Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Holde the Line

Planet: Ryloth

Regor and the G.L.C. soldiers were entrenched on the outside of a small villages, waves of Slavers, pirates and mercs threw themselves at the line, trying o get to the Twi'lec's inside the villages. The G.L.C. soldiers hade hold of the slavers forces al day, but this was there biggest assault yet. "Hold the line, these people are counting on us, we won't let them down"

@[member="Sasha Wade"]

Sasha Wade

Rogue force user

As she was walking around the village, she began to hear Blasterfire. And from the sound of it, it was close. She ran towards the sound, jumping over a large house, landing in the middle of the fire fight, pulling out her lightsaber, it's violet blade blazing to block Blaster bolts. She could tell that one of the fighters were Slavers and other underworlders. The otherside were some kind of soldiers. She jumped again, landing next to the G.L.C. Soldiers. She used her lightsabers to block any blaster bolts while she said to the G.L.C "hey, what's going on?"

@[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Regor fired at the slavers troops, not looking at Sasha well he replied talking loud an of to be heard over the blasterfire "these slaving basterds have been trying to get in the villages al day, we can't let them bread truw or these people are left to there mercy" @[member="Sasha Wade"]

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