Without moving from his spot, the red man brought up his robotic limb. [member="Amaethon"] had chosen to charge in blindly, and lessons come with failure. Bringing the whole limb down, he would go to simply brush the durasteel plated arm against the energy blade. This seemed almost suicidal to some, but underneath the durasteel coating there was a layer of Cortosis Ore. Ore that, when struck by a lightsaber, would turn the blade off, and deactivate it for a while.
Now, usually he wouldn't do this right at the start, but it was important for Darth Ferus to learn Amaethon's weaknesses, and what better way then to surprise him? Push him back would be a good answer. If the red blade of the apprentice touched his robotic limb and fizzled out, he would bring around his blue blade in a quick thrust to the boys open chest.
Otherwise, he would bring the blade around to knock the red blade away and slide his way back with a quick shuffle of his feet. If the arm missed, he would keep to the defensive.