Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hon. Gerault Rush

"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."

Gerault Rush

  • Galactic Alliance, Galactic Alliance Senator from Corulag
  • Galactic City Authority
    • Secretary of Civil Affairs
    • Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs
    • Deputy Secretary of Civil Affairs
    • Minister Plenipotentiary to Corulag
  • Rush Brezwalt, Founding Partner
AGE: 50

Gerault is a portly man of modest stature, who's receding hairline is the butt of some colleagues' jests. His eyes have been remarked to have a peculiar quality to instill both confidence and caution in those who fall within his inquisitive gaze. Gerault walks with a slight limp on his left side, the result of a mugging on the streets of Coruscant.

Honest and dedicated, Gerault Rush is anything if not committed to public service. Intelligent almost to a fault, Rush is staunch, stubborn, and somewhat narrow in his views, if only out of sheer conviction. Critics laud him for his drive to remain neutral and objective, though he is perpetually his own worst enemy and is charged by the media for his vanity, though more intellectual accounts of his service have better conveyed the intricacies of his actions and the rationale behind them. He is respected throughout Coruscanti politics and is known to foster a cooperative spirit in government, breaking barriers between political rivals to get results.

Rush is an experienced legal expert and founded his own law firm after his stint in City Planning. Following his time in-practice, Rush was appointed by the Galactic City Common Council to serve as the number two official in the GCA Department of Civil Affairs, and after the shakeup in GC3 which saw Coruscant First's rise in local politics, he was tapped to serve as the Civil Affairs Department's head, as well as the acting leader of the Foreign Affairs Department. Of note, Rush was the only non-party affiliate to serve in a cabinet position, and two of the most important ones at that. After then-Mayor Zeradias Mant was detained indefinitely by the (old) Galactic Alliance, Rush was enlisted to lead legal efforts seeing to his release.

Rush continued to serve as Secretary of Civil Affairs after the retirement of Mant from Coruscanti politics and the collapse of the (old) Galactic Alliance. Though not a member of the party, Rush enjoyed the favor of Coruscant First as it maintained its political hold, and even during its gradual decline, having achieved its goal of Coruscanti sovereignty. However, a new Galactic Alliance has since emerged and again claimed Coruscant as its capital, sparking rumors of a possible Coruscant First return. Political insiders have speculated Rush to be a frontrunner to lead the party's second coming, but he has denied such rumors, even going as far as to denounce Coruscant First and insisting that any prospective political pursuits would need to be ground in reality.

Instead, and rather suddenly, he resigned his post as GCA Secretary of Civil Affairs to serve as the Galactic Alliance Senator from Corulag, accepting the appointment from an old university friend serving in the House of Citizens.
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