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Approved Tech Holocron: Tavion Axmis

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Valessia Brentioch


Image Source: Tushka27
Intent: To create a unique piece of lore, derived from canon sources for the First Order's Knights of Ren.
Development Thread: Rise of the Imperials | First Order Dominion of Yalara & Effekt.

Manufacturer: Tavion Axmis
Model: N/A
Affiliation: [member="Darth Veles"]
Modularity: Yes, information can be added / made inaccessible, would require resubmission
Production: Unique
  • Alchemized Durasteel,
  • Black Synthetic Crystal,
  • Holocron Components
Classification: Holocron
Size: Handheld
Dimensions: 90 mm (W) x 148 mm (H)

  • [+] Detailed explanation of Marka Ragnos' tomb location.
  • [+] Detailed explanation and notes of the Cult of Ragnos, including mentions of the Cult's Disciples and New Reborns.
  • [+] A detailed telling of her master Desann and of the events leading up to her defeat on Cloud City by Kyle Katarn.
  • [+] A detailed history lesson about the Empire Reborn under Lord Hethrir and Admiral Galak Fyyar.
  • [+] Detailed lessons on the 'Shien' variant of 'Fast Style' lightsaber combat. [Acolyte, Knight]
  • [+] Detailed lessons on the following force abilities: Force Push [Knight], Force Grip [Acolyte] and Force Lightning [Acolyte]
  • [-] Limited Uses: It has exactly two uses.
  • [-] Cannot Recharge: It cannot be recharged or used again.
  • [-] Difficult to Discover: While Tavion Axmis's name bears weight, there is little known about her legacy, and therefore finding the holocron will prove to difficult to those who are not looking for it or are historians of the Dark Jedi.
  • [-] Useless to Masters: This holocron is not meant to teach those who are already considered Masters of the Force, but is rather meant to teach two worthy apprentices.

Description: Tavion Axmis, the Dark Jedi who attempted to raise the Sith Lord Marka Ragnos from his death, who is now buried with the dark lord in his tomb. Left behind a singular holocron, a holocron she never finished as she had been carried away by her ambition and passion. In spite of her demise, the Cult of Ragnos lived on. The Cult and its Disciples took it upon themselves to search for this holocron, most of her records had been fading or were already faded to history. A singular woman, a Nightsister or at least rumored to be such - Tavian Moxis made it her life's mission to learn as much as she could about prominent Darkside women.

It is said that sometime after the Gulag, it was she who collected data about Axmis. Vianta managed to track some of the old Cult's migration, altars, worship sites and small temples erected to honor both Ragna and Axmis. Strangely, she found most of these were congregated in Wild Space. Unfortunately, this is where the information about Axmis, the Cult of Ragnos or rather the Cult of Axmis as it eventually came to be known as ends. Any force user historian worthy of their salt may be able to pick up the trail of where Vianta left off. Vianta's own search died while she and her own excavation party met an untimely end on Yalara.

The holocron as aforementioned was never finished, and in fact had only just begun recording information when Axmis perished. It contains her knowledge and history of the Empire Reborn as she knew it, along with her defeat on Bespin at the hands of Kyle Katarn, her master Desann, and her knowledge of the 'fast-style' lightsaber combat, and her go-to force powers.

Primary Source:

This Item is Canon; Created Canon
[member="Valessia Brentioch"]
All canon items, including holocrons, require development. While I don't have a specific post count for you to reach, there needs to be one provided for this to be approved.

Valessia Brentioch said:
Affiliation: The First Order; Knights of Ren
Canon items must be claimed by a singular PC, factions and organizations may not claim ownership of canon items.

Valessia Brentioch

[member="Lily Kuhn"]

What if it's not claimed yet? It's meant so that the PCs go and search for it and then one of them finds it? In theory, I could attach Valessia to this just until one of them actually finds it? Would that be acceptable for now, and then later whenever one of them actually finds it, submit a modification?

Bloop: Archiving until Dominion is complete.
Valessia Brentioch said:
I could attach Valessia to this just until one of them actually finds it? Would that be acceptable for now, and then later whenever one of them actually finds it, submit a modification?
Yes, that is fine as long as a PC claims it.

You will still need a development thread for it to be approved, however.

Valessia Brentioch

[member="Lily Kuhn"]

Cool beans, asking for this thread to be archived until the dominion is complete, and I can link back the specific posts for it.

Valessia Brentioch

[member="Lily Kuhn"]

Thank you so much, and I have updated the submission to indicate [member="Darth Veles"] as the owner of the Holocron.
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