Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heavy Rain

[member="Vina Zomo"]

Jaster was out of uniform, not even in a suit, more of civilian clothes as he walked through the halls of the Medical Space Station. He was rushing to his Head Healers officer, a larger officer then his, which he saw as unfair, but couldn't complain today, his teams found something amazing on the planet Had Abbandon. He had to speak with the Head Healer to allow his project to begin since he found a peice of the artifact.

He walked into the office to see Vina on her computer typing away on probably the next out patient stuff. He speed walked over to the healers desk and placed a data pad down.

"They said it was destroyed, and I found the center peice," Jaster was grinning, he spent almost all his personal money on funding the project and it now showed progress, "I found the center peice for the Muur Talismen, the ruby center and gold chips prove we are getting close to starting a research parameters started."

He pointed out where it was found, "on the planet Had Abbandon, in an abandoned Jedi hide out during the One Sith of 310 AY."

"I request permission to start a Research Division Company to further the research on the artifact?"

Vina Zomo

Best Karking Healer. Ever.
[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]

Vina looked up, startled, as Jaster rushed into her rooms. She raised her hands involuntarily before setting them back down, watching her Quartermaster in befuddlement. He was talking so fast that it was hard for her to understand what he was saying; all she could catch was something about Sith, Jedi, and a talisman. "I-- What? Hold on."

Turning back to her computer, the healer saved the most recent updates she was making to her personal remedy index before removing the reading glasses she had on. Looking at words on computers sometimes made her eyes hurt, and she'd found that wearing these glasses helped a bit. That done, she turned back to the man.

Hand over mouth in an inquisitive manner, the Devaronian studied the talisman that was before her. "You said it was the Muur Talisman?" she asked, a frown forming on her face. "I don't know, Jaster...I've heard bad things about this talisman." A faint shiver went down her spine, and Vina's frown increased. "It's supposedly the cause of the rakghoul plague, if my family's notes are to be believed." Her eyes looked up at Jaster's. "What do you hope to gain from researching this?"
[member="Vina Zomo"]

Jaster was aware of the sith spawn that are created from the talisman once it was completed, and to be honest that's what he wanted. He placed data on dead rakghoul white blood cell count and disease data in the spawns blood system found in a sewer system. It was amazing the results he found, he ran the test three times before coming to the final conclusion.

"I know Vina," the white blood count in the mutated monster was double normal bloodcount of original sentient being, "even though the subject was found in a sewers and was bled out into the sewage way, there was no bacterial or viral infection, this is the only Sith spawn I've seen with an immunity to any illnesses."

Jaster his privately funded project results on the table for the Head Healer to see. The projects name was Project Cleansing, its main goal was to collect artifacts and search for a clue into creating a pharmasutical Cure-All for illnesses, outside the use of Bacta. The second possibility of the project was to find a cure for the Rakghoul Plague as there is still not cure for the outbreaks. Jaster had financed a archeological dig to search for a clue or remanent of ancient rakghoul, what he found was even more surprising. The talisman was found inactive without the other peices of the artifact missing, so Jaster financed research on the artifact. Nothing conclusive was found about the test and no rakghoul were spawned after subjects touched the artifact. This was good news for Jaster, but the mystery of the cause of the infection was still outside his knowledge.

"I'm so close to a breakthrough, this could be the solution we been looking for." Jaster was very adamant about getting her to support him on this.

Vina Zomo

Best Karking Healer. Ever.
[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]

Vina couldn't help but raise both eyebrows in surprise. "No infection, you say? Even after all this time?" The Healer's Guild possessed a special cure-all remedy made from carsunum spice, but the cure was in a very short supply, and was only brought out in dire situations. The implications of this find was...astounding, to say the least.

Taking the datapad from Jaster, the Devaronian skimmed through the notes. The excitement in the air was proving to be contagious, and the woman was quickly shedding most of her worries. She trusted the other man completely, and knew that his heart was in the right place. It was evident that Jaster would use this to further the mission of the Guild, and bring even better medicine to the galaxy.

Even so...

"I'm impressed, Jaster. Extremely impressed. Your results are amazing, but what can you do with the talisman in its current state? It says here that the talisman, broken as it is, is inactive -- kaputz, as my father was fond of saying." She set the datapad down in her desk, tugging lightly at her two white locks of hair. Forehead wrinkled in slight apprehension, though, Vina added, "You know I have absolute faith in your ability to create a better -- and more plentiful -- cure than our carsunum spice, but... I'm worried, Jaster. Even medicine can be used for ill. What if someone steals your data and everything, and uses it to create supersoldiers -- or worse, a virus like the Gulag plague?" Vina shuddered again. Her family had made it their goal to regale her with stories of horrible viruses and diseases such as the Gulag plague; she still had nightmares about it, every now and then.

"Prove to me that this project, Project Cleansing, is airtight, and I will back you fully."
[member="Vina Zomo"]

Jaster wasn't confident in all the surroundings of the project, pretty much nothing was air tight yet. His project could possibly be a cure to most if not all Sith Spawn ailments. Other possible outcomes were super soldiers through genome projects. The only plan Jaster could come up with was what he was going to propose.

"If the project is to succeed in any way," Jaster placed a contract in front of his Guild Master, "I need to make a Cover Company and sign a Confidential Contract with the Healer Guild." The contract was very old fashion, Paper and pen old. "I don't want the Guild to be held responsible for the hard decisions I will be making."

Jaster also had questions on how the broken talisman was to assist in the situation. It wouldn't, but it was a clue as to what the power could create. Jaster goal was clear, but the path was less then visible, darkness loomed at every turn of events. Not only could Jaster find a cure for nearly all infections, the research could spawn one in a million different results. Some of which could turn a profit for his cover company and the guild, others, would spell disaster if it fell into the wrong hands.

"The talisman is now just a decoration ornament, researchers say only a Sith could recreate it," the backfire of asking such a request could be disastrous, "but there are much more artifacts out there that could still do so much, we will search for them and study their effects."

Jaster wanted to contribute to the guild, lately he was just a delivery boy, now he wished to make more.

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