vale, quiet and for the most part unobtrusive in her observation. The Sith was far from against excitement, but for now she was making use of the stillness in the air. Easier that way to look around.
As Boethiah continued to remain absent, Aria be able to sense power from one object in particular.

By looks it was a simple blade. Through the force, however, it contained a sensation in the force that was untamed and pure Dark Side. It lashed out at the air around them like an electric current, drawing the attention of all force sensitives within the room. It sat lazily along the shelf, making it the least ornamental of the artifacts in the chamber.

Should one focus on it more, it would almost whisper to them through the force. Annexing the silence with a cold, unintelligible voice. The room grew humid in the force from all the objects, some easier to tune to than others. A few difficult to pinpoint but impossible to block out. Perhaps it was a wonder how someone could remain in the presence of such possessive power and not snap as a result. Even Sith Lords fell prey to their own power, going mad or being utterly consumed by it.

Boethiah was a strange one indeed, no question about that. Though who could say what it was? She had always been that way as far as anyone remembered... Few knew her true origins; her proper nature.

[member="Aria Vale"]
Naturally, Aria was not the sort to wait and ask nicely.

An affinity with the Force told her to direct her attention to the blade, sent out voices that called from its shelf unseen and unheard. Aria was most definitely a creature of curiosity, and here was a dagger that could have contained the Dark itself for the aura it gave out. And nothing at all to interrupt her inquisitive streak.

Naturally, she closed the distance and plucked the blade from the shelf where it sat.

The chamber reeked of power, of darkness, but Aria did not try to clash against its grip. Instead she bathed in it comfortably, coexisted with wave after wave of the Force's power. Her regard of the Force and the Dark side was nothing so holy as what others in the Primeval had described, but she had always understood that the Dark was a fickle creature of giving and taking and conflicting with a thing like that was never in her best interests.

She listened easily through the silence to whispers, to the Force. And she wondered exactly what she'd picked up as she turned it over in one hand, watchful.


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