Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hex Tour (Thread one)

To have contact with a company or a man that has a land big enough for the type of event Andy was thinking about wasnt an easy job. Not by close. Hex job on the other hand, flying around with equipment and editing playlist, was easy.

The main DJ walked with his helmet on, after renting the terrain, things got hard. Finding local DJs, trying to buy or rent any equipment, awning, lights, hiring security.... He had the money or at least the capability to have a debt, but the stress of knowing that everything couldnt go well was exhausting. Of course every teenager or young adult would be happy of assisting to this kind of gathering, paying the entrance and buying drinks, food, shirts, and miscelaneous. Creating the best place to pass a great night wasnt easy. It was worst as every planet in the galaxy had a different culture and music taste. For that, he had Hex, and his knowledge about music.

After a long twelve hours of work, he threw his body on a purple sofa, legs hanging. The room in which he was, a simple reunion point for any DJ that needed some relax before or after a concert. For now he was tired and trying to regain energy for his presentation in three hours "Life is beautiful" thought with an arm covering his eyes. Just a moment everything being quiet and peaceful. Other musicians or local DJs were passing by, waiting for their turn or leaving after an hour or two in the stage. For now, that didnt mattered until the alarm on his helmet rang.

[member="Mason"] [member="Eli Koreve"]

(Introduce yourself to the area. I´ll have something after the two respond)
Nar Shadda was notorious for being a pit of depravity. Almost always having been under Hutt Control, everything the rest of the Galaxy seemed to despise and outlaw flourished within its smog-filled citylines. Red lights blinkered above doorways which smelled all too sickly sweet upon passing, fluorescent signs brought about an eternal sense of twilight, betting happened in the streets as well as in more classier casinos. Everywhere the young Jedi was forced to look, temptation made itself known.

Yet he stood tall with a resolve that had been tempered since youth. The Jedi Way was the only life he had ever known. The tenets, the Pillars, the codes... All were ingrained within his mind. He could not waver in his responsibility. Not now. Not when the Council had finally granted him a mission of his own.

This was to be a collaboration between Orders. Eli was here alongside another Padawan, [member='Mason'], a stranger to the Mirialan. But this day the pair would have to close the gap between them caused by fictitious borders, allies to the same cause. The pair were set to meet outside a large nightclub in the very heart of Shadda's promenade. It was a hub of activity, filled with all manner of people. He had no doubt that they could blend in.

From there? Well... From there their path would lead them to an underground slave ring, which used the Nightclub as cover for its shady transactions. The bartering of life made Eli uncomfortable, and he knew it would take all of his willpower to remain levelheaded throughout this mission.

Now, stood outside the Nightclub with [member='Mason']'s dossier firmly within his mind, he waited for the smooth-faced teen to make himself known. Whether he had done his research on Eli and knew what to look for remained to be seen.

[member="Andy Khor"]
Nar Shadaa, a home away from home. Mason had been to the crime filled planet on a couple of occasions. None of it was for illegal activity as most do, no it was for one of Mason's favourite things... Clubbing. He'll admit, ever since becoming a Jedi he had stayed away from the club scene. Yet now he found himself drawn towards it again, not for partying but for a mission. It was a collaboration between the two Orders apparently.

So they had to blend in, Mason smirked as he looked down at his current appearance. His blue jeans and tight fitting v-neck, along with his blue jacket was perfect. Or at least in his opinion. He chewed his bubblegum as he walk every so often he'd blow a bubble and let it pop. He stuck his hands into his jacket pocket as he arrived at the club.

Mason didn't know much about the Padawan he was meeting, only that he was a Mirialan and around Mason's age. The tall boy sighed as he looked around the crowded entrance to the club. Nearby he spotted the Padawan he was supposed to rendezvous with. He made his way over the the green skinned boy and cleared his throat.

"It's pretty crowded out here right?" Mason's attempt at Smalltalk.

[member="Eli Koreve"]
[member="Andy Khor"]
A guy was threw outside the nightclub window, flying towards a red speeder that was parked at the other side of the street, leaving a mark of Andy´s back marked. The DJ fell to the floor with his lightsaber turned off in his right hand, and glass all around him. With his free hand he took off the helmet, spitting blood. He tried to stand up, and his vision blurred with black dots "Fun night..."

-------------------------(Twenty minutes before)

An alarm went off the helmet. Andy sat on the sofa with a groin noice. When he wore the helmet, Hex communicate "Sir, some of the security guards found a drug dealer with some thugs..." at least they noticed the problem, but Andy knew that dealers would bribe the guards off. With only his lightsaber, he would deal the problem.

The Twi´lek was a teenager, scared, crying in the ground. Not because of the presence of Andy itself, but because the dealer was accompany by two thugs, that where now sleeping on the floor after a couple of punches "Now leave" " cant possibly know about my other friends scattered around" by that, the Twi´lek tried to flee away, but Andy threw a kick to the lower ribs. The idiot fell to the ground once again "Then tell me who is your boss. I accept alcohol, but drugs?" he wouldnt torture and didnt knew how to enter someones mind using the force, so he lighted his lightsaber, with the tip at a few centimeters of his head "Speak"

-------------------------(Two minutes before)

The nightclub wasnt that far. Andy got out of his red speeder, leaving it on the other side of the street, in front of the nightclub. He needed to speak with the one in charge of the drug business inside the music festival. He knew how that kind of job worked because of his years playing in different bars and festivals, but they didnt talk to Andy, the one in charge, in the first place (Although he would refuse the offer anyways). Andy entered through an alley and opened the door to the kitchen, passing as the cooks were busy enough to alarm someone. He got out, and entered a hall, one room was filled with a dancing crowd. The other was the entrance towards the second floor, and maybe to the person in charge. Two gamorrean with axe where keeping a watch at the door

-------------------------------------*In the second floor room, at the same time*

"We had some problems. The guys in the music festivals arent responding" two rodians, the leaders, where sitting on a table, playing poker with humans and a quarren at their side "Send someone. Armed. If they stole their package, kill...." the door exploded with splinters flying away, sending a gamorrean towards the table. Andy entered the room with his lightsaber on with the helmet scanning the entire room, looking at a belask "An angry belask...Hey could you get those dealers from my festival?"

-------------------------------------*In the present time*

The belask came out of the nightclub with a couple of vibroblades, the crowd was trying to find a way out, running away from the fight.

[member='Mason'] [member='Eli Koreve']
Eli checked the time.

Just a minute til they were due inside, and still no sign of the other Jedi. Perhaps he should adjust it to account for--

He turned on his heel toward the direction of a voice, and gave a very slight nod of his head toward the young-looking boy. Then again, most human youths looked younger than their Mirialan counterparts, he had found. They were likely of an age.

"It's the peak hour, they're switching DJ's inside."

Not a sentence he ever expected to utter, but still it could've been worse. Hey, fellow Jedi! Ready to go collar some slavers? Nope, he'd stick with what he'd said, at least none of the words seemed out of place.

"I'm Zene" he said, using the code name the Council had chosen for him, "Follow me--"

He didn't go two steps before a crash resounded overhead and a body literally fell from the skies onto a speeder down below. The crowd parted, though nobody stepped forward to help, and Eli could not help but recall the core tenets he sought to follow.

Render Aid is among the most revered. The slavers can wait, this man's life may not have such a luxury.

Turning from the club, he immediately ran toward the fallen man who was coughing up blood. Not a good sign. But neither was the sound of angry men at their back.

"Deal with them" he yelled over his shoulder at [member='Mason'], before leaning over the stranger. The poor fool tried to stand up, but Eli gently set him back on the ground.

"Stay down friend" he said, trying to calm the man. Thankfully they were on the other side of the speeder from the besalisk, so that provided them with some much needed cover. His eyes lowered, he reached out with the Force to sense, and using all the data he gathered in doing so he tried to gauge the extent of [member='Andy Khor']'s injuries.

"A doctor! I need a doctor!" he yelled into the crowd, not leaving Andy's side. Surprisingly, Eli remained extremely calm though there was an urgency to his tone. He turned his head a touch, checking how Mason was doing. If necessary he would have the lad fall back, no need for him to be needlessly harmed. This wasn't their fight, unless the besalisk made it so.

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