Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey Listen (Draco+Armatech)

[member="Draco Vereen"]

The past weeks had been something else, Sheila couldn't believe it as her and Sheva were on the ship heading to meet the man the myth the legend... Well okay that was stretching it but this was a big guy from reports and he had an interest in hiring her to work for him. Obviously her exploits with kay and zreame were becoming famous and she would be sang about for an eternity by bards.... or become the target of strange stories she had seen on the holonet called slash fiction.

Either way as she was fluttering around the little As-Aki had her entire time to focus and find some projects to work on while learning the force from the Vitae and whoever else she was being sent out with. She had found interest from her master who was teaching her how to crush things with her mind but there was more enjoyment in the idea of messing with electronics and droids. She could get in closer then most and work on screwing with their systems as she arrived with her sister and they were fluttering around the office.

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