RC 212

Location: Tortuga System
Objective: Land and Explore!
[member="Ark Tallen"] [member="Detorin"] [member="Mad Klay Grubber"] [member="Shane Zion"] [member="Tyranus Collik"] [member="Venris Helion"] [member="Larana Holst"] @Roth Tillian
It had been a month since the Charter of Tatooine had been signed. In that time the Fleets Quartermaster Ark Tallen had been captured by unknown forces and released. At Kathlan station, the brave hero’s of the fleet had taken over her body and captured the pirate treasures within.
Among the dusty logs of parchment scrolls that was very well hidden was an ancient starmap. It detailed five planetary systems that were as of yet unknown to the galaxy. Vassara had snatched them up, keeping them close.
After much deliberation within herself she took the bait. Every man and blaster, every ship and every blade was called upon and given coordinates to Rendevous at.
Now in the black of Space just outside of Tortuga, the Expeditionary fleet gathered, preparing to plunge into a brave new world!
Aboard the Gypsy Caravan
Vassara twirled her phrik fighting knife end over end with her nimble fingers. A bottle of scotch was in her left hand and the knife weaved intricate patterns amongst the glow of holo panels in her right. This had been coming down the pipeline for many months now. After the Capture of Kathlan station, she had found the maps.
And the maps were odd. Who wrote on parchment? That was an ancient art, and it could only mean one thing.
Someone intended to keep this planet a secret.
And secrets normally held treasure.
Silas was amped as usual. As he sailed the Freighter through the stars his lips were adorned with a blazing cigarette and his veins were full of stim caf. Vassara leaned forwards, peering into the void.
"All crew this is Gypsy Caravan. We are prepped and ready to make the jump. Re check your coordinates and reply back. Let me know you're with me."