Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Hope's Light-SJC

Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps
A Dying Hope's Light

Omen grunted as he hefted the big crate of learning materials the younglings would need on their new homeworld of Reytha onto the hovercart. I didn't know learning could be this heavy... He started to push the fully loaded cart, the soldier thought about what had been happening the last few weeks, from the Bry getting closer, to the Ametrine accords, to the evac order of all padawans and younglings. Things were building up to a head quickly and it wasn't hard to hear the little ones whispering to each other about if they ever would come home. Despite the calming words of Kiara Ayres, the grandmaster of the order's words in her speech, words alone could not solve everything. In this case, only victory and the eventual push back against the Bry would be the answer needed. He thought of the Padawans who had freed him, and how they were doing, of all the officials and scholars of the order trying to move treasured artifacts off-world or in the worst case, buried far underneath Kashyyyk's earth as they could manage just in case the invaders really did reach Kashyyyk like many of the orders more defeatist Jedi were predicting. Omen could only help out as much as his legs could keep up with, trying to make things somewhat better for everyone.

The Clone pushed the hovercart and its cargo onto the waiting freighter, the engines of the craft already spooling up to leave. As he stepped out into the bright sunshine, he noticed the passing younglings of several species waving to him with smiles on their faces. While he waved back with a smile in return, the Clone Wars veteran could still see the fear in their eyes though, the fear that despite the allies it had and how long it had held out against the invader so far, is that their precious order, their only hope and bright light in the galaxy that they had ever know, would be blotted out entirely by the mass of walking, living flesh. As for the Bre, they would be one more step closer to claiming the whole galaxy for their purposes, whatever they may be. He tried to look stoic as the younglings boarded but he knew they could sense his own fear in himself as well. Jedi did tend to "feel" what was happening around themselves, of course. That ability was one of the things he found most... disturbing about force users. He could only try to be cheerful and confident but in his heart of hearts, he didn't know who would win and that was the truth. As the vessel lifted off slowly into the sky and he hurried onto other tasks, all he could feel is determined to make the Bry bleed for every inch of the ground the beasts took till he was no more for those kids. Unlike him, they should have a loving home and it was up to him to defend their home so they could home back to it.

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