Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Here comes the last time(Delila)


It had been some time since a venture had been made to Onderon, to long for the Jedi Master to admit as he stood on a roof of a 20 story corporate building. He looked off over the edge as the moon shined rather brightly tonight, and the wind was easing his venture his cloak billowing around him just lightly. He looked to the side as he heard the sound of a man stirring right next to him, that was seated against the edge of the ledge.

"It's about time, I was wondering when you were going to wake up."

"Why am I here, what have you done to me?"

Kahne knelt down before the man staring at him with a humorless expression on his face. "You know why I am here, the location, give it to me."

The man seemed rather foolhardy in the face of present danger, but nonetheless was putting on a pretty stout show of bravery, one that Kahne was not putting up with, and to be quite honest, didn't have time for. "Tell me, I'd hate to ask you again."

"I'll die before I talk."

The Jedi Master let out a small sigh and then shook his head. "I was afraid you were going to say that." The Jedi Master reached down and picked up the man by the fronts of his jacket and held him over the ledge. "I'm going to ask you again...." Kahne started to say but, the Jedi was assuming the actual and legitimate fear of falling to his death was enough for him to have a change of heart. "They are at the edge of the city, several bunkers deep. Please don't kill me, I've got a family." He reached into his pocket for a small disk as he handed it to Kahne.

Kahne stared at him coldly his eyes piercing the mans own. "Perhaps next time you will think before you do." Kahne let the man drop over the ledge, hearing his long scream as he turned to walk away. The long scream stopped at the 10th floor as the Jedi before this had tied his leg off with a strap and he had assumed the man had felt rather foolish right about now. Several Republic soldiers moved up the the stairwell and through the door leading to the roof as Kahne passed them up. "Get him up before the strap loosens up." The Jedi said and then placed the disk inside his pocket.
"Where are you going, Master Jedi."

Kahne turned back to them as he opened the door. "For a drink." He smirked and then turned back around, moving down the stairs towards his next destination.

@[member="Delila Castillon"]
@[member="Kahne Porte"]

Sometimes her task as a Security Officer on the Young in Spirit seemed to take on more of a life of its own than merely security. Keeping up a ruse for the Captain was a job within itself. Most on board the large floating hotel-like ship regarded her as a bodyguard of sorts. Bodyguard seemed to span a large job description lately. However, the services exchanged let her stay aboard for free. Travelling around the Galaxy and seeing places she had only saw as a soldier or never before had its perks. More than any type of credit payment could offer.

Carrying a bag of goods she was dispatched to get, movement caught her eye. Yet this movement was from up high. A man mysteriously plummeted then stopped, suspended. Only a Force user could do such a thing. Well, a Force user and a malfunctioning jet pack, yet no jet pack was to be seen. Waiting a moment, Delila watched to see if anyone or anything was going to come out of the building.

To her surprise, the form of Kahne Porte crossed through the doors. Delila had met up just shortly before the Rebels disbanded.

"First Jedi flood a city. Then the bomb the Senate. Now they are holding men above the streets?" Delila obviously wasn't a fan of Force users."Doesn't seem very pious or light sided to me. In fact, seems the work of a self important douche."
Kahne smirked and chuckled lightly as the familiar face and form of Delila Castillon greeted him, not warmly, but he wasn't expecting a warm greeting either.

He was a Jedi after all...

"If I may inquire, Miss Castillon. Are you speaking of the Jedi?" Kahne said with a slightly amused expression on his face. In truth, Kahne had been away from the Jedi a bit briefly and wasn't aware of the flooding of the city or bombing of the senate. "Now, if i may correct you. Plural Jedi, may have flooded the city. Plural Jedi, may have bombed the senate. Singular Kahne however, did hold a man above the streets for information." Just as he finished saying that, Republic soldiers walked from the door escorting the man and obviously taking him into custody. "Guilty..." The Jedi said as he held up both of his hands for a moment, and then let them fall back to his side. "If you don't mind though, I have work to do,unless you wish to tag along" Kahne said with a small smile on his face as he turned back around and followed the Troopers out, just as a few more followed him.

Yet, Kahne stopped a moment and did a half turn back to Delila. "Oh! And in case you haven't noticed. I'm not your average Jedi." Kahne clicked his tongue lightly while winking at Delila before turning back around and heading out the door, setting out to finish the task at hand. And get that drink along the way.

@[member="Delila Castillon"]
@[member="Kahne Porte"]

As I was saying....

"You are a Jedi are you not? You may argue otherwise but your actions speak along the same vein as your brethren." No, Delila did not want to follow the Sith parading around in brown robes like some type of pet. Yet she wasn't done making her point either, hence why the redhead was keeping her stride matched with Kahne's. After all, she did not want her presence to interfere with the oh-so-important work of holding beings above the city streets.

"All Jedi say they aren't the average. Must be trying to make up for something." Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Delila pulled out the piece of flimsy with her instructions. There was still a few things to do before heading back to the Young in Spirit. Kahne wasn't the only one who thought his business as important. Time was of the essence in her own.

"If you excuse me Master Jedi, I've got some important business to attend to."
"And is he dead?" Kahne countered as easily as he possibly could, the tone in his voice remaining almost exactly the same as before. "Did he lose a leg,arm? Did I cut off his finger and tie it to a string and hang it around my neck as triumph for my prize?" Kahne said as she walked next to him. The Jedi wasn't entire sure what her deal was with force users and what she despised them, and it wasn't something he was going to get into now. However it did strike him curious though. "I was just simply stating the obvious here and now. You have no idea what I was doing what I did. Therefore its easy for you to judge. Nonetheless, as a Jedi, I get judged all the time. I do what's right in my eyes." Kahne however wasn't a for the greater good time of person. There was an extent to what he did. And there was always a plausible reason for his actions.

"I could however, use your help if you would?" Kahne said as it seemed like they were both about to part ways. "How about it?"

@[member="Delila Castillon"]

@[member="Kahne Porte"]

"Could still easily have a heart attack and die. After all, the fall doesnt kill you. The fear does."

Delila was going out on a limb with the heart attack thing, yet she had a point to be made. The Jedi however was still sticking to his own story. No worry for herself though, he was the one that had to live with the consequences. Maybe the Jedi were taught to meditate those away as well. She didn't know and honestly she didn't want to know. Shoving the flimsy with her instructions into her pocket, Delila looked to the Jedi once again.

"Sorry, can't help you out. I'm sure the Republic has an entire fleet of idiots waiting for your call."

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