Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello From the Other Side

Spark Finn

Encrypt Code: 1989//
[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Chevu Visz"]

It wasn't important how she knew, she just did. It wasn't surprising, either. She had become distant, involved more and more within techno-activities and research for the GA. Coren had become distant in the opposite direction.

Was he even with the GA anymore?

It didn't take the slicer long to find out about Chevu. She met her once and had nothing bad to say about Coren's student. She still had nothing bad to say about her. Coren and Chevu made their own choices. And it was time the slicer did the same.

beginencrypt: To: Coren Starchaser//

You and I both know this isn't working. I wish I found out from you sooner and not from rumors. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I wish you two the best. Thank you for coming to find me...before.




Coren Starchaser was… sort of in the Alliance still. But the man was looking for answers and a way to behave that made him feel like he was doing work. Spark was doing her thing on her side, but their areas of expertise were completely in opposite directions. Coren was a soldier, Spark was the cyber-hero the Alliance needed.

Sure, the man, the pilot, made mistakes in his personal life, hell, that was where the mistakes mattered the most. He focused so much on the task at hand that everything else fell to the way side. How close was he to the edge? Probably too close. And he expected that the distance was just what the answer was. Some sort of fade away.

He was wrong.

That was when the message came to him. He looked to his astromech. “Can we track the origin?” He could possibly find her ship. He frakked this one up, and he needed to talk to her.

He typed out a message that was very simply. “Where are you?”

Finding her before? There wasn’t a part of Coren Starchaser that would do any less now. If Spark found herself in the grips of the Sith? He’d turn the galaxy inside out and upside down to get to her. She needed someone more level headed and he just… wasn’t sure what he needed.

[member="Spark Finn"]

Spark Finn

Encrypt Code: 1989//
[member="Coren Starchaser"]

Bony shoulders hunched over as she looked at the screen. She was surprised at the quick response. Timing with Coren had been off for so many months, she fully expected her message to be sent while he was in the middle of leading an army of rabid ewoks. Probably with her. Chevu.

The slicer felt a burn in the back of her eyes. Pale-fingers adjusted the black-rimmed glasses on her face. Not even Sage Bane could make her cry. Funny that it was coming now.


At least Sage couldn't use her anymore to get to Coren. There was some satisfaction in that.

Coren would get the read receipt from Spark as she stared idly at the i-comm screen. His attempt to track her location would probably end up in pinged locations across the Kathol Rift. A circle that lead to nowhere.

She threw out that hoodie where he put the tracker that one time, right? Right. Of course, if the space whiz really wanted to find her, she imagined he could. And not just cause she was strapped into the Flying Nuna. Unless....


Don't. I can't see you now.

Endencrypt :\\


She was losing more than just him. She was losing a home on the Dawn Treader. She was losing a family. She was losing a friend. Even though he would never say it. She was. Maybe if she ran into Coren again, she could be cordial in the future. Yes, of course she could be cordial.

But for now? Now she needed a pint of salted caramel brownie ale and to hack the bleep out of a Sith Lord. #slicertherapy #breakuptherapy

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