Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Helen Louie

Helen Louie
Faction: -
Rank: Owner and Host of Cake Bake Radio's Station.
Species: Human
Age: 37
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 110
Eyes: Dark Chocolate
Hair: Black Brown
Skin: Light
Force Sensitive: Yes. No prior training/immediate knowledge of the Force.


Strengths and Weaknesses

+ Strong willed

+ Excellent baker

+ Good company owner/manager

- + Very negotiable

- Not very strong

- Poor eyesight



Helen sports a short hair style, blue rimmed glasses for eyesight, and the occasional piece of jewelry on a plain outfit. She stands at a proud fun size of 5'5", and often keeps a cheerful expression to her face.



Helen was a clever and very hard working girl. Raised on the farms of (planet), she learned about various fruits and sugars to create food to feed her family, and on occasions, feed those who needed feeding. She became very skilled with harvesting and planting at the bright age of four, and continued to work until she was seventeen years old. Across the way, many mysterious and almost unexplainable events occurred. She was later diagnosed with (sickness) to explain what went through her head.

At the age of seventeen, Helen found herself working at a bakery and sweet shop, located in the middle of town. There, she had plenty of free time, and began to make stories based off the events that happened around her. She promised she would one day make into a book, but soon, one datapad became many, and many more to come.

Age thirty seven and a large amount of credits to show for it, Helen decided to finally follow her dream and become a traveling book merchant. It was at this point in her life she bought her very first traveling ship, and there, had a magnificent little office with a radio, where she would on her free days not filled with writing and general business, tell stories and visit guest's planets so they could chat over snacks. Most of her stories are old writing's from her younger self.


Ship: Probably. WIP


Role-play List of MIGHTINESS
Order By Mail Ship Thread Mark I

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