Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey Guys :D

Hey guys. This is the first time I have ever done this text RP. But before you cast me aside I have done ALOT of RP on Star wars the old republic.
Anyway I hope to meet a lot of new people, have lots of fun and hopefully join a lovely community

Welcome to Chaos
To your left you'll see cookies, these mean the dark side
To your right you will see other assorted sweets, these mean the light side.

How far into the sugar-induced coma are you willing to fall?
That is the question.
Lancem Cuiléin said:
Welcome to Chaos
To your left you'll see cookies, these mean the dark side
To your right you will see other assorted sweets, these mean the light side.

How far into the sugar-induced coma are you willing to fall?
That is the question.

Ibaris Varanin


Hey, welcome to the funhouse! I love seeing a new face. Maybe we'll RP in the same thread as each other, sometime. I mean, it's bound to happen, and I have more alts than I probably should, so anything is possible. :D

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