Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hoist the Colors and set Sail! (Expeditionary Fleet/Open)

Location: Tortuga System
Objective: Land and Explore!
[member="Ark Tallen"] [member="Detorin"] [member="Mad Klay Grubber"] [member="Shane Zion"] [member="Tyranus Collik"] [member="Venris Helion"] [member="Larana Holst"] @Roth Tillian​

It had been a month since the Charter of Tatooine had been signed. In that time the Fleets Quartermaster Ark Tallen had been captured by unknown forces and released. At Kathlan station, the brave hero’s of the fleet had taken over her body and captured the pirate treasures within.
Among the dusty logs of parchment scrolls that was very well hidden was an ancient starmap. It detailed five planetary systems that were as of yet unknown to the galaxy. Vassara had snatched them up, keeping them close.
After much deliberation within herself she took the bait. Every man and blaster, every ship and every blade was called upon and given coordinates to Rendevous at.
Now in the black of Space just outside of Tortuga, the Expeditionary fleet gathered, preparing to plunge into a brave new world!

Aboard the Gypsy Caravan

Vassara twirled her phrik fighting knife end over end with her nimble fingers. A bottle of scotch was in her left hand and the knife weaved intricate patterns amongst the glow of holo panels in her right. This had been coming down the pipeline for many months now. After the Capture of Kathlan station, she had found the maps.

And the maps were odd. Who wrote on parchment? That was an ancient art, and it could only mean one thing.

Someone intended to keep this planet a secret.

And secrets normally held treasure.

Silas was amped as usual. As he sailed the Freighter through the stars his lips were adorned with a blazing cigarette and his veins were full of stim caf. Vassara leaned forwards, peering into the void.

"All crew this is Gypsy Caravan. We are prepped and ready to make the jump. Re check your coordinates and reply back. Let me know you're with me."
Areiana slayer or Areia to the crew popped her head out of the hatchway where she had been working on the hyperspace engine. Normally the red head was a smuggler but she wasn't above doing odd and end jobs when it paid good. she had left her own ship safely hidden away and joined the crew. She knew the ins and outs of ships almost as well as she was a pilots. She brushed some red hair from her face tucking it behind her ear, her face was smerred with dirt and grease. She crawled out of the engine putting the grate down. She wiped her greasy hands on a rag. She was dressed in black pants and brown tight dark brown corset top. Her red hair was pulled into a tight braid. She wore two blasters on her belt along side what looked like a some kind of horn.

She took out her com link calling the captain "Hyper drive is up and at your command captain" she tucked the com back on her belt and tucked the rag away. She kept the fact that she was force strong hidden from the crew. Her father had been a jedi who died when she was 18 after training her. She had finished her training but since her father made her promise she hide her powers from everyone. She looked around watching the crew scrabbling to ready the ship.


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Vassara Raxis"] ( Maybe during this Vassara finds out Tyranus is a mandalorion by doing something bad on accident )
Coordinates set...also I brought along some new Salvage droids so hopefully they should be of use.

The Star-destroyer looked in horrible shape. Armor plating was missing with wires visible and armor was in construction on the ship. The paint on the ship was scratched but the Name Hydra was repainted on the ship in light green. Tyranus took his mandalorion helmet off as he sad down in his quarters on his ship. He clicked a button and opened up a intercom.

Captain to ship...repeat captain to ship.......prepare for hyperspace jump.

Walking the length of the ship, Daniel looked around with a curious glare in his crimson eyes. He'd been with the Fleet for a grand total of a few days, and now he'd found himself on a glorified treasure hunt. Not that he could say he wasn't interested. The idea was a fun one, especially if it involved dangerous exploits. Finding the captain, he waited for her to finish for we announcement before speaking up. "Hey there captain." He leaned against the wall opposite her, crossing his arms across his chest lightly. "Ready for the hunt?"

[member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Areiana Slayer"] [member="Tyranus Collik"][member="Tyranus Collik"]


The Darkness feeds me
Tyranus stood up and took off his armor revealing a black tanktop. He set his armor on his bed and, he walked over to a chair and sat down in it and took some bandages off of his right arm and leg. He places them into a trashcan and then he wraps some fresh one's around his arm and leg. He Tyranus stood back up and placed the chair back along with the trashcan and he walked over to his bed and sat at the end of it. He has many visible tattoos visible now including, a mandalorion tattoo on his neck, a dragon tattoo across his left eye and a tattoo going down his right arm. He uses the force and brings some booze to him and he begins to drink it. Once finished, he threw it towards a open trashcan and it landed in completely. He stood back up and began to put his armor back on. Once his armor was on, he opened his quarters doors and he walked to the bridge of his ship.
* Areia stopped picking up her tools when she felt someone using the force fairly close. She looked around swollowing watching the crew. It couldnt be the crew she had been onboard for a whie now and no one used the forced so either their new here or came on temp. A crew members went by asking her if she was ok she nodded slightly going back to work but eeping her eyes on everyone. She couldnt afford to be found out now. She was still wanted by a few people for a while now.

Grim Blacklake

Honestly Shane was not up to hunts like these, he'd rather be practicing his blade formation. He started to whistle an old song while his canine followed, he stopped when he noticed the captain and a man he had not met. He sat back in the shadows quietly as did his dog, he laughed as he noticed the bottle in the captain's when...was she not drinking.

He crouched down and slowly stroked the black fur on the dog. He got up and walked near the captain and man..

"Hmm..." he hummed while he looked into space..."always loved space." He said to himself.

[member="Vassara Raxis"]

[member="Daniel Imura"][member="Tyranus Collik"]


The Darkness feeds me
Tyranus walked by the engineering room, he looked in for a moment and then he used his right hand and brought a crowbar to him. He held the crowbar in his hand and then continued up the stairs moving slowly. He kept his helmet under his left arm and he put the crowbar to his back. His cloak flowed in the slight draft of the air vents and his lightsaber was revealed a couple times but he didn't care. Tyranus ran his right hand through his sleek black hair, he then put his right hand back to his side and continued to walk up the flight of stairs.
* she looked up seeing him come onto the deck seeing the lightsaber on his belt. She looked up at him watching him carefully as she worked near him. She could feel him through the force and she struggled to mask her force power herself lucky something her father had taught her before he was killed. She brushed red hair out of her eyes. She could feel him moving closer to her her hand slide down to the horn on her belt as she worked.


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Areiana Slayer"]
Tyranus continued up the stairs, he felt something in the force and then turned to the right seeing the woman staring at him. He looked questionably back at the woman wondering why she was staring at him. He looked away again and drew his large combat knife and sat at the top of the stairs, waiting for both the ship to get to the planet and waiting to see if the woman followed him out of the engineering room. He took off his mandalorion helmet and put it by his arm. Tyranus began to sharpen his knife, a few sparks flew in different directions. He looked back up and then set his gaze back onto his knife.
* she looked away when he looked at her she was cutting a wire her hand slipped and she cut her hand pretty bad she cussed under her breath in a unknow lang. She stood going out of the engane room she saw him but paid him no mind now as she walked towards get get her hand fixed but as she walked he would see the saber on her belt. When she cut herself she let her guard down and with it she was no longer hiding herself in the force. She dispeared inside her hand wrapped in the rag.


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Areiana Slayer"]
Tyranus looked up and saw the same woman that was looking at her. He stood up and put the knife in his knife holster and walked over to her. He began to speak to her, calmly and collective keeping his voice at a normal pitch.

Hey, What is your name, what happened to your hand and, why were you staring at me? Also how did you get that lightsaber?

He kept his arms crossed as he looked at her and he handed her some bandages and medical supplies to help her with her hand. Tyranus crossed his arms again awaiting a answer from the strange female. He picked his helmet up and held it under his left arm. His eyes were like daggers, piercing her for any and all answers.
She felt him coming up to her she had to take several deep breaths through the force to calm herself. She looked up at him." my name is areiana but everyone calls me areia for short" she thanked him as he handed her things to tend to her hand. "I didnt mean to stare you..your just a new face is all..and i was cutting some wires and my hand slipped is all." she choose to not to answer the one about the lightsaber unless he pushed the issure. She hissed slightly as she wrapped her hand up. She was slipping and she know it lettingthe fact she was force strong leak through the barrior she had put up to hide herself.


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Areiana Slayer"]
Will....Ok I'm Tyranus captain of this ship along with my other Star-destroyer, The Drunken-Horse which is being repaired because of when we captured Kathlan Station. This ship is called the Hydra and as you can see......will it was the least damaged ship I had at a moment's notice........also you didn't answer my question why do you have a lightsaber...I'll tell you why I have mine.

Tyranus folded his arms again seeing if she would respond again. He gleamed at her with his golden eyes awaiting a response. He continued to stand. Tyranus blinked a few times getting something out of his eyes. A mandalorion tattoo was seen on his neck for a brief moment before disappearing back under his armor.
She swollowed again looking at him she had meet mandalorions before she she knew the tattoo. She finished her hand looking at him hiw. "I've never knew a mandalorion to have a saber....and by the force power i feel your either force strong or a Jedi. As for my was my fathers....He died a long time ago..." she didnt tell the whole story it was super long and no one wanted to hear her sob story beside she gave away to much info they might find out she's wanted and turn her in.

She watched him a moment as far as he would know she was force strong she hoped that he wont fugure out how how tmuch training she had. She watched him "I...I should get bac to work ...." she brushed some red hair from her eyes with her good hand


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Areiana Slayer"]
Will truth is.....I only figured out I was a mandalorion a few years ago and for most of my life I was a slave before I became a general of armies and I'm exploring the galaxy. Will.......The one that adopted me, General Exarnus who was part of my Slaver's race gave me this as a gift when I survived my first battle when fighting battles. Also...don't mention to the other that I'm a mandalorion........just don't.......ok

Tyranus stood their for a minute to see if she responds. He takes his combat knife out again and begins to sharpen it. He sharpened it careful, being careful not to cut himself and also so that he sharpens it precisely. He continues to look at the knife his grip tight but soft at the same time reducing sweat buildup on his palm.
* she nodded "i understand...and i'd ask...please dontsay anything about me being force strong to see...some of these guys would sell their own mothers for a price and theres...well theirs kind of a bounty on my head...." she figeed slightly leaning againt a wall. "its a long storyanyway." she smiled at him weakly. She didnt know really waht eles to say to him. she had spent so much time alone on her ship that she really didnt know how to tal to others. She watched him waiting to see what he would say in reply. biting her bottom lip.


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Areiana Slayer"]
Don't worry..........I won't......

Tyranus finished sharpening his knife and put it in the knife holster on his chest. He stood back up not knowing what else to talk about. He began to walk to the bridge. He turned around and then asked her a question. Keeping his voice calm but with a slight happier tone.

Want to come to the bridge with me? Don't won't get in any trouble since I own the ship......

Tyranus awaited a response to she if she wan't to go to bridge or if she didn't want to go to the bridge. He waited casually keeping his arms folded again but not as tightly as before.
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

Venris had chosen to take up a post aboard the Gypsy Caravan, mainly because he actually trusted the pilot and crew and also because he could actually be useful to some extent outside of his normal duties as a field operative. He was sitting in the cargo old at the moment, just checking off a list of necessary supplies before nodding and setting the data pad aside.

Venris tapped his comm link on his way to the bridge. "Well Vassara, I've checked everything twice. Anything else you need me to do or shall I just join you and Silas and get the best view of the fleet?"
[member="Ark Tallen"] [member="Detorin"] [member="Mad Klay Grubber"] [member="Shane Zion"] [member="Tyranus Collik"] [member="Venris Helion"] [member="Larana Holst"] [member="Roth Tillian "][member="Areiana Slayer"] [member="Daniel Imura"]​
Aboard the Gypsy Caravan: Shane, Daniel, Venris.
Aboard the Hydra: Tyranus, Areiana.

There seemed to be a flooding of her crewmates into the cabin and Vassara smiled, waving to nearby seats.

"Strap in kiddos! We're about to jump!"

It was seconds later that she felt the lurch of hyperspace in her gut. The ship seemed to shrink and then expand, suddenly morphing into real-space. Before them a beautiful blue ball dotted with thousands of islands appeared. It blue clouds swirled like milk on a sapphire background. Vassara felt a giddy rush of joy well up inside her.

"Looks like long range scanners are picking something up.... Hold on."

"I'm not holding on Silas, we're all rabid for a good adventure."

Silas let out a puff of smoke and winked rogueishly at the crew.

"Adventures been served space dogs. We got a large settlement, heading planetside!"

Vassara realized they had forgotten to check for defence or hostile forces. In he rush to put her boots on firm unexplored territory she did not much care. She leaned forwards, flipping the throttle switch by Silas chair to full.

"That should do us! Now crew, we have to stay sharp, who knows what we could find."

Vassara rose, slipping on her red and black spacers coat over her dirty white tanktop. She donned her bantha leather holster and slid her Czerka Shotgun neatly into it, securing it to her back. She had two pistols, a shotgun and a knife. Not the greatest weapons, but they had done a fair share of damage in the past.

What some of the crew did not know was that she had recently taken to studying the Jedi code and enhancing her connection to the force. Whatever happened down there, she would be sure to try and apply that code. But if it came to it, violence would rule the day!

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