Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Holostle Takeover


Location: Darth Malum's Ship, the Alvaria.
Adarlonian Orbit
Tag: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Dekaltis was ecstatic. She had been promised a planet, an entire planet. Why? Because she asked nicely!

She skipped to the front of the massive ship, a habit she had formed since being taken in by Darth Malum. She'd also taken several other habits up, including occasionally annoying the crew, and disassembling pretty much any weapon she could get her hand on. She had been instructed by her master not to kill any of the crew, but that didn't stop her from practicing her powers on them. She was more than happy to fix their weapons, and use them as guinea pigs for training sessions.

As they exited hyperspace, which Dekaltis had taken a habit to stare right into it as they flew, she let out a giddle squee. "Master! There it is! My new planet!"
Sometimes he knew after committing to an action, that he would certainly come to regret it. One might ask in that instance why he simply did not just say no, and try to walk back from the decision, for after all before a deed was committed, there was technically infinite opportunity to step away from it.

Such was certainly a consideration in Malum's mind as he gazed out to the rugged, mountainous world ahead of him, his hands behind his back, as he wondered what exactly had gone through his mind to commit to this course.

Oh yeah, as the glimmers of light broke the planet's surface.

Adarlon, one of the entertainment and tourist capitals of the galaxy.

Even under the rule of the Sith Empire, it was able to maintain such a reputation.

Ironically enough, and the main reason he had committed to this course... he could not imagine a world, the very world that the holographic medium became a staple, the galaxy over, for this apprentice... the rather... eccentric Darth Dekaltis Darth Dekaltis . Such a world, at least aesthetically seemed a match made in heaven, furthermore, it would allow her a base to boost what she was already rather excellent at when it came to activities on the Holonet.

And it would hopefully teach her some responsibility.

On the other hand, he could come up with about a thousand reasons that this was a terrible idea.

The least of which was that this was his eccentric apprentice, Darth Dekaltis.

Alas, there was even more reason that at least necessitated this course, with the Emperor's recent announcement regarding the opening of the Dark Council, moves were being made across every quarter to secure support for one faction's rise to supremacy at the right-hand of His Imperial Majesty.

For all he saw sought in the future, his continual rise had to be continued.

Support in the Assembly would certainly achieve that.

And though he thought of himself better than the use of a puppet to achieve it... if he was able to secure upon his apprentice a seat at the Assembly...

...Well it would definitely be a victory for him and his.

That still did not ease the trepidation that Dekaltis was unready for this responsibility.

Too... eccentric for this responsibility.

But, the dice was cast, and he would help her as much as possible.

Turning to note her shorter, skipping form, as she joined him by the bridge.

A small smile gracing his lips at the childish way in which she regarded the task ahead of them, the responsibility to be hers.

It should have concerned him too... but, that could come later.

"Indeed, Adarlon, now tell me, did you study everything about the world as I asked you to? A governor must know all they can of the world that they plan to rule."

She stared for a moment, as her mind scanned the holonet, learning everything she could in that instant. She had a knock for speed reading, and her cybernetic eye allowed her visual access to anything the holonet could offer.

"....yes?" No. "But that won't matter, right? I can make the planet whatever I want it to be!"

Tag: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

He narrowed his eyes at the answer.

Oh Bogan, this was certainly a mistake, was it not?

He let out a shallow sigh, he had thought it was a mistake for far too long, at this point no matter how much of a mistake it was, it was his duty to make certain that it was assuaged and fixed, rather than bemoaning it down to chaos and the underworld.

Malum gently flicked her forehead, gazing down at her with reproach in his red eyes.

"You are to rule this world, and I expect you to rule it well, not simply turn it into your personal sandbox," He ground out through gritted teeth, before softening those eyes, and laying a hand on her shoulder, directing her to follow his gaze out to the enlargening world before them, "It is not simply a privilege to rule, it is a duty, so tell me, what do you know of Adarlon."

He had never truly regretted taking her own, for all her eccentricities, her potential was impossible to ignore.

It was simply a question of if her eccentricity would one day overpower that potential.

Darth Dekaltis Darth Dekaltis

She stared and stared, almost being like a statue for a moment, before she looked to Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr with an almost robotic monotone as her mind read off what the holonet could tell her about the planet.

"Adarlon was a rugged, mountainous world originally colonized by a group of Republic altruists—many from Alderaan—for its beauty rather than its resources. They were particularly well-funded, and their society grew into one focused on entertainment rather than survival. It soon became the sector's entertainment capital and one of the galaxy's most prominent centers for tourism and the entertainment industry.

It was on Adarlon that the holographic medium was developed as an entertainment staple. Music from the planet was also highly sophisticated, and it was home to one of the most famous opera companies in the galaxy, and famous opera singer Neile Janna. Its primary industry was centered around tourism, and its warm climate was well-suited to the various resorts and parks which operated there."

And then suddenly, she snapped back to a gitty smile, "Right Malma?"


He truly did not know what to say. It was all technically accurate, so on that point, he could not reprimand, but such was the consequences of having an apprentice that was as much droid as she was human. At the very least she could have sourced the obvious plagiarism that she had just committed.


That would have made her almost... acceptable in conduct.

He let out a long sigh.

Unable to be annoyed for too long at how... giddy her smile was, how excitable she was, she was almost doglike in that way, doing anything, and expecting a reward.

And such was his weakness, for he almost considered doing so, those eyes had no right to exact such emotion out of him.

Especially, when Malum knew very well what Darth Dekaltis Darth Dekaltis truly was.

Or at the very least what she was capable of.

"Do not call me Malma," He spoke with parsed lips, with perhaps a ghost of a smile upon his features, "Your research... is far from adequate, but it shall do I suppose, next time I expect you to actually do the research however... and not simply read out the first result that you found on the holonet," Malum stated, a mock growl sounding out of the back of his throat.

"So something you cannot simply pull from the holonet... how do you intend for us to secure this world for you?"
Another gentle flick across her forehead, as he glowered down at her, a long withering glare at not only her naivete, or perhaps it had grown so far to simply be called ignorance.

And she still called him that... it was not a wretched nickname.

But it was far from a proper nickname.

Not that he was meant to have a nickname at all.

"It is ruled by the Sith, but there are many a Sith, and the one that rules that world, Darth Melicus, will be far from content to simply stand aside as you steal their powerbase," Of course, there were several ways to remove her from the world.

But if Malum simply did so.

It would be far from an educational experience.

"You are intelligent, beyond... all this... come up with a stratagem, and I will aid you in executing it. This is to be your world after all, you must be the one to seize it." Truly, he was curious to see what she would come up with. She was fast proving to be... rather creative in ways that were outside of the box.

He certainly hoped for something beyond wanton violence.

Despite much of that being her nature, he had too taught her better than that.

Darth Dekaltis Darth Dekaltis

Dekaltis thought. She slumped down, sitting pretzel style as she considered it.

She would first need to lure this Melicus out.

"....first you lead them out. Perhaps under the guise of a meeting. Sith meet all the time for silly reasons."

Then you'd need to put them under a false sense of security.

"...maybe a meeting about what's happening in the GA? The So Called Dark Empire are making moves, the sith should be on top of that."

Then you strike.

"...then we stab them!" She said with a bit of eager glee. "And declare myself ruler!"

Tag: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

It was not the worst plan he had heard.

At the same time, it was not a plan of brilliance that would have otherwise blown him away.

"Perhaps you might want to consider a purpose for a meeting that would not be considered as you put it... silly," Malum retorted, gazing down upon her, how she so easily placed herself upon the floor of all places he had no idea.

He was no stranger to matters that would cause those with weaker stomachs disgust.

But doing so when it was so unnecessary?

He simply placed it alongside another one of the many things he did not understand about the woman.

"Bringing up the Galactic Alliance and Dark Empire to entice her would not be the worst of excuses, however," Malum mused, stroking the stuble at his chin, as he considered the idea, he had no idea if Darth Melicus was interested in such a thing, Adarlon was far from the frontline after all.

And Adarlon, despite being ruled by a Sith, certainly did profit more at peace.

He parsed his lips at the end of her words, "Simply killing her does not guarantee you control, no doubt she has subordinates that will see themselves as more legitimate than her killer... it would have to be something far more complex than that..." He trailed off, wondering if she would come to the conclusion he reached.

Yet, knowing some prodding may indeed be necessary.

"Perhaps you might consider a... less violent solution?" He was fast realising, this was far beyond simply an expedition to secure a world.

But too a lesson, on how to make her think.

To see how, she thought.

Darth Dekaltis Darth Dekaltis

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