Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Holo message to popo

From within his office at the Wheel, [member="Popo"] recieved a message. Upon activating it the shimmering blue shape of a miniature hutt flashed to life.

In old huttese the rather young looking Sempra adressed Popo.

"Greetings majestic Popo, I trust this message reaches you in health and wealth." he declares with a formal hutt greeting.

"I am Sempra Besadii Dhakun, of Sriluur. I would like to extend an invitation to your highness to discuss the situation of our kind in this unforgiving and short sighted universe." Sempra made slow gestures as he spoke underlining his words with his hutt persona.

"These are times when few can attempt avoiding masters of lesser species but from what I gather you, great cousin, prefer it the other way around. As it should be."

"I am transfering coordinates to the White Palace and with them a plead to join me there to in old sacred grounds begin a conversation worthy of our kind and its future.

Sempra bowed his head as the transition ended.

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