Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heroes or Villains

Sorvae Sunfell

J.A.C Headquarters
[ [member="Lord Daemos"] ]

The beginning of a successful career as a Sith was near - Jhoren could feel that. He had set up a meeting with a known Sith Knight, one going by the name of Daemos, to have a potential master-acolyte relationship set up. It was the time for the Sith Acolyte to finally get a master who's not his own father. Somehow, he felt a bit odd inside, just as if something was wrong. Something he couldn't tell.

He stood in the headquarters and had done so for about a quarter of an hour (due to showing up early, of course), but at least he had some time to think. What was he expecting, what was he wanting to study? Was that... Daemos really trustworthy?

Many thoughts raced through his head and he had no way of controlling them whatsoever. He only got to listen to them and begin to worry a lot more. He hadn't heard much about the man before, only that he was popular in many regions of the galaxy, so he didn't know what he could do.

What were his methods? Was he a cruel teacher or one who understood their students? The latter was, of course, a Jedi thing, but he had heard of masters like these. He had to wait to find out.

He wore a black robe, but it looked nothing like the one most force-users wore. It was more elegant, showing his heritage. Beneath it, there was a black shirt and a necklace he had gained from his father so many years ago. Then there were his black leather trousers in which his legs had room to breathe, and boots which were originally meant for conquering mountains and stomping in snow.

His tattoos were there to tell people he was not just a piece of cake. But the ironic part was - he was a piece of cake, actually, having no skills in any force powers and knowing only bare basics of lightsaber techniques.


Well-Known Member
Damien walked through the door behind his newest ally; his mind reached out like a feather, sifting through his thoughts with the lightest of touches. What he found was satisfactory: a will to learn alongside bettering himself, combined with a love for family, and it seemed his honor as well. He cocked his head to the side for a moment, contemplating what he should do.

Clad in a glistaweb dress suit, all black with a brilliantly white under shirt and matching black tie, he looked all the regal parts he needed. Under the facade though was evidence of his power, his will to do anything and everything to better his power. Many fought to bring peace, to defend - he fought to better himself. His power and strength would never reach a peak.

Stepping fully into the room, freed of the shadows embraced, Damien simply called, "Follow me.." then turned and returned where he had come from.

[member="Jhoren Drenall"]

Sorvae Sunfell

Follow him? To where? A bit suspicious, the Sith started walking towards the source of the voice, carefully yet confidently at the same time. He knew it was his potential master who had called him. Maybe it was the force that told him that or maybe it was just pure gut feeling, who knows. Every step he took towards the room, his thoughts started changing more rapidly. It was like a sprint.

"I'm here now," he said when he had reached the room. Or darkness or whatever it was.

His eyes didn't wander around. He kept them shut in one place, looking into the abyss and not concentrating on anything certain. It might have come off as a bit rude would he have acted otherwise. After all, his father had put much work into making the boy a gentleman, even though a Sith wouldn't be often treated like one.

[ [member="Lord Daemos"] ]​


Well-Known Member
Damien watched the young man approach, his eyes strong and determined as the boy stepped into the room. He would train this man, he would mold him to be the most dangerous being in the galaxy, second only to himself. Together they would travel far and wide, learning of everything they could. It would be a wonder that any could survive such power so close to each other!

"Welcome to my training room." Gesturing about himself at the multiple rows of droids, the REX Droids that were nearby as well, the dummies in the corner for training saber play. The walls were large and far in between each, the ceiling high with a peak that seemed almost domed. Cracking his neck, Damien stepped forward, "Do you own a saber? You will need it for this."

[member="Jhoren Drenall"]

Sorvae Sunfell

Jhoren nodded. He had a lightsaber, one of the only weapons he could use, one which he had learned to wield from a very young age. He wasn't skilled enough as he had gained no knowledge of any of the lightsaber forms or anything. That's a job his father had left to Jhoren's future master. He had told the boy a father shouldn't teach his own son in these things; that a son has to learn new things, seek different adventures.

He took the silver hilt from his belt, held it with two hands, and ignited it, the blade standing completely vertical and parallel to the Acolyte. "That's my saber. What do you want me to do with that?" he asked, his voice cold, yet showing respect for his master.

He noticed a few dummies and then shut his blade off. It looked like he would be needing a training saber instead.

[ [member="Lord Daemos"] ]​


Well-Known Member
"Just by looking at you wield it, I can see you have never had any true teachings in its uses. So I will begin by teaching you Juyo, then Trakata. Combining both with martial arts, has allowed me to fell many a soldier that was beyond my own advantages. The Form VII stance with one handed high guard, while the blade is held horizontally above the head, its point aloft to the side. The body must be half-twisted, with the off-hand swept across and down. This allows the best follow through, with each move being devastating therein.

"Trakata, combined in the usage, is a simple determination of deactivation of and then reactivation of ones saber, crossing guarded areas to bring the kill strike." Damien said, his quick instruction being detailed enough for the basics. The youth would learn to battle through his own skills, not Damien's protection. Drawing Kallig's Scorching Saber, he held the hilt at the ready, "There is only so much I can hold back, but still, come at me with everything you've got, with what I said."

[member="Jhoren Drenall"]

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