Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Have You Seen Us?

Planet: Susevfi (a.k.a. Suarbi 7/5)
Location: New Jensaarai Temple (Wilderness Ruins)

A pale-skinned man wearing red overalls walks the dilapidated halls of the temple. He walks towards the sound of tools coming from an adjoining room. As he reaches the doorway, a momentary rain of sparks pours out. He stops and speaks in an exasperated tone of voice, "Khoan, are you alive?". The drone of tools has ceased, but an second voice answers back, "Yeah, but just barely.". A lightly tanned man wearing orange overalls, the suspenders hanging around his waist so that his cream colored undershirt is exposed, staggers into the doorway. The man in red asks, "Whatever you broke just then, it is replaceable, is it not?". Khoan groans and replies, "You worry too much, Finis. But, yeah, it's replaceable.". He turns back around and walks to the wall on the far side of the room, picking up his tools and shining a light into an exposed panel before Finis takes his place in the door and asks, "Where is Barad? I have finished my inspection of the west wing, I need to report to him.". Finish answers over his shoulder "He's outside." and continues in a mocking tone, "Making the earth move.". But Finis only stares at him blankly and utters a sharp, "What?".

Outside the temple, past the tree line, Barad sits in a meditative position. Parts of his gray robe that reach the ground vibrate with pebbles and flecks of dirt as the earth in front of him gently quakes. His eyes closed, Barad channels the Force to till the earth. Small tracts of land rock and churn as beads of sweat roll down his forehead. But it suddenly stops when a voice behind him utters, "He was not joking.". He gasps for air as his concentration is broken and his eyes flick open. He grasps his head and Finis stutters, "I- I'm sorry, Barad. I-", but Barad interrupts and strenuously says, "It's fine, Finis. The rest can be done by hand. What do you want?". Finis composes himself and responds, "I have finished examining the building. Barad, we will need more than the seven of us to repair the temple.". Barad rubs his temple and takes a moment to regain some of his strength. While adept with the use of the Force, to use it in such a way as he had is quite taxing. Truly, Barad had been at it for some time before Finis halted his efforts. Barad opens his mouth, but as he does he is hit by a welcomed rush of air. A ship, the Pathfinder, dashes overhead and spins about to land. Barad speaks as it touches down, "Hopefully, it won't be just the seven of us.". Barad wearily rises to his feet and walks to the Pathfinder as its ramp reaches the ground. Two men dressed in familiar armor are the first to descend the ramp, but close behind them are several more. "Shan, good to see you. Khoan might need your attention, I'll see you to him.", Finis beckons to the man in reek armor. Shan walks past Barad, patting him on the shoulder as he goes. The other, adorned in armor like the anooba, approaches Barad and declares, "We did as you asked. We gathered vagrants, drifters, and derelicts. A few, I sense, possess latent Force abilities.". Barad nods to him and he nods in return as Barad speaks, "Very good, Tamet.". Barad moves past him and takes a few moments to inspect the crowd and allow them to fully assemble. Then, he addresses the throng of men and women - a mixture of Caamasi, Humans, and Rodians - who have descended the Pathfinder's ramp, "Welcome. I understand many of you don't have a home or work. It's not much, but I offer you our's. As for work, you'll have plenty. It'll be hard work, but it'll be honest work. I understand that some of you have been mistreated. Rest assured that you'll be treated fairly here, if you obey our rules.". Although unenthused, the crowd seems receptive to his words; beggars can not be choosers afterall and this group is dressed rags, some appear to be famished.

"This is Finis." Barad says as he approaches Finis, just as the man comes rushing back, and places a hand on his shoulder. He continues to speak, "He'll show you to your quarters and provide you a meal. After you've eaten, you'll be given your first assignments.". He leans into Finis and whispers, "Reconstruction is our top priority, but we'll need food. Make sure to put some to work in the fields I have tilled.". Finis, confused, replies in a hushed tone, "But we do not have any seeds.". Barad quickly responds, "I've sent Rhysio to buy more supplies, seeds as well. Don't worry about water either, I found a small lake not too far from here.". He leans away and pats him twice before Finis takes a step forward and takes a second to catch his breath before he shouts, "Follow me, everyone". As Finis guides the crowd away, Barad quickly counts the mob. He thinks to himself, "Maybe twenty nine." and approaches Tamet once again and commands, "Go to the nearby town and pick up Rhysio.". Tamet nods and replies, "There are four individuals I think you should meet first". Barad raises his brow and Tamet quickly ascends the ramp. He returns moments later with four Human children, three boys and one girl. He shepherds them in front of him to Barad and says, "Shan and I found these orphans.". Barad reaches out through the Force and senses, to varying degrees, their strength in the Force. He smiles, takes a knee, and asks, "What are your names?". The first boy - somewhat taller and wider than the rest - speaks up, "Tannon!". The second boy - slightly shorter than Tannon - utters, "Finor.". The third boy - slimmer than Finor - grumbles, "Drice.". Lastly, the girl - the smallest of them all - shyly stutters, "S- S- Sy- Syala.". Barad reaches out to place a hand on her head, but she jumps before permitting it and he softly speaks to all of them, "A special welcome to all of you. I was an orphan once too.". Syala bravely asks, "You were?" and Barad responds with a nod, "Yes. But then my master, Charo Tanu, took me in.". He removes his hand from her head and rises from his knee, then speaks once again, "And like my master before me, I'll take you in as well.". The children, except for Drice, seem overjoyed at this news and a smile grows across Syala's face as her eyes widen. "But like my master, I will train you and it will be difficult. You may even come to resent me, but I'll make stronger.". Tannon looks up at Barad with a look of amazement, "Will we get as strong as you?". Barad only laughs and replies, "Maybe. Perhaps even stronger.". The boys eyes widen, almost as much as Syala's had a moment ago, and a slight grin curls on the side of Barad's face. He looks at Tamet and utters, "You've given me an idea. Go, fetch Rhysio. Children, I'll show you to your quarters.". Tamet sharply nods and quickly ascends the ramp while Barad guides the children towards the temple.

Eris Vale Eris Vale
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Tap. Tap. Tap.

Eris made soft tapping sounds against the polished marble beneath her feet. Since arriving at the temple, she had not been able to escape. Whether it was feet, or hammers, or the monotonous drone of the men that worked here, Eris could not seem to escape the noise. It had distressed her greatly at first and confined her to her room where she could wrap herself in the comforting silence of the force. But, as much as she wanted to, she could not stay hidden away forever.

As the fifth day dawned on Susevfi, dousing the planet in blinding orange light, Eris finally rose from her bed. The temptation of exploring the temple had finally dominated the overwhelming noises that filled it, and she could no longer ignore the screaming desire.

Now, she danced between the shadows of the columns that held the temple up. Each one seemed to swallow her in darkness then spit her back out the other side, bathed in sunlight. The men had been working hard to get the temple back up to scratch, but as Eris had predicted, it would take a lot more men to fix what they had. Still, she could not pretend that they had not been working hard since their arrival, and they had accomplished much. The long, dizzying corridors had been swept of dust and debris. All the bedrooms had been cleared of rubbish and returned once more to their primary function. Even the kitchens seemed to be in working order again.

It wasn't perfect yet. Far from it. It would likely be years before anyone could consider this a home in any sense of the word, but Eris liked it. There was an abundance of history seeping from the cracks in these walls, hidden in the broken flagstones, and hiding amongst the cobwebs and shadows. History meant stories, and Eris liked stories.

As she walked, she stretched her hand out to stroke the cool stone walls with the tips of her fingers. She could almost feel them beneath the marble. The stories. Buzzing like flies at her warm touch, but forever trapped behind its cold prison walls. Eris felt almost sorry for it. A building with so much to say, but no mouth or words to tell its tale. As she paced slowly toward her destination, she made a promise. A promise to the temple that she would find its story and tell it as it was meant to be told. To educate the people who took sanctuary in its hallowed bones. After all, it was the least she could do.

Suddenly, Eris took a sharp turn that would lead her out into the courtyard where Barad was waiting, but before she could get much further, she was stopped in her tracks. The sound of mumbling voices danced into her ears, and ever curious, Eris could not help but pry.

Her thoughts were reflected by one of the many men who had travelled with them. They were too few for the tasks this temple had given them, but they had been aware of this before they even landed. She and Barad had spoken of the effort it would take to repair it, and the sheer number of able bodies they would need. Fortunately, there were plenty of hard workers to be had on Susevfi, and Eris did not have to wait long to see them streaming into the temple to begin their new lives. As Barad introduced Finis to the men, Eris slipped from her hiding place and approached slowly.

Crowds always made her nervous. She could hear the clamour of a hundred minds arguing for attention the closer she got. Beyond the voices that screamed and shouted, she could feel everything that they felt. The apprehension, the nerves, the fear…

Eris came to a stop beside Barad and tucked her arm into his. It was steady and warm. Comforting. For the briefest of moments, she was able to drown out the crowd. At least, until something far more interesting caught her attention. Tamet, a rather gangly looking man who was more tendon than muscle, stepped forward to introduce a small gathering of children. Eris crumpled her face. Children were the last thing she had expected to see here. At least, she had not expected it for now. There were too many tasks in the temple to complete before they could even consider training anyone new, but still…

Barad kneeled; Eris remained standing. Each of the four children radiated power. A connection to a force that they likely had no idea existed. Barad's voice was soft and kind as he spoke to them. Eris recognised it from when they had first met, but the children seemed more than a little hesitant. Or at least, one of them did. Eris could not blame him. The one called Drice. Even as a naïve orphan herself, Eris would not have trusted something like this.

It was too good to be true, far too good.

As the others began to filter through toward the rooms, Eris knelt herself down to Drice's height. The action alone, coupled with the intense stare Eris's eyes had captured him in, stopped the young boy in his tracks. "You don't trust us yet..." She responded in a wispy voice that would have better suited an apparition. "…but you will." The boy did not seem to react. He merely stared back at her with wide eyes and a slightly slack jaw. Eris rose suddenly and held out a pale hand for the young boy to take, which he did in a rather stiff fashion. As if someone had tied his limbs to string and happened to be pulling him around like a cheap puppet.

Eris began to follow Barad and the others toward the bedrooms. Though she said nothing further there was a sound pouring quietly from her lips. An eerie song that seemed to twist and twirl with the breeze as it whipped through the corridor.

The Pathfinder behind him, Barad ascends the steps with Eris and the children in tow as it takes off. He enters through the grand hall and he continues without. Walking through the halls, passing by the room whereFinis had left Khoan. "You must be more careful", Shan scolds Khoan as Barad and company pass by. "This place is a death tr-!" Khoan replies, but quickly stops himself as he sees Barad through the open doorway. Barad, however, pays Khoan's words no mind. He knows that Khoan is melodramatic and will have the temple's electronics in working order soon enough. Syala fidgets with her hands as she follows; she is shy and this is all so new to her. Tannon and Finor appear to be excited and look up to Barad with grins, while Drice crosses his arms and scowls.

Finally, they reach their destination. It is a large chamber, cleaner than most in the temple, with rows of bunks. "This is it?" Drice asks, poking his head into the room and looking about. "I'm afraid so. The temple isn't large enough for everyone to have their own room.", Barad responds, taking a few steps into the chamber. He continues as he sits on one of the beds, "But I assure you, it's warm and clean. You'll even have first pi-", but is interrupted as Tannon climbs onto the bed above him and exclaims, "I call the top bunk!". Barad chuckles and Finor climbs onto the top bunk across from Tannon's. Syala stands at the door, her eyes scanning across the room, while Drice at last enters and marches about looking for a bed that suits him. Barad stands up and approaches Syala at the door, gently rustling her hair he says, "Take all the time you need.". He ushers her into the room and once she is inside, he presses a button on the control panel outside the room to shut the door. They are not locked in, but they will not be able to hear what he says next.

Barad looks to Eris and explains, "These younglings have given me an idea. The children are our future. Just think of how many like them there are. They're at impressionable age, they'd be easier to train than the adults.". He groans and balls his fists in frustration before he continues, "Of course, we can't compensate their parents, if they have any, and we can't compel them to join. We've only our own authority.". "You understand, don't you?" he asks while unclenching his fists and then takes her hands in his, all while the faint sound of an approaching ship can be heard.

Eris Vale Eris Vale

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