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Hodari Turbo

NAME: Hodari Turbo
AGE: 21

SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1m04
WEIGHT: 47 kg
EYES: yellow
HAIR: none
SKIN: dark pink


- Easily distracted by possible thrills, promises, or pleasures (see vices)
- Man of many vices: speed, women, gambling, drinks, smoking, and greed
- not a fighter, able to handle a blaster or a knife just fine but not particularly adept at any form of personal combat
+ ace pilot of anything that flies, drives or walks, particularly light freighters and swoop bikes
+ quick wit

Hodari has his species' short, powerful build. Like all Dug, his primary mode of moving around on his 'hands' and using his 'feet' as hands. He has smooth, dark pink skin and yellow eyes. He has his species' fin-like ears, pronounced snot, and flabs of skin that looks like a sort of hairless 'moustache'. Usually, he wears a leather jacket and short pants that leave most of his legs and arms uncovered, as well as a piloting cap and goggles.

Hodari Turbo has an oddly charming personality at times, despite being a bit of a slimeball, particularly when talking to attractive women. He has a 'me first' approach to things, particularly when push comes to shove. He does not act like a thug, however, as he does not have the muscle or the combat capability to back that up. However, he is very good at piloting all kinds of craft and he is very much aware of that, priding himself in his abilities and showing them off at every opportunity. Additionally, Hodari is a fan of 'classic' Glimmik music, and often blasts Boles Roor's greatest hits on maximum volume.
Hodari was born to the famous Dug swoop racer Maskini. Despite talent for swoop racing and success at higher levels, Maskini lived under the thumb of his Gran masters on Malastare, in a highly stratified society. His father would often complain to Hodari, since nobody else would listen and he dared not file formal complaints. On occasion, Maskini would take his son along to the swoop races to watch from a special spot on the pits, and the young impressionable Hodari quickly grew infatuated with the idea of speed, excitements, and races.

In Hodari's early teens, he started to learn how to ride a swoop bike from his father. A few years later, he flew in his first swoop race with his father as a father-and-son team in a special event. Like his father, Hodari was introduced to the public under the moniker Hodari 'Turbo'. From there, Hodari flew a handful more events with his father and even entered into a few races solo.

Like his father, Hodari slowly made a name for himself in the Malastare swoop racing circuit. However, not long thereafter, his father died in a freak swoop accident. His engines malfunctioning, Maskini Turbo plowed into a spectator stand and killed over ten people in an explosion. Still indentured to the Gran, Hodari was given little time to mourn as he was set to working off the debt this created on the swoop tracks. Unbeknown to Hodari, Maskini's death was orchestrated by his Gran masters who wanted to keep the malleable Hodari for themselves, and an underground gambling ring that profited from wagers made with them on Maskini.

By the time he reached his late teens, Hodari had grown eager to escape his fate. He wanted to race on his own terms, after having seen his father's life destroyed with servitude. The young Dug managed to sneak off with his swoop bike. He made it to the Malastare main spaceport, where he hitched a ride with a cargo hauler to Corellia.

On Corellia, it was not long before Hodari was back in the Agrilat swoop racing circuit. Again, he quickly made a name for himself, until he was tracked down by the Gran. Using the money he scraped together over the months of his racing on Agrilat, Hodari had bought an old ship from a junker and built out his swoop bike and his new ship. He took to piloting the ship exceptionally well, as his upbringing had put jet fuel in his veins and engines in his heart. With the Gran threat looming once again, Hodari severed his ties with the Agrilat racing circuit and set out once again.

Finally considering himself a free man, Hodari Turbo took his ship and his swoop bike, and flew off by himself into the Galaxy at large.
Hodari's main weapon is an old DH-17 blaster pistol, taken out of rotation and dumped on the black market ages ago. It is a much used, outdated model, but Hodari is not a personal combatant and does not often have use for it.

Arguably, Hodari's main piece of equipment is his Aratech 74-Z speeder bike, dubbed Hodari's Groovy Fast Flying Machine. Once retrofitted to be used in swoop races, Hodari has undone many of the limitations placed on the vehicle and restored it to its former glory, as well as adding a few additions of his own. The speeder bike is equipped with a comlink and comlink-jammer; terrain-monitoring sensors; an afterburner that provides a temporary increase in thrust to reach higher speeds by injecting additional fuel into the jet pipe downstream of the turbine; and a powerful forward-mounted blaster cannon. In addition, Hodari's speeder is equiped with powerful boom boxes which he often uses to blast glimmik music at way too high a volume, particularly Boles Roore's greatest hits. The boom boxes are installed at the expense of maneuverability and, to a lesser degree, some speed.

Hodari's ship, the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, is a YT-2400 light freighter that he acquired from a junker, and then spruced up over the course of several months. The ship features rudimentary shielding, double-armored plating, two 1D Servo turret laser cannons (one dorsal and one ventral), two escape pods, a cargo bay more than large enough to store a swoop bike, and nearly endless modifying possibilities which Hodari intends to exploit given the chance. Along with his swoop bike, Hodari considers his ship his most prized possession.

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