Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hollow World

[member="Sky'ito Yumi"] [member="Ashelia"]

The rift, a dangerous place for most ships and the people who lived inside of it were sometimes even worse. There wasn't a lot of information about it or what they did inside aside from mining operations on chunks of rock that were crashing together like small moons or planets. THen there wqs the inner sections of the rift with the bubble of the lost. Noriko herself was laying there in the bed on her ship. She stretched out and smiled contently to herself as she rolled over and stretched herself out. Eyes going around when the chrono displayed they were nearly set to arrive at the rift itself. Her attention went to the dryness of her throat and she slipped out getting some of the blue milk with a contented smile before walking to get dressed.

"Hmm what to wear." She settled on simple, the bulk of their robes and armor were of similar material and designed to be super lightweight so she wouldn't have to do much. It was also nice to be able to have normal clothing as she slipped it on and slid on her boots. Hair slicked back with a little water for the moment. Sukai and Ashelia should be asleep still maybe... she wasn't certain but it was almost time so a small indication message from one of the biots on the ship that they were preparing to arrive at the rift. Noriko went to the observation area and stood there hands clasped behind her back as the crystasteel viewport opened to reveal the massive rift that covered a large section of the port even at this distance and at its heart a monolith.
Post 1
Location: Chiloon Rift, On board Saotome Freighter
[member="Noriko Ike"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

Ashelia came awake only a few minutes after Noriko did. The short-statured Elzeri emerged from the bed with a yawn before bending over to pick up her clothes which laid strewn about on the floor next to the bed. She didn’t bother to put them on to cover her present nudity. Instead, she tossed the dirty articles into a laundry hamper before walking into the refresher to shower, do her skincare routine, put on makeup, and fix her cotton candy hair into her typical style which was braided on one side while the other hung down to form a wavy mane.

“Morning, master! I’m going to shower and groom. I’ll see you on the bridge. ” Ashelia said to Noriko with a feminine wave, before walking into the refresher.

After a little more than half an hour, Ashelia emerged from the refresher clean, dolled up, and energetic. She had done her eye makeup in a pink-glitter cut crease and her lips were painted with glossy magenta lipstick. In addition, the Elzeri had used a particularly heavy hand on her blush, but the effect was still very subtle. In stark contrast to the effort she had put into her makeup, Ashelia decided to choose a pair of black figure-hugging leggings, a white crop top, and white high-top sneakers for her outfit. Of course, she had decided to wear her typical large hoop earrings and her belly button piercing as well, but other than that, her outfit was rather casual. She wanted to look cute, but she didn’t want to wear something that would make her feel stuffy or would make it more difficult for her to connect with the Force.

For breakfast, Ashelia decided on a plate of porg eggs and pancakes to eat within the observation room with Noriko and Sukai. She did not normally eat that much, but the hopeful Elzeri wanted to have plenty of energy for the coming trials.

“I’m ready, masters.” The tan-skinned Elzeri declared softly, before taking a deep breath as she took a seat within the observation room. “What’s our first step?”
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
It had been a while since her last major trip, then again the new additions to her family and Akari coming to stay/train at the temple was probably part of the reason, the young girl had quite desperately wanted to join Sukai on this new mission with Noriko. She could only hope Tana and Kiso took good care of her while away, those two would certainly have their hands full, maybe one of those nanny droids would be a good investment after all, not that she could focus on such matters, her attention needed to be put towards the coming mission... well when they got there that is.

The trip to the rift would have been an ideal chance to sleep and relax before getting down to business if she was someone else, for her, a Riben-Jin, she could not afford to be lax. The samurai had awoken early, going through a dew basic stretches, tending of her weapons and armor that she had brought along on the trip, testing the sharpness of her blade, using a wetting stone if need be, assembling her saber, making sure all the components were in good condition.

One short shower and a filling breakfast later Sukai made way for the bridge, donned in her Nanban Dou, light but quite protective, made from Sasori materials, Shishio strapped to her waste along with her saber staff. Sukai bowed to the other two women, head turning to face out of the observation window, the view of the rift ahead of them being quite the sight. "Good morning master Ike, Ashelia-san, ready and awaiting our next task, what ever it should be".

[member="Ashelia"] [member="Noriko Ike"]
[member="Ashelia"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

Noriko looked at her as she stopped for a moment and grabbed some of the food. she was famished when she had to stop and think about it. "Hmm food." A smile on her face as the observation platform itself. She took a few bites when Sukai arrived and she bowed her head. "Morning." A look on her face that was neutral but she offered a look towards the rift itself. The massive nebula of it that appeared she looked at as it swirled around outside and they were following the beacons to get in and get through. "We are navigating the entrance to the rift and one of the stations is in there to dock with. THey have been working to try and map the edge of the bubble where they can."

Noriko took another bite of food with a a look as she turned to see Ashelia. "In the rift though the researchers have worked on a few things for us. What we can do and what we might be able to learn. The bubble at the center might take a little more time to get to but the time dilation effect of it should be minimal since we are not going to be in there for a long time." She turned to look at Sukai and offered a look. "THank you for coming and so our next task is to make sure some of the equipment is ready. Once we get to the monoliths entry gate the equipment won't do much use but we'll need them to reach it and then we'll be surrounded by the force."
Post 2
Location: Chiloon Rift, On board Saotome Freighter
[member="Noriko Ike"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

“Good morning, Ms. Yumi.” Ashelia spoke in response to Sukai’s greeting.

Ashelia slowly ate her pancakes as Noriko briefly summarized their next steps before they could reach the monolith. The plan was a sensitive and dangerous one, but Ashelia had not come this far to quit. She was willing to go to the most extreme lengths to ensure that she developed a strong connection to the Force, at the risk of life, limb, and sanity. With her own extensive knowledge of some of the more arcane practices within the Jedi Order, Ashelia had thought through a course of action in her mind that she believed would all but guarantee granting her a connection to the Force.

“Will we still be in space when we enter the pocket dimension?” Ashelia asked. “If so, I’d like to program my EVA suit for...” The Elzeri paused. “A deprivation ritual. I think it’s the only way I’ll be able to establish a permanent connection with the Force.”
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
She flashed a small smile to Ashelia at the returned a greeting, though was a little surprised by the fact both women were still in the middle of breakfast, kind of an odd thing to do when they were so close to their target location. She stood in a ready state as the Jedi master briefed the two on the coming event, once again giving a short bow to Noriko as she thanked her for tagging along on this assignment, it wasn't everyday one could come to the rift. "Sounds like quite an ordeal but an adventurous one, I will prepare momentarily, never thought id be space walking in a place like this". It had been a while since she had worn a vac suit, the last time happened during an expedition to an old CIS ship, only for herself to almost be killed when a I giant space worm ambushed them, being stabbed by a 800 year old metal girder didn't feel very good.

It was a sound plan, though she was a bit intrigued when [member="Ashelia"] mentioned a deprivation ritual, seemed she had really studied up a lot on the Jedi, "that is actually a good idea, maybe not the safest but I can see the reason behind it, that would work would it not master Ike"?

[member="Noriko Ike"]
[member="Ashelia"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

She looked at the two of them while eating and listening. "Yep... but we aren't going to be in space. The facility there is good enough to roam around." She said it finishing up and they were coming through the passage into the rift. Noriko herself looked at Sukai with a grin on her face though when she stretched out her arms.She had her robes. "We will be docking with one of the stations inside." She pointed towards it as the swirling rift opened into space but the colors wrapped around, chunks of rock and metal floating around as it crashed against each other. The mining ships as far as could be seen and shields to direct and repel.

"They use pressors to keep it away from some of the lanes so ships can go around somewhat safely." The first station was there for them to dock to as Noriko had gotten changed into her clothing. Black boots with fish netted skylar leading up to her clothing. Her cloak over her shoulders as she could walk with it open concealing her saber staff. The different stations worked to better connect and create a network to have information within the rift. "We'll be able to update the maps we need to get to the center of the rift." Noriko was checking it out as she led the way and brought her chevron pad up to have the information.
Post 3
Location: Chiloon Rift, On board Saotome Freighter
[member="Noriko Ike"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

Ashelia finished her breakfast as Noriko clarified the objectives of their mission and as the ship through the passage into the rift. With a wide-eyed and heterochromatic gaze, Ashelia watched the various asteroids and chunks of rock collide against each other. Fortunately, the station seemed to be protected by shielding and gravity generators to redirect errant objects from the structure. Nevertheless, for a girl who had only been in space one time before, the sight of so many asteroids was enough to make her feel overcome with a mixture of awe and fear. It was in this preternatural breach in space that she would receive the ability to harness the cosmic-metaphysical power of the Force. Knowing this, Ashelia steeled her nerves and returned her attention back to her plate of pancakes. She didn’t want to disturb her emotions any more than she needed to. The diminutive Elzeri knew that the task that lied before her required the utmost patience and resolve, because if she failed, there would be no second chances.

When she finally finished her breakfast, Ashelia stood up and placed her plate in a nearby sink before returning to the observation room to follow Noriko and Sky’ito. It wouldn’t be long before they got inside the station.

“I’m ready to go into the station, Master Ike.” Ashelia spoke as she slung a small bag over her shoulder before turning to follow Noriko...
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
An inquisitive look hung on Sukai's face as she continued to listen to Noriko's explanation on what they were going to be doing, it was rather interesting to be at what some would consider the frontier, an area of space yet to be fully explored by sentient humans. "Certainly a lot to do in order for a safe trip, keep forgetting space is quite the deadly thing to be inside of, places like this just reinforce how little control we have over the stars, being more or less at their whim". Saying that now she could see some sort of crazy Sith order forming with the sole purpose of making the stars and nebula's dotting the galaxy submit to their will, it made for a small chuckle before Sukai turned her attention back to the Jedi master.

"Well, what are we waiting for? lead the way master, the sooner we get started the sooner we can have [member="Ashelia"] become force sensitive". Even if such an event was not happening to her personally, being able to witness someone obtain a power usually passed down via birth would be noteworthy.

[member="Noriko Ike"]
[member="Ashelia"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

Noriko looked at the two of them as they were eager enough and she was going in. The station when they docked opened to reveal a large hallway, lined with sensors and different echs. They were processing mining carts from the asteroids and parts o the rift. Biots were walking around, Sasori staff in their uniforms and Noriko stood there as her ID flashed with the chevron pad on herwrist. The AI connected and she got a look or to from some of the techs. "Welcome master Ike." There was a look between them and she walked seeing a few of the economic watchcircle.

Their white uniforms and datapads as they organized. "That is the watch circle... think of them like jedi bankers, they oversee the means the order stays funded from smaller operations as opposed to serving a government and getting to tied into the politics." Of course that wasn't always true... most seemed to just have credits random instead of basing it on what they could find. Noriko was going through and into the one center as it showed different mining interests, different teams who were uploading and downloading data. Then the central hub giving them a full view of the rift with the center distorted.

"It is looking better." The jedi turned around and raised an eyebrow, golden haired and tall with smooth features. His voice came out. "We might be forgotten by most of the galaxy and order but we do actually do some work around here master ike." A smirk played across his face though as he embraced her and lifted her up. Noriko spoke though looking at the display of the rift. "How close have you been able to get?" Where they were looking around though she gave a look and he spoke. "We have found the borders of the bubble around the rift, it expands and contracts but getting sensors inside of it is difficult."

She gave a nod of her head but the rift itself was massive and filled witha lot more as the monitoring stations showed debris and asteroids moving around in real time. Where mining platforms were set up to process and take them. Noriko could see some other parts of it and travel would be easier with this information. Plugging the data into the ship would work and only once they got into the bubble could it take awhile as time dilation wasn't exactly an exact science here. What could be hours for them might seem like minutes out here. "Thank you for this."
Post 4
Location: Crucible Class Station, Chiloon Rift,
[member="Noriko Ike"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

The diminutive Elzeri had a curious, yet intensely focused glint in her heterochromatic irises as she walked through the sprawling halls of the Crucible Class Station behind Noriko and Sukai. She listened silently to Noriko as she explained of the role of the Watch Circle in the Silver Jedi Order. The information was new to Ashelia, especially since she had neglected to study some of the more mundane aspects of the Jedi and the Sith in favor of studying the Force itself and the esoteric rituals specific to each order. After all, she had held no intentions of joining the Service Corps or the Church of the Force. Her goal was to become a full-fledged Jedi Knight, and in her mind, there was nothing that could stop her from achieving that end.

However, it was somewhat interesting to hear how the Order maintained healthy finances, but it wasn’t really something Ashelia wanted to study for long unless by pure necessity.

When Noriko finished speaking with a one of members of the Circle, Ashelia glanced at her datapad to view the calculated route that they would be taking through the Rift.

“So, in essence, we're going to plug this data into the ship and it’ll pilot us through the asteroids and into the Bubble itself?” Ashelia asked in order to clarify her understanding of the plan.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Walking into the hallway she wasn't really surprised that the place was run by sasori. Such a powerful company could probably buy out everything in the galaxy, could defeat the Sith empire by just refusing to sell them stuff after obtaining a monopoly on other companies. Sukai patiently stood behind the Jedi master, listing to her conversation, it just showed how much Sukai needed to learn about the order, so much stuff she was not aware of, the Silver Jedi was certainly more diverse then anyone could think. It was probably the reason they were able to thrive to easily even with all the set backs by the Sith, companies like sasori and the Jedi members more active roles in other areas besides military use.

The conversations soon came to an end, the two Jedi turning back to face [member="Ashelia"] as she queried the operation, "that is more or less it, the rift changes and one needs precise calculations to time their movements within the area". She doubted such a trip could be done by a mere person, one needed to have the fine tuning of a robot... maybe a cyborg to perform such a task.

[member="Noriko Ike"]
[member="Ashelia"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

Noriko looked at the pair of them. "You two make it sound like t is easy and simple, we are navigating a section of the galaxy maybe one hundred people have come back from." She said people for a reason, droids were for the most part expendable and the time dilation effect on them would ensure they wouldn't run out of supplies. Noriko was going through the station though towards a different hanger and the hallways opened up more. Revealing a different type of ship, sleek and pointy. Jutting points that were surrounding a crystal in the center. The lightside of the force radiating off of the meditation spheres.

"This is where we make, grow, create in a fashion the meditation ships we have developed. Each one is sentient and culivated from a crystal that has grown into the frame of a ship." Manipulating the growth and how they were trying to make it work was... important to say the least. The newer model biots that they were working on were also important as they. Others were in testing chambers as one of the youglings brought out the newer robes designed for jedi recruits. "We can do some interesting things here, the dilation effect does work wonders for developing and testing qicker... at least from most perspectives."

She said it to them while she looked up at the ship. "This though will get us in closer, now I believe this is Artemisia ." She looked at the ship to take them deeper in and it seemed to respond to the name opening up as the exterior shifted. Baptiste metal hull rippling and revealing the living crystal form for a moment before reforming. "That is me." The voice was disembodied but the ship moved to open and reveal itself to them. "I was asked to wait for a small team of jedi and guessing that is you." A projection appeared on the ships interior forming and taking the form of a jedi figure but the image changed and shifted.
Post 5
Location: Crucible Class Station, Chiloon Rift
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"] [member="Noriko Ike"]

“A sapient starship?!” Ashelia responded with a deep gasp, seemingly unable to believe the words that left Noriko’s lips as the Atrisian led the small group towards the area where the vessel was parked. The idea that there could exist such a thing as a living ship was nigh-unbelievable to the young Elzeri. After all, it had been less than two weeks since she had experienced her first time in space. The idea of a ship being alive was utterly inconceivable to her youthful imagination, and yet…

It existed.

Her heterochromatic eyes grew wide when Noriko spoke the name of the ship. The vessel’s beautiful hull rippled before her eyes as the ramp opened to reveal the luxurious interior. A hologram which seemed to depict a Jedi shimmered into existence as the Elzeri entered the ship. With a single manicured hand, Ashelia slowly placed her left arm within the hologram, but the digital construct disappeared just as she did so.

“Artemisia.” Ashelia repeated the name to herself as she looked around the ship before following Noriko so that the Atrisian woman could lead her. “I’m...Ashelia.” The Elzeri introduced herself to the ship nervously. She proceeded to execute a short bow in greeting as well. “I hope to gain sensitivity to the living Force and...become a Jedi Knight.” She took a deep breath. “Thank you, in advance, for taking me into the Rift...I really appreciate it.” Ashelia finished, before returning her attention back to Noriko and Sukai.

“Are we ready to set off?” She spoke in a soft, yet keen voice.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Only 100 people, that was a tiny amount of exploration, it just made her more excited to get started with this whole trip, but such was only the beginning of the wonders around them. The further mentions of biots sparked Sukai's interest. Biots were the fine line between man and machine, so real but yet so artificial, the only thing preventing them from becoming full on sentient was mainly due to the fact that at the end of the day they were still constructed and ran off programming.

It was still quite a shock though upon finding the ship and 'speaking with it', [member="Ashelia"] voicing her amazement more openly then the knight. She would have question how it felt to have people ride 'inside it', but such comments were left to the side, Sukai following the new students lead. "Hello Artemisia, I am Sukai'ito Yumi, Jedi Knight of the Silver Jedi order, I hope to have safe travels within your confides, quite a nice body you have if you don't mind me saying".

Certainly just as much care had gone into the over all shape and size of the craft, not just it's AI. "I'm ready when you are Master Ike, or are we waiting for some more equipment? In all honesty I have little to no knowledge of how to go about things here".

[member="Noriko Ike"]
[member="Ashelia"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

Noriko was looking at the two of them and the projection of the jedi as it greeted them. Closing the hatch and letting the metal seal it as it were. While sentient and somewhat more organic it wasn't like a vong ship. The mechanical and the biological were there together when she walked around and they started to head off. She sat in one off the seats as a table formed. The rippling metal appearing and forming like a fractal shape opening for a moment as a flower into crystal and metal seats and a table. Noriko sat down as the ship came back and was speaking to them. "You are curious."

The image looked at them sitting at the table and spoke. "You think I am closer to an Ai but I am different or was.. I was hurt and we were trying to study the force. When I passed one of the tsil crystals nearby caught myself and several of the others in it. We were trapped but destroying the crystal didn't release us we just sort of stayed there until we were given some control in ships like this." She shrugged and the projection was about her general appearance and Noriko remained there as the dome in the center opened up to reveal the rift itself. Swirling, multicolored and vaster.
Post 6
Location: Crucible Class Station, Chiloon Rift
[member="Noriko Ike"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

Ashelia took her own seat at the table as the holographic manifestation of the ship’s consciousness appeared before her eyes once again. Her manner was discreet and her voice quiet as Artemisia spoke of how her soul had become trapped within a Tsil crystal. Almost immediately, Ashelia felt heartbroken for the woman. She couldn’t imagine a scenario in which she would remain sane while being deprived of her physical body.

When the projection on the table opened to reveal the swirling inside of the Rift, Ashelia felt an overwhelming fear of death come over her. Suddenly, she became hyper-aware of the fact that she was willfully subjecting herself to danger for the sake of gaining mastery over the Force. She had been warned about the inherent danger of her mission many times before, but only know did it become something real to her. It led her to silently wonder at her own sanity in going through with the whole thing. Was this something that a normal person in her circumstances would do? Would they have developed such an unhealthy obsession with the Force that they studied every detail of it with the devotion of a monk? Would they have directly sought out the Silver Jedi Order or the Sith so that they could become sensitive to the will of the Force? Finally, would they have embarked on what could only be described as a suicide mission in pursuit of that goal?

Ashelia knew that the answer to all of those questions was a resounding no. However, she discovered a hidden well of strength and conviction amidst her contemplation. Normal people did not have it in them to pursue such lofty goals like she did. Most, if not all people quickly tossed aside their dreams of becoming a master of the Force when they discovered that they did not possess a natural sensitivity to it. Ashelia was cut from a different cloth, one that granted her a potent strength of will and the ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles in her path.

She wasn’t a normal girl, and from the depths of her fear, Ashelia found that she was prepared to embrace that, even if it meant her untimely death.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai took her own seat around the table, nodding to Noriko as she asked the two if they were interested in the ship. Such was quite the understatement if she had to give a reply, but for the moment kept silent, listening to the hologram talk. Though such was certainly a new experience a peoples mind being trapped in such sorts of crystal was not a new concept, she had heard about it and researched similar aspects before, it was kind of a way to become immortal if one thought about it. Not that she was in need of it yet, give or take a few thousand years before that type of power would become needed, still it was fascinating to say the least.

"I remember my mother talking about something like this, but the other way around, in the sense that a robot discover a crystal of some sort and integrated it into it's droid brain". "The thing became force sensitive and obtained a higher understanding a proper sentience, different but the concept if kind of the same". This trip would make a nice story to tell the rest of the family once all was done, well if all was done. This event would be a new experience but the dangers were still there, as mother often sated, 'no plan survives first contact'. Though today they would not face an actual enemy it still applied, while in the rift anything could happen, one wrong move and dead.

@Ashelia @Noriko Ike
[member="Ashelia"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

Noriko was looking at them and she had a small grin on her face while she moved around. Prepared for what they might face but she had set the course here. They were not facing any major threats or things where they would be attacked. She relaxed sitting there and the ship started to move faster and faster. The dilation effects weren't exactly something you could feel it just happened and was more powerful the further you got in until several hours had passed and Noriko has dosed off. Arm extended and her head tipped back She could feel it in he force though as the approached. The monoliths were massive, seamless, smooth, polished black.

Noriko perked up though as she was looking at them approaching it and the station was there, connected to a small section they had managed to find and connect to. "There we are." The ship they were in wasn't massive but the monolith was making it look like an ant against an avalanche. The rising tide of blackness that reflected the swirling rift and starlight. The ship went into a hanger but Noriko was moving from the table and had her stuff ready. The feeling in the force was invigorating and in many ways energetic. Like a tingle all along as the massive nexus of the monolith reached out.
Post 7
Location: Meditation Ship, Bubble of the Lost
Theme: Ghastly - We Might Fall ft. Matthew Koma
[member="Noriko Ike"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

Ashelia had decided to meditate throughout the duration of the journey, while Noriko slept. Though she could not feel the Force, she could feel the strange effect of time warping itself around her as the sentient vessel transitioned deeper within the Bubble of the Lost. It was a nigh-indescribable sensation, but her senses seemed to slow down and haze over for a brief period of time, until the vessel flew deeper into the Bubble. From that point, her perception of the universe stabilized once more, and she returned her focus on her meditation.

She made a cursory attempt to reach into the Force through meditation. Instead, she focused mainly on clearing her head of negative emotions and bringing herself into a deeper state of calm, without exerting herself in a futile attempt to draw the Force. When she finished her meditation, she wasn’t angry or dismal like she had been in the chamber at Silver Rest with Noriko and Sukai. Instead, she was calm and mentally sound.

“We’re here?” Ashelia asked redundantly as she emerged from the meditation chamber and walked towards the viewing window.

When Ashelia saw the massive monolith, she felt it for the first time in her short life.

The cosmic energies of the Force were in motion all around her. Almost immediately, Ashelia closed her eyes and let it flow into her like a reservoir emptying into a dry river bed. Her breathing was slow and calm as she immersed herself into the metaphysical energies which had been denied to her. She welcomed it, and yet more energy poured into her soul as a result.

With a deep intake of air, she turned to Noriko with an unreadable expression across her pulchritudinous features. She saw her datapad on the table in the middle of the room. She closed her eyes yet again. Then, for the first time, she channeled the living energies within herself to reach out and touch the device.

The datapad shifted.

Sweat began to well on her brow as Ashelia enveloped the datapad with cosmic energy in an effort to lift it completely off of the table. She unconsciously extended her left hand towards the device and through the medium of metaphysical energy between herself and the table, Ashelia called the datapad to her.

It came.

The device slowly floated across the room until it neatly landed in the palm of Ashelia’s hand. Then, the diminutive Elzeri took a final deep breath and opened her eyes. Her heterochromatic gaze expanded with pride when she realized what she had done. She looked up to Noriko and Sukai for approval as a smile came over her face.

“Master...I did it.” Ashelia spoke in disbelief at herself. “I did it, I-I used the Force.” Ashelia slowly closed and opened her eyes, as if to wake herself from a dream. “I used the Force!” She repeated with more excitement. “The Force came to me and it works!” The Elzeri added joyfully as she covered her mouth with her hand before tears of happiness began to well up in her eyes.

"I have the Force!"

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