Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hiring the professionals (Mrrew)

Ice had been going over some plans of his when he realized what he needed for the next phase was a very special type of animal. And unfortunately, he would need them in great supply. As he knew the numbers here needed were not possible through traditional mean, Ice had resolved to halt cloning production on a couple of his low demand species and switch over to these temporarily. That wasn't the problem. The problem was how to get the animal he needed in the first place. Pulling up his datapad, he decided to send a communique to his old contact in the Beast Hunter's Guild.

"Greetings my friend,

I hope this message finds you well. And I trust things are still going well with the hunters?

The reason of my calling though, is I am in need of a fairly large order of Ysalamir. Would this be something you think the BHG would be interested in? I'll be standing by for your answer.


He knew the man to be one of the best animal hunters in the galaxy, so he hoped [member="Mrrew"] would be up to the challenge.
Typically Mrrew's secretary droid handled orders but like with the last time [member="Ice"] had contacted the Guild, this one was redirected to Mrrew as a special case. And it turns out it was. A large amount of Yasamlir- hard to obtain, but possible. He was curious why, of course. The only real use for them was their force-blocking properties... But it was always easier not to ask with order slike this. It's better if you didn't know that Leviathon you sold was going to be used to run around a battlefield eating soldiers. Mrrew was quick to respond.

To: [member="Ice"]
From: Mrrew

That's certainly possible. I will need specificis, of course. Numbers. What do you have in mind?

To: [member="Mrrew"]
From: Ice

Thank you for the quick response my friend. I'll be needed a rather large amount I'm afraid. I was hoping to acquire about 77 of the little guys for experimentation on a number of projects in all actuality. It's why I need so many. I got a few projects currently under way. I trust this isn't too much to acquire for your skilled hunters?


With the message away, Ice really hoped his old friend could pull off the project. Because if he did, Ice was one step closer to accomplishing several goals.
(Never got the notification, sorry!)

To: [member="Ice"]
From: Mrrew

Seventy-seven? That's possible, though costly. Ten thousand a piece, minus bulk discounts which bring it down to a total of 693,000. Is this acceptable?

(No worries, it happens)

To: [member="Mrrew"]
From: Ice

That sounds reasonable to me. The funds will be sent immediately. Shall I transfer the credits to the same account as before?


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