Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hear the Cry of War Louder than Before [Mandalorian Crusade]

Rekali the Hutt

Location: Hallway- Capital Research
Allies: [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Maanis Vizsla"] [member="Marcus Lok"] [member="Dariak Talesa"]
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Ali Hadrix"] Alts
Objective: Plan Echo, Phase Two

The Gotal predictably slowed down the pace. Whether he was panicked or protesting or simply out of shape they couldn't get him to go any faster, and none of his vod were going to waste time carrying him. So they duck-taped him to Rekali's back.

"There is not a problem I can't fix with liberal application of grease, duck tape, or ratchet straps." Their combat engineer said, and sure enough the problem was solved. The gotal was a burden, but the Hutt moved faster than they would the Gotal would dragging his feet, so Rekali let it be. His other Vod took point, partly because of his slower pace from carrying the man, and partly because they didn't want to expose their precious prisoner to fire. While the Republic soldiers had a presence on their path to Capital Research, it wasn't a heavy one. Seemed most of them had been distracted by Vliaz's main force in the hanger. Thus most of the duty was cleanup. Capital Research itself was guarded by two sentries, but a smoke grenade and some shotgun pellets ended that one quickly.

<Open it.> The Hutt commanded as the other mandalorians cut him free. The Gotal was practically shivering with fear, and whether or not he knew Huttese he got the message. Hairy palm put a hand on the biometric scanner before a woosh was uttered by the sliding door. A small cluster of engineers could be seen in the corner. Rekali the Hutt threw the Gotal with them as two of his vod went into the doors. One began an datacron uplink to download all the of the data, while the other went to pat down and bind the hostages. No real roughness was needed to secure them or anything like that, but the Mandos didn't want any of them getting any notions of heroics by contacting more support or deleting the data.

Rekali the Hutt meanwhile held the door as his other vod secured the perimeter. Vilaz would get a message from Shiro once again, telling him that they had moved to stage two. The data would be Rekali the Hutts, he would assure it.
Location: Hangar
Allies: [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Arla Balor"], [member="Maanis Vizsla"], [member="Marcus Lok"], [member="Rekali the Hutt"], and [member="Dariak Talesa"]
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"]
Objective: Bring it down
Gear: Check second post

When Bree replied back to him, he obviously noticed the joke at first. He was surprised that she had the courage to call her an old man and needing a nap. No one had ever tried to joke around with him in times of an assault like this or in any other scenario because of fear of receiving backlash from the Munin; however, he would not give any backlash to the battle medic. Oh, no, he admired her for that and maybe something else. In a private, encrypted comm with the blonde the Cuir Relr said to her, "Think you can enhance this old man," the Warrior quipped back to the Tor before getting serious,"We're gonna split up into two teams. I'll be leading one and you'll be leading the other, and we'll be taking two different routes to the reactor." A hologram which was the map of the shipyard appeared from the palm of his hand. Vilaz would then explain to the Tor with his mouth and fingers which route she would take. "Just don't get into that much trouble. These old man bones can't run long distances to save ya," the Cuir Rekr said to her, keeping the joke alive between the two.

"Maanis, once you're done, you're coming with me. Arla, you'll be with Bree," the Alor began to give orders to his unit, assigning Warriors to his and Bree's team in the encrypted comm channel that they shared. By this time, Maanis should have secured the perimeter and everyone should have reloaded their weaponry as the Munin and Tor were talking and quipping.

"Try not to worry this old man," Vilaz said to Briika in the private, encrypted channel that they shared with each other. With that, he parted from the blonde battle medic and made his way to one of corridors that he and his team would take which would lead them to Republic hostiles and the reactor of the shipyard.

Briika Munin

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (retired)
Location: Hangar
Allies: [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Maanis Vizsla"], [member="Dariak Talesa"], [member="Rekali the Hutt"], [member="Arla Balor"], [member="Marcus Lok"]
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"]
Objective: Going reactor with Team Blondie and Red
Gear: In bio

[ Well there are those little blue pills for aging men… if ya need em, though somehow I doubt you would. ] Bree quipped back over their private comms, then returned to the business at hand.

So the banter between them was not real appropriate, but… It did take the edge off of letting the dire seriousness of the situation completely take over and cripple one. Well at least for her. Anyways, Briika was competently able to multitask being a woman, mother, and more so a battle medic. She listened to the plan Vilaz had for two teams to hit the reactor core; one lead by him, and the other by her. A wide grin grew on her face. How did the Wolf know the baur'ur loved to shoot and blow things up just as much as fixing boo boos?

Briika nodded an affirmative, [ Elek... That I can do. ] then she motioned for the red-haired Alor of Clan Ordo to come with her. But before leaving their location in the hangar, the golden blonde couldn't resist a retort to their fearless leader privately once more. [ Oh I'm no damsel in distress I can assure you, but thanks just the same. Early bird gets the worm, old man. See you and Maanis there! ]

​And with that said, Team Blondie and Red made for the exit, turning right at the corridor junction to make their way towards their prizel with stealth, precision, and grace of a Mando'ad.

[ Arla… Let's show the boys how it's done right the first time, hmm? ]
Location: Corridors->Security Center
Allies: [member="Briika Tor"] / [member="Vilaz Munin"] / [member="Rekali the Hutt"] / [member="Dariak Talesa"] / [member="Maanis Vizsla"]
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"]
Objective: Kark up the computers.
Gear: In Bio

Marcus' heart rate increased as he and his contingent of warriors pressed on through the dim corridors of the station. They hadn't seen any security forces since their exit from the hangar and the quiet was eerie to say the least. He tucked his rifle tight between his arms as they rounded yet another corner, but instead of another passage of silence and suspense, the small fire team was suddenly engulfed in flashes of blaster fire. One man was wounded outright, and he had just enough sense to dive behind a crate to treat himself. Marcus soon found himself pressed against the wall behind a support strut that had been more than likely the reason he was not on the ground writhing in pain.

Of course they had been waiting! How could he have been so stupid!? The firefight was very much one sided at this point, and his team had little hope of pressing forward if they could not surpass the amount of firepower that was being laid upon them. They had to move, and fast. Signalling to the rest of his team, most of whom were either pinned down by blaster fire or returning a few shots, he drew one of the small grenades form his waste and tossed it towards the enemy barricade that had been set up in an effort to create a bottleneck. His men followed in suit, and three successive pop's could be heard from the hostile end of the corridor. They had been stun grenades, and they had done their job just long enough for Marcus and his team to pop out from behind cover and charge the position.

The first man he saw was a republic security agent who looked old enough to be his grandfather, and with a squeeze at the trigger of his rifle he dropped like a sack of rocks. Every time one enemy fell into his sights, Marcus squeezed off a small burst before continuing on to the next, and in no time it seemed like they had effectively quelled the resistance. Marcus sighed with relief as the last man fell with singe marks scored across his chest. Soon they were on the move again, though now assisting a wounded man. It would not be long before they saw the glowing door of the security room, and with it, endless possibilities to wreak havoc among the ranks of the Republic.

"Commander, we've broken through some runts, approaching the Security Hub now."
Objective 3
Allies: [member="Briika Tor"] --- other mando'ade left to do their missions
Enemies: Republic, [member="Ali Hadrix"]
Gear in Bio
Mission - blow the reactor

Arla would have yelled if she heard them, GET A ROOM but she couldn't hear them instead she wondered why Briika wasn't moving her shebs. Arla had led a few teams in her climb to rally master under the old leadership, so she recognized the importance of not losing any element of surprise, they had. So she was ready to poke Briika if she didn't move.

Briika finally started down the hall, good thing Arla would have poked her hard to get her moving, medic or not she could tend her own black and blues. There were troops everywhere some had pulled back to regroup giving them a clear path out.

Looking over Briika's shoulder to the hall ahead, so far she did not see life signs, but that would surly not last long anticipating movement she moved to the other side of the hall to increase their field of vision in case Republic troops met them so far she had seen workers running away, they would not give chase to them. They didn't kill anyone who didn't have weapons. There was no honor in that.

Ahead the hall crossed with another grood place for ambush, if there was one. Arla looked over at Briika, activating private links, "careful ahead"

Briika Munin

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (retired)
Location: Corridor; right side
Allies: [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Maanis Vizsla"], [member="Dariak Talesa"], [member="Rekali the Hutt"], [member="Marcus Lok"]
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"]
Objective: Making way to reactor with [member="Arla Balor"] (& I'm told some Munin warriors too. lol)
Gear: In bio

As the two female Mando'ade came up to another junction, Briika too heed of the redhead's message. I mean she was going to anyways, but it was always good to confirm they were thinking on the same page.

[ Always, ner vod, ] the blonde medic answered back to Arla over their private comm link. Briika had never had the privilege of raiding with the Alor of Clan Ordo, though had enjoyed working with the former clan chief's riduur, Rianna. Hopefully they could be friends as well.

Briika raised her closed fist just before the intersection of the corridors to stop their momentum. She reached into a pocket on her kute and pulled out a small, metal cylinder with a deployable mirror on the end. It was twisted outward and elongated so the blonde could see around the corners stealthily-like.

[ Clear to right. I count a dozen… no a baker's dozen of troopers left about ten meters down the corridor.] Bree said, then retracted the handy gadget that had been her first husband's found amongst his things before packing them up upon his death.

The battle medic hated to use one of these things, well actually Briika did like the adrenaline rush, but she none the less pulled a flash bang grenade from a pouch on her utility belt, then looked over to Arla and the others.

[ On three… I'll toss it down the way, then we cross after a tick, ] Bree nodded to the team, then counted down. [One, two…] Her gloved thumb switched the detonator on. [ Three! ] and with that said, she let the grenade fly and prepared for the blast from the cover of the wall next to her, then waited a moment and stepped out with a spray of blaster fire from her Kath Hound aimed down the corridor as she crossed just in case some troopers didn't get the message they meant business.

Rekali the Hutt

Location: Hallway- Capital Research
Allies: [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Marcus Lok"] [member="Maanis Vizsla"]
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"]
Objective: Get the hell outta dodge.

"Upload's complete." The combat engineer said, and disconnected his datacron from the machine.

<Let's light it up boys.> The Hutt commanded, and shots were poured into the computers, engineering flinching in the background. A few charges were set for good measure, then the engineers were told to get the feth out. And get out they did, with speed that the Gotal hadn't shown at all when following them over. Shiro commed Munin and told him that Plan Echo was complete, while Rekali the Hutt took the datacron for safe keeping. They Mandos would hurry back to their Orar'ulik while the other squads hit up the reactor. Everyone had a job after all, and while the Cuir Rekr's task was to ensure this shipyard stopped, his task was to steal something that would keep the Mandalorians going.

Little did he know what interesting technology was being developed before Rekali the Hutt so rudely interrupted them.
Location: Some corridor
Objective: Bring it down
Allies: [member=Briika Tor"], [Marcus Lok"], [member="Arla Balor"], [member="Rekali the Hutt"], [member="Maanis Vizsla"], [member="Dariak Talesa"]
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"]
Gear: Check second post (-1 flashbang)

The Cuir Rekr and his warriors trekked through the corridors of the shipyard as they were going on the most efficient route that would take them to the reactor room. Besides, he had to beat Bree and her unit at the reactor core and he wasn't planning on letting the blonde battle medic beat him to the gold.

Coming up on a junction in which they needed to take a turn, the Munin slowed down and checked around the corner to see what awaited him and his warriors. There was no need for stealth since their presence was already known to the defenders of the shipyard. He got a quick glance of what was around the corner and this is what he saw. One E-web turret and a squad of twelve hostiles with one of them manning the turret. Vilaz's head ducked back into the cover of the wall as blaster fire erupted from the opposition. He informed his unit of what he saw and devised a quick tactic on how to take care of the pest of Republic troops. A combination if flashbangs and thermal detonators were primed and ready to be thrown at the Republic troopers down the corridor.

The Cuir Rekr runner towards the opposite side of the four way crossroad and threw a flashbang at the defenders, then jumped into cover to avoid any hostile. This stunned and temporarily blinded which ceased some of fire from the Republic and caused others to blind fire. Two other Mandalorians did the same thing what Vilaz did, but threw a thermal detonators instead. This killed several Republic soldiers and wounded some. As the Republic were overwhelmed by this tactic, the Munin and his unit blitzed the remaining Republic soldiers which were then wasted mercilessly.

Not one single life that served a defended the Galactic Republic would be spared.

Their march continued after making sure that those they just fought weren't still alive.
Location: Path 1 to Shipyard Reactor

Mandalorian Team

Characters: [member=Vilaz Munin]; [member=Dariak Talesa]; [member=Maanis Vizsla]
Targets: Loronar Shipyard Reactor
Special Assets: [member=Vilaz Munin] (Leader, Loronar Shipyard Schematics)

Republic Team

Characters: [member=Ali Hadrix]; Security Officer Yri Bagdor; Loronar Security Forces (LSF); Abram; Gaunt; CSAF BOG Commandos
Targets: Mandalorian Forces Infiltrating Hangar Bay
Special Assets: [member=Ali Hadrix] (Leader, Security Access); Yri Bagdor (Leader, Security Access)

Ali ignored the Munin's retorts and gritted her teeth as another trio of explosions shook the walls and floor around her. The Mandalorian's initial breach through the hangar bay doors had resulted in several casualties on both sides. First, her security team's E-WEB had expelled a brutal stream of laser bolts through the smoke and haze of the corridor as Mandalorian soldiers attempted to bury their enemies in suppressive fire. The first rifle grenades had impacted haphazardly throughout the corridor, killing a pair of LSF officers. The E-WEB kept up its base of fire as Ali and her team replied with grenades of their own as the smoke from the breaching charge began to clear, until a Mandalorian marksman put a bolt between the eyes of the E-WEB's operator. A following rifle grenade had damaged the unit's power cell, and Ali was forced to call for a withdraw. Her BOG Commandos held down covering fire as the LSF teams backed down the corridor, securing positions in order to cover CSAF's own retreat.
As they dispersed throughout the deeper corridors, giving yield to the incoming Mandalorian soldiers, Abram triggered the detpacks they'd placed on the storage crates in the hall. The resulting explosions killed and injured pockets of advancing Mando'ade fighters and cast waves of obstructive debris throughout the corridor, giving Ali and her forces the time they needed to withdraw deeper into the shipyard.
During the retreat, Ali issued orders to take up positions at their fallback phase line. This put them roughly two hundred meters further into the station. By linking their communication's gear with the shipyard's sensory assets throughout the station, Ali was provided a fairly clear picture of the Mando'ade's movements. Their primary force disengaged for the time being and split into two groups; she kept an eye on their estimated positions while searching throughout the rest of the station's layout to determine where they might be headed. Text updates from other leaders such as CSAF's Flor Maki told Ali that two other teams were striking for Capital Research and the security control center for their region of the station and SAFCOM had X-Wing's in the area hunting down the Mando'ade's infiltration craft.

As Ali continued reviewing the station's assets and her BOG Commandos helped the LSF establish new fighting positions, the CSAF Commander realized she hadn't heard anything over the open comm channels from the Mandalorians in some time. They must have switched communications to secure frequencies, she thought to herself. Above her, the corridor's illumination panels flickered and went dark, then relit before dimming once more. Her buy'ce adjusted to the low-light conditions automatically. Ali frowned, then returned her attention to the scanner data that was providing somewhat accurate readings on the two team's movements. She soon deduced by their general heading what their objective was. The revelation sent a flash of alarm through her mind. Contacting the shipyard's engineering administrators, Ali warned them of the threat to the station's reactor core. It made more sense that the Mando'ade would seek to destroy the reactor rather than capture it; their force was far too small to maintain control of an immovable asset like that for long. Already CSAF's 1st Brigade was moving in from other areas of the station, sending scouting teams forward and establishing security strongholds at the most likely avenues of approach.
As her BOG Commandos were consolidating ammunition, Ali split them into several groups, with the majority assigned to herself. "We'll be retreating to the reactor sector, the rest of you will disseminate to the various LSF positions and provide leadership and tactical support. No fighting to the last soldier; go guerrilla on this. Defend and retreat, flank, then hit and fade. Wear them out, but make sure you keep yourselves between them and their escape routes. Keep leadership posted on any changes."
With that, the Commandos broke up to pursue their orders. Ali checked the readout on her weapon that noted the rounds remaining in her current magazine. 70. Plenty. Ali lowered her Verpine rifle and moved out with the rest of her team, glancing up for a moment with curiosity at the illumination panels that had never relit.

Location: Path 2 to Shipyard Reactor

Mandalorian Team

Characters: [member=Briika Tor]; [member=Arla Balor]
Targets: Loronar Shipyard Reactor
Special Assets: [member=Briika Tor] (Leader, Medical Expert)

Republic Team

Characters: Loronar Security Forces; Shipyard Engineering Crew; Umlar; Astor; CSAF BOG Commandos
Targets: [member=Briika Tor]
Special Assets: Shipyard Engineers (Engineering Experts)

As he jogged back to the primary defensive position at an intersecting set of corridors, Umlar looked over at Astor. The other commando was wrapping up firing sector assignments to the LSF personnel under their command. "Is Phase Line Able ready?" He asked. The overhead illumination panels suddenly flickered and died out. The two Commandos glanced upward in suspicion, and when nothing further followed, Astor nodded. Hadrix's warning concerning the reactor core had spurred them to take rather aggressive action against the Mandalorians. "We've got proximity det and ion charges dispersed in corridors One, Three, and Five, with shielded E-WEB emplacements and grenade turrets in corridors Two, Four, and Six. What about Phase Line Baker and Charlie; is everything settled?" Astor inquired in exchange.
The intersection was at the center of six different corridors, a sort of administrative hub location for civilians heading in and out of their prescribed work locations. Smaller passageways connected the six large corridors to one another, giving it a spiderwebbed appearance on the station's blueprints. The hub's branches led to the sector's reactor core, security and research centers, and transportation areas such as hangar and cargo bays. The corridors themselves were broad enough for heavy equipment and machines to be brought through them; in fact a massive thermal control capacitor had been left in corridor One the day before with the intent of replacing the current one in the reactor. The huge machine took up over half of the corridor's width, generating a solid choke point for any Mandalorian forces coming that way. The remaining corridors were similarly stocked with storage containers and equipment that turned reaches of the halls into small mazes.
When they had arrived, Astor found a squad of dead LSF officers strewn throughout the area, noting that a Mandalorian force had already made their way through the intersection. There had been no evidence of where they had gone from there, however, though Astor and Umlar both hoped they attempted to make their way back at some point.
"All six perimeters are secured at Phase Line Charlie," Umlar replied in reference to the furthest reaches of the linear corridors before they began splitting off once again. "Marksmen are scouting those reaches, and weapon emplacements have been augmented with barricades. Closer to the intersection, at Phase Line Baker, we have a layer of prox mines placed. The bulk of our forces are at Line Baker, equipped with E-WEB turrets, portable shields and barricades." Umlar ended his report and glanced around at their defenses in the intersection. The area was large enough to fit a small frigate, and dotted with administrative kiosks, transportation vehicles and other equipment and structures. Their defense was sturdy, though less mobile; the nature of the corridors prevented their forces from adequately reinforcing one another. Even the available passageways connecting them were as much a hinderance as they were a help; if a position fell and their soldiers in adjacent corridors could not reinforce in time, the passageways could be used by the Mandalorians for flanking maneuvers. It was an osik situation for both sides.
"Sir, we've got movement on scanners," an LSF officer remarked suddenly. "Corridor Two," he added. Umlar glanced at Astor with a knowing look that was hidden behind his buy'ce. "Looks like we wrapped things up just in time."

Corridor Two, Phase Line Charlie (Outermost reach of Republic defenses)

The Mandalorian element under the command of [member=Briika Tor] was located at a minor four-way intersection roughly twenty meters beyond the Republic fighting position, which was located around the corner to the right. Across from them was another moderately sized corridor that led to a series of local equipment storage bays which had hatch access to the shipyard's exterior. To their left, the large corridor continued onward into darkness, eventually reconnecting with the hallways the Mandalorians had used after leaving the hangar bay. Small connecting passages linked the Republic-held corridor with the intersecting one on both sides, providing flanking pathways for which ever side managed to discover them. One linked the Republic corridor with the Mandalorian one, the other connected the Republic corridor with the primary equipment storage bay.

The flashbang grenade bounced off of the wall to the left with a clear dink, then clattered to the floor near the feet of an LSF Officer who was turned away at the moment, conversing with a fellow officer. As they instinctively reacted to the disturbance, the grenade detonated, blinding and deafening them both with seared retinas and blown eardrums. The close proximity of the grenade burned their exposed skin and sent them reeling to the ground where they writhed in pain, wailing. Several other nearby security members were blinded and deafened as well, clutching the sides of their heads and falling to their knees.
At that moment, streams of weapons fire filled the corridor from around the corner, and the Republic forces there responded in kind. The partially shielded E-WEB cannon began to scream, loosing dozens of bolts each second into the open space beyond the fighting position. The only soldiers within range of the flashbang that were unaffected by it were the trio of CSAF BOG Commandos; their advanced helmet systems protected them well. Instantly lifting their Verpine weapons, the three soldiers began to send alternating streams of fire to suppress the source of the attack as they moved to covered positions.
Behind them, protected by the military barricades the group had erected, the remaining LSF Officers provided covering fire with their own blaster rifles, every now and again adding a grenade to the mix for good measure. At some point, the Mandalorians down the way would have to expose themselves or maneuver elsewhere, a factor the three CSAF Commandos were well aware of. They began backing away, protected by the cover fire of their LSF allies. They swiftly jumped the barricades and rushed to one of the small passageways that branched off of the corridor, moving fluidly into the entrance and sealing the door behind them before continuing onward. As the LSF Officers remaining at the fighting position attempted to hold off the Mandalorian assault element, the three BOG Commandos maneuvered smoothly through the passage to flank, coming quickly to the tunnel's exit. After a brief security halt, the foremost Commando leaned out and laid suppressing fire on the Mandalorian element from behind, covering his two partners as they bolted into the hallway and took cover. For the time being, the Mandalorians under [member=Briika Tor] were hemmed in.
Location: Corridors nearby the Cargo Bay

Mandalorian Team
Characters: [member=Rekali the Hutt]
Targets: Escape with Loronar Shipyard Data
Special Assets: [member=Rekali the Hutt] (Leader, Security Expertise), Loronar Shipyard Datacron, Combat Engineer

Republic Team
Characters: [member=Marcus Solstice]; Loronar Shipyard Security Forces; Flor Maki; Foltest; Wolcraft; CSAF BOG Commandos
Targets: [member=Rekali the Hutt], Resecure Shipyard Data
Special Assets: [member=Marcus Solstice] (Leader, Security Access)

Flor Maki, one of CSAF's greatest BOG Commanders, was tracking the system activity of Capital Research's databanks via a datatablet she had linked up to one of the system consoles. She watched as reams of code that signified a data upload to a local storage device streamed across her screen. The upload would take some minutes to complete, which bought Flor some time. Thankfully the shipyard's communications jamming prevented a wireless upload of the data the Mandalorians were stealing. They would have to physically transport the information out of jamming range before they were able to transmit.
Flor continued to watch the transfer whilst giving out orders to the Commandos under her charge. "Foltest, we need to resecure the storage device they're using to transport the data. There are several pathways back to their infiltration point from Capital Research, we need to secure them all. Put local teams at each choke point, I've already got the lift systems disabled. We'll move our Commandos to the exfil point itself, where the paths all meet up again."
As Foltest nodded and turned away to relay her orders, Flor contacted SAFCOM for a status on their air support. "We've got two squadrons of T-70's in the area, prepared to halt any vessels attempting to escape," SAFCOM remarked. "I'll update you continuously with the status of our operations."
With that, Flor noticed the data transfer stream ended abruptly; the Mandalorians had finished securing whatever information they'd been after. She frowned as her connexion to Capital Research was summarily terminated. "They must have destroyed the databanks," she remarked sourly as she disconnected her datatablet from the security console. "It's time to move," she barked, stowing the tablet and picking up her rifle. Flor and her team moved out with Loronar's Security staff taking point through the station. Already forces were placing themselves at intersections and choke points throughout the area, barring passage to the Mandalorians attempting to make off with Loronar's data. Weapon emplacements, shielding units and other defenses were swiftly established. The Mandalorian's initial attack had caught the shipyard's forces entirely off-guard and resulted in dozens of deaths. The utter lack of wounded casualty reports noted the disturbing efficiency and ferocity with which the Mando'ade were employing in their operation.
Location: Security Center

Mandalorian Team
Characters: [member=Marcus Lok]
Target: Loronar Shipyard Security Systems of that Sector
Special Assets: [member=Marcus Lok] (Security Expert/Slicer)

Republic Team
Characters: Loronar Shipyard Security Forces; Geft; Tresler; Funke; Aulx; CSAF BOG Commandos
Target: [member=Marcus Lok], Protect Shipyard Security Systems
Special Assets: None

Marcus's meeting had been cut short soon after Hadrix had left; fighting had erupted in one of the hangars located in the nearest sector of the shipyard. After ushering the accompanying government leaders to safety, he collected his retinue of Republic and CSAF security staff and linked up with a local LSF unit. His task was to establish an operations base in the sector's primary security center, which would allow him to coordinate Republic and CSAF fighting efforts throughout the area. The administrative hub was located nearby, making for a short trip.
Geft and Tresler, two of CSAF's elite Black Operations Group, took point, leading the retinue through the station. With the lift systems disabled, they had to move on foot, which brought them fairly close to a following Mandalorian element that had been identified by the station's sensory systems. The Republic Grand Admiral managed to avoid direct engagement, but surrounding LSF units were not so lucky. The raiding team led by [member=Marcus Lok] assaulted a series of minor positions on their warpath to the security center, moving almost parallel to Marcus' own path.
Fortunately, the Grand Admiral arrived ahead of the trailing Mandalorians, and his personal guard established a heavy defense of the security center well in advance of the assault element's approach. Taking command of the security engineers posted within the center, Marcus established communications with Republic and CSAF elements alike. Coordinating swiftly with SAFCOM, Marcus ordered the provision of T-70 patrols to the orbital space outside the station as well as planning the approach of local Republic military assets from the fleet colocated within the Loronar system. The latter was augmented by CSAF's 1st Brigade and movements were swiftly organized to secure the station's besieged Administrative Sector.
The security center was a large, cuboid chamber with two different levels, each with one wide-halled primary entrance. Two narrow minor side entrances connected each level of the security center to the rest of the station, and were linked to one another horizontally by passageways and vertically via utility ducts.
A single YVH-1 Droid was posted in the security hub to augment defense in a situation such as this, and a ceiling-mounted laser turrets guarded each of the six entrances. The security engineers were split between the two levels, each with similar control over the station's myriad systems. This included lighting, turbolifts, door and exterior hatch access, hangar and cargo bay shielding and airlock systems, and defensive asset controls.
The Republic established fighting positions at the primary entrances outside and within, offering two layers of security. A single E-WEB was set up outside both the top and bottom primary corridors, and smaller repeating cannons were provided to the other four minor entranceways. Military barricades were erected in a staggered pattern down the primary halls, funneling attacks through a narrow channel down the center of the corridor.

To the security engineers, Marcus gave the mission of hindering the Mandalorian advance any way they could manage, while simultaneously monitoring their movements as accurately as possible. Gaps in the sensory systems provided the Mandalorians unsupervised movement here and there throughout the station, though the Grand Admiral was able to glean their general intentions. The shipyard's reactor core was under threat, and by the time he had gotten operations up and running, Capital Research had been assaulted and its databanks raided, then destroyed. CSAF's Flor Maki was already on the latter situation, moving to secure the contents of the shipyard's data.
Throughout the sector, the shipyard's systems began shutting down or behaving erratically. The security engineers shut down all of the station's primary lighting, reactivating areas based on need for the maneuvering of LSF elements that were not equipped with low-light operations gear. Security lockouts hampered Mandalorian movement, though local security access by a skilled slicer could override these barriers.
All throughout, Marcus monitored the movement of the trailing Mandalorian element, which drew closer and closer to the security hub with every passing minute. The security engineers did what they could to hamper their advance, though Marcus was well aware it would come down to the fighting skills of the soldiers and Commandos under his charge to determine who would win out in the end.
Location: Loronar Orbital Space
Mandalorian Team
Characters: None
Target: None
Special Assets: 3 x Orar'uliik (Stealth Transports, Docked)
Republic Team
Characters: Captain Ekart Etani (T-70 X-Wing Pilot)
Target: Mandalorian Spacecraft
Special Assets: 2 x T-70 X-Wing Squadrons (Starfighters)
Upon receipt of orders from SAFCOM, Captain Etani kicked her starfighter onto its port wings and banked around back toward the Loronar Shipyard, cutting her patrol route short. CSAF ground staff had identified Mandalorian entry points into the station as well as an attempt to escape the shipyard with data crucial to Loronar's construction efforts. Her task was to identify the vehicles the Mandalorians had used to infiltrate the station with, and destroy them if possible. Initial scans yielded no results, and Etani was forced to bring her element closer to the station for a more focused scan. Their second pass proved no more fruitful, leading the Captain to assume that stealth craft had been utilized. Checking the station's outer structures against the coordinates of the initial conflict areas she'd been provided, Etani marked and identified the infiltration points the Mandalorians had made during in their approach. Once within visual range, the CSAF Captain managed to catch sight of one of these vehicles, identified as the Orar'uliik, a stealth troop transport deployed by the Clans in a recent engagement on Mimban between the Black Tie Syndicate and the newly established Republic presence there. "Interesting..." Etani muttered to herself before transmitting the information in an update packet to their command vessel, then looped back around and reconnected with her squadron. "Sigma, we've got a Mando stealth transport attached to the station in the hangar sector. I'm sure there are others, but this is the first one I've found. We're going to close in and destroy the vessel, hopefully without causing too much damage to the station itself. Keep your cannons linked and paired on reduced power. We want to break the transport away from the station before we attempt to destroy it, understood?"
A round of confirmations made it official, and Etani ordered their approach in pairs. Leading the advance, Etani and her wingmate swung toward the vessel from above and identified the transport after a moment of searching. Once the location was marked, the two X-Wing's loosed a handful of low powered paired shots that swiftly exploded in the distance as they struck...something. Etani wouldn't be sure until the debris cleared if they'd hit the transport or not.
Location: Heading towards the reactor sector
Allies: [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Rekali the Hutt"], [member="Arla Balor"], [member="Marcus Lok"], [member="Dariak Talesa"], [member="Maanis Vizsla"]
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"]
Objective: Bring it down
Gear: First post minus one flashbang

It was completely impossible to deploy so many E-web turrets in every strategic area on the shipyard in a quick matter of time after the Vanguard of Mandalore made their entrance. And besides, Vilaz and his unit weren't hanging around in hangar bay. No, they were far away from that area of the shipyard and marching towards the reactor core to shut down the main resource of the already inflated Republic Navy. This meant that Vilaz didn't sustain any casualties whatsoever. The only casualties so far in this raid belonged to the Republic and the security team that pertained to the shipyard.

"Almost there, lads," the Cuir Rekr said to his warriors, noticing on the holomap that they nearly close to the reactor core. Vilaz's HUD picked up many hostile tags which gave him early caution before trying anything reckless. Suddenly his broadband antenna picked up sound waves that belonged to explosives when they were primed and ready to be detonated at any time within their vicinity. The noises seemed to be coming from the storage crates. "Careful, there seems to be detonators charged up on those on crates," the Munin alerted to his fellow warriors of the hazards that were up ahead. The crates were then exploded as something or someone triggered it, and Vilaz still didn't receive any casualties from his unit. "Stupid Republicans," and his fellow Mandalorians chuckled and laughed at his comment in regards of the Republic's subjects. They then proceeded towards the area that contained the reactor core, and everyone was all lock and loaded to face the lesser force of Hadrix and her troopers.

The Orar'uliiks were safe and sound since they were still cloaked and weren't properly scanned. So the squadron of X-wings shot only at the shipyard, causing more damage which hurt the Republic's forces and helped the Mandalorians. This revealed the lack of intellect within the Republic. Venting citizens and now destroying their own resources? They were better...better at being dumber than a primitive Tusken Raider.

"Bree, how you're doing," the Akaan said to the Tor in that private, encrypted comm channel of theirs. Surely she was doing swell and not having any problems whatsoever.
Location: Just arriving space
Allies: [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Rekali the Hutt"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Marcus Lok"] [member="Dariak Talesa"] [member="Maanis Vizsla"]
Enemies [member="Ali Hadrix"] primarily
Objective: SPACE STUFF
Ship in system: Centurion-class battle cruiser Wyvern

Aedan Miles sat on the bridge of his ship as it exited hyperspace coming out on what looked to be a shipyard smirking Aedan prepared for pirating time when he noticed that this shipyard was marked to be raided. He quickly switched his personal comlink through various Mandalorian channels until he heard allies. Snarling quietly he quickly activated his comlink speaking into it quickly. "This is Miles I have entered system on a raid and if need I am willing to provide assistance. Assets in system include the Wyvern a Centurion-class I stole from the republic. We are launching fighters and preparing to engage republic forces if you need reinforcements on the interior just let me know." He nodded to his communications officer who sent an emergency broadcast to any nearby raiding parties indicating for them to be ready to swing in system and supply aide to Aedan and his forces. With that he stood and gestured calmly as fighters started to swarm out of his ship. Two squadrons of Devastator-class Heavy Fighters, two squadrons of Naast Mandalorian Missile boats, two squadrons of Cabur-class starfighters, one squadron of Kandosii bombers, and one squadron of HECR-class starfighters.
Location: Inside the space station​
Allies: None​
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"]​
A lone figure made his way through the tension-filled corridors of the space station. He encountered no resistance as he moved about, considering the fact he was invisible and his force presence was hidden. He had passed several Republic pickets as he roamed, all strategically placed at choke points throughout the corridors. At times the areas were so packed with hostiles that he actually had to crawl across the ceiling like a spider to continue moving forward.​
He had made it through the station's shields by cloaking his Phasma-Class Infiltrator. The assassin had then managed to gain access to the structure without raising an alarm, making his way vigilantly towards the control room ever since.​
But why was he there in the first place? He was no friend of the Mandalorians, nor was he there to defend the Republic. No, he was there because one of his Republic spies had reported that Lord Commander Ali Hadrix had stopped by the station. He had expected to have to infiltrate high levels of security to get to the elusive commander, only to find the Mandalorians were already there crashing down the gates.​
One of the guards standing in front of the control room doors would widen his eyes in surprise as a small blade pierced his heart from behind. The other guard would convulse as his mind was taken over by an outside force. He would walk over to the door like some kind of robot, swiping his security card to unlock it. He would enter the room, an invisible assassin following him close behind.​
Location: Corridor; right side
Allies: [member="Briika Tor"] | @mannis vizsla [member="Dariak Talesa"] [member="Rekali the Hutt"] [member="Marcus Lok"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"], Republic
Objective: Making way to reactor with Briika Tor
Gear: In bio

Arla peeked around there were a few there, but nothing that she and Briika couldn't handle. The flash bang were great lots of smoke and flash no harm, just distraction. Bree raised the pistol firing some shots in the direction of the troops, aiming high so not to kill them just give them the message.

They both crossed and ran continuing down the corridor to their objective. Arla visor scanned ahead, she put an arm out to motion to Briika there were two more up ahead. Arla going up against the wall inching along wished for once she could hear their conversation. They seemed to be looking at something on a datapad.

She looked over at Bree, shaking her head, like WTF, now they knew why things were they way they were in the Republic. Their guards were busy looking at other things rather than doing their jobs. Just as Arla was going to signal that they take them down. The Republic Comm went off and the two guards headed away from them. That was good, interesting to. some of this felt a little too easy, they were being called to reinforce the hangar.

Arla scanned, and pointed, "two more doors that way and we should have it"
Location: Corridors-->Security Center
Objective: Take Control of the Security Center
Allies: Mandalorian Raiders
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"], Republic Personnel

With each footfall, he could feel the element of surprise slipping from his grasp. That scuffle with the security detachment had been a waste of time, one that he would not perpetuate by being slow and clumsy. By now, they would know where he and his party were headed, hell, every camera on the approach was probably on them by now. They would have to double time it the entire way to the security center, or else they might even start... Marcus blinked as the lights suddenly went out and everything was draped in darkness. His breathing quickened for a quick second before he flipped his Low-Light Vision on and looked to his men who followed suit.

"Look alive, they know we're coming..."

He hardly had to say it for the men to know what was already transpiring. He cursed the technicians who probably laughed at he and his men from the safety of whatever chamber they were in. A bunch of mediocre keyboard jockeys with half an idea of what programming really meant. They would be the ones that had sought after this job as a quiet job. A job that gave money without asking much. It was a job that he had sought for a long time before realizing that it would have driven him insane. And now they were the only ones standing in the way of another job, and it would be their folly. Two more corners were rounded before He could see another glowing sign that seemed to indicate the security room. It wouldn't be long until they were right on top of the thing, that is of course if they could outrun the security proto-...


All of this and more was cursed upon the door that suddenly slammed shut in front of them. It was the work of those fething technicians and he knew it! At this point he hardly had any sort of care to maintain the illusion of stealth that he thought they might still have, instead, he ripped away the panel that controlled the door and set to work hot wiring it. There would be no use in attempting to hack into the interface of the mechanism, they had more than likely filled it with random bad code that would make the door jam up and nearly impossible to hack through. No, this would be far faster. And it was! A few well placed wires were able to short the door, which flew up in a rather un-uniform fashion... Might have broken it actually. It wouldn't matter at the end of all this though, the station would be dust before the Republic would even have time to react. Now all that was left to do was reach the security room and...

Oh... Sith spit...

The last sliver of hope that they might catch the security center off guard was dashed as the first E-WEB opened up on him and the rest of the Mandalorian team. All round them the heavy blaster bolts impacted upon the metal surfaces of the corridor with frightening results. Solid durasteel began to melt away after it had been hit more than a few times, and he doubted they would last much longer before their cover was chewed away as well! They would have to act fast, and he had just the solution in mind. Reaching to his belt he pulled a thermal detonator. Usually, he didn't much care for using them on pressurized stations. It could be dangerous, and fraught with possible repercussions that usually involved being vented into the atmosphere, but in pressurized suits, that was still of little concern. He clicked in the triggering mechanism and watched as the grenade began to count down with several glowing lights indicating charge power. He didn't want a return from his own grenade, and so this would be necessary, but one mistake and the Republic wouldn't have to worry about keeping them away anymore... When the light reached its final three indicators, he let it fly towards the E-WEB, ducking quickly behind a door frame for cover. The concussion was sudden and violent, shaking the metal beneath his feet horribly for a few seconds before everything settled. The firing had stopped, and it only took one look around the frame of the blast door to see the carnage that had been inflicted. It must have caught the gunnery crew completely by surprise... There was simply nothing left of one, and the other was covered in his own blood. One difficulty turned into another as Marcus now rushed on towards the door frame that was one of the primary entrances the to the Security Hub. The E-WEB and the small amount of troops that had been placed along with it had been devastated by the detonator, but now the time had come to do battle in the Security center itself, starting with the ceiling turrets which were quickly dispatched by three concentrated bursts of laser fire from the small group of raiders. The real issue now came with the sight of the droid. He wasn't familiar with the model, but it was damned tall, and he didn't like the sudden robotic shift it took towards their entry point. With a small moment of hesitation, looking to the technicians, commandos within, The clansmen began to let loose a deadly torrent of fire into the security center, both to suppress and to eliminate, and many shots soon found their marks within the technicians white vests. For him, the battle had just now begun.

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