Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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He rests his head on a pillow made of concrete

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
This was something new for Marek. He was doing a lot of training in life lately. Well, he meant to. He was still doing his business magnate deal, and working on digging deeper into the Starchaser holocron. What he needed to make a jump in that was to connect to his family. But that meant making his way to Fringe space. With his responsibility to the Abrion Corporate Alliance, and the Tion Hegemony, he had no time to take the trips out to the Fringe unless it was directly for business. For now? He'd work on himself.

Work on his control of telekinesis and what he could do with the alter environment skill he was learning.

However, today? Today he was back aboard the Wanderer, outside of Lianna, and was working with a few new toys. Well, toys was the best word he could use.

S.T.E.B. and Neuro-Saav had a few scientists on the Wanderer, more to assist Marek with working on ideas, and the few engineers from Haor Chall were here to make sure that any piece of equipment Marek was using matched his biometrics and ability. And he was doing his best to learn everything he could here, from everyone involved.

There were a few scientists here, and suprisingly none of the Topols. They were an advanced human line scientifically modified by the Imperialist militant Starchasers that lived in the Fringe. But they were always looking to expand beyond the military, regardless of what they were almost programmed for.

Okay. Test zero-zero-four, of the eye sea ee razorhawk maneuvering system. Keep the cameras on me, and start logging all the data.” He looked around the empty hangar, and made eye contact to interns.

“Roger that, Mr. Starchaser. Begin test when ready.”

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Unlike certain business men in other galaxies, Marek did sleep. He wasn't the inventor here, he could keep things working, sure, but building them? Nope. He was an idea creator and someone who made things, sold them and worked within a company. It was a good way to make money and make it so that he wasn't worried about the how. Just that it could be done.

Like this. He nodded to the interns and threw his arms out to the side, shaking them, getting the joints loose as he craned his neck side to side to crack the vertebrae. “We're going to go to 10 percent thrust, just to get us up and keep up. We were able to do that last time.”

What he needed was something of an AI to help him with the use of this. And that was something he needed to speak to [member="Jared Ovmar"] about. Probably even [member="Darth Janus"]. But until then, he would do it all manually.

And maybe that cybernetic arm he had could help. Taking off from the hangar deck, he got himself up to about six feet off the deck. He'd have to thank Silk for the room on this vessel.

Moving and stuttering his movements to keep himself afloat, he nodded. “See? Can do this. Alright, lets take step number two.” Marek grinned as one of the interns, that blonde number from... well, it didn't matter what world, put some music on.

The Wanderer never had a dull moment. Sure, other S.T.E.B. crafts could do what they wanted, but this was Marek's homebase, as well as a lab that helped his interests, it was going to have the best that Bright Star had to offer, obviously.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Step one was making sure he could orient and move, and well, he was able to move sure. But it was... scattered. Like someone stuttering was talking. Sure, he could do that, but... It wasn't what he needed to do, not to really shine. Test Four did have outside the Wanderer, the Razorhawk linked into the Dragonskin. That helped him at least control it a bit. But now?

He wasn't expecting to do too much Zero-G with it. Though, he was working with Neuro-Saav about an armor system that would let him. Well, it would let Darth Peregrus. Marek wasn't getting his hands that dirty.

To the casual observer. Only the ones in the Inner Circle, and Master Van-Derveld knew his Sith name.

That was when the robotic turrets came online. A grin crept across his features. “Randomize the attacks.” He spoke to the intern behind the computer. She tapped a few commands in while two of her peers started taking notes on their datapads.

Pellets started moving through the air and Marek was doing his best to dodge them. Of course he was getting hit more than he wasn't.

Right.” He muttered moving backwards and leaning on his hands, his feet against the wall of the hangar before he pushed off. This system, he was hoping, could link into his cybernetics, because that he could control.

Spinning, a few pellets went whizzing past him.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Reaching out with the Force was the next phase. He was able to respond, using the Force to react to the incoming attacks and move himself, but using Telekinesis while moving at greater than 15 km/hour? That was new for him. And though he was a Zeison Sha, he wasn't that good.

Seeing himself coming up to the wall, he put a hand up, and reached his right hand out to the turret, creating a wall of telekinetic energy to block the pellets as he kicked his legs forward, pushing himself backwards. Centering himself in the Force, he was watching the way he was moving, granted he didn't account for the falling he was doing, but he was keeping the wall up.

Right until he fell, tailbone first into the deck.

Son of a Selectivist.” He cussed and shook his head. Trying to get his feet under him wasn't the best idea. Especially with forgetting the system was on, he went right up and over, almost breaking face on the deck, but moving his hands to the ground, and hovering.

Shut the system off!” He shouted, being hit with pellets.

But sir, you wanted this to be real-world...” What was the blonde's name?

Right...” Smart mouth. Marek shook his head.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Reaching into the Force, Marek grinned as he looked up to the interns. He knew a few of them were Force sensitive, he preferred to have those types on his ships. Falling into the ebbs and flows of the Force, he was reaching to the ship around him. The turret, the room, the other people. Without an AI this was still going to give him tunnel vision, or really burn him out, quickly, but for now?

Moving his legs and his arms, he was muttering to the system, controlling it through a voice command to speed up, and he was roping himself around, spinning and moving turns, as he moved faster, the turret that was tracking him was programmed to move quicker as well, to fire faster.

And that was just what it was doing. And using the Force, Marek was responding, though, it was stretching him to a certain limit. Looking around, he reached out with the Force and grabbed a crate from the deck, moving it between him and the turret, keeping it there. Reaching for the lightsaber that wasn't there, yeah, he had to try another thing.

The purpose of this was to make sure that he knew how to work the Razorhawk system. And after a few tests, it was starting to feel like an extension of himself, even if he needed to wire it into his mind.

That was going to take some work.

Moving himself off a wall, he tucked and kicked to the other end of the hangar, avoiding all shots from the turret.

But good against remotes was one thing.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
He could feel that the interns were excited. And then there was the other presence entering the room. Right, time for the real tests to happen. Marek was just as pleased to turn the reigns over to the right people. He was a businessman and a Sith that didn't really like to get his hands dirty. He'd be there, known to a few, and had an armor under production for himself. But right now? He was going to work through intermediaries. That was just how it worked. He knew there were things he couldn't do.

But his bioengineered cousin could. And so could that little Baran Do number he hired and paid a retainer. They were the scientists and the explorers. All he needed was a hired gun. Sure, he had his gun and his lightsaber, but murder was such a messy business. Now if he could get the Fringe Starchasers to agree that he was the family patriarch now, he would have a damned star destroyer at his beck and call.

Landing the Razorhawk system, he turned it off and stepped out of the hangar.

“So, how did that look?”

It was... something.” What was her frakking name said. All Marek did was nod.

Using the Force with this system is a smart move. But... I've got someone coming in who's got a different set of Force skills.” In fact, he wasn't sure that Cole could even respond like he could. The Topol template was... well, comparing Riley and Cole was showing the range of mental damage it could do, but the latter was finding himself working with Rave. Yeah, Marek was a bit of an infochant, and he knew what was going on.

Nodding as the door opened, he grinned. “Must be our guest now.”

He had his Xi Char engineers wire a Razorhawk system into another Modulated Armor System, that was designed for the Silk employee. The next step was uploading the AI.

That was the fun step.

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