Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Planet Harok The Feeder~Dead Planet Contest

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  • Intent: To create a planet for the Dead Planet Contest, to add to the SW Chaos Lore.
  • Image Credit: "Starcraft II heart of the Swarm" by Divulgação at
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Planet Name: Harok
  • Demonym: Harokonian
  • Region: Unknown Regions
  • System Name: Harok System
  • System Features: Four moons and one yellow dwarf star.
  • Coordinates: 17, 1
  • Major Imports: None
  • Major Exports: None
  • Gravity: Below Standard
  • Atmosphere: Type III
  • Climate: Arid & Barren, Standard temperature in the day is 38 degrees Fahrenheit, at night temperatures drop below freezing.
  • Primary Terrain: Mountains & Tundras

  • Major Locations-
  • The Cage: What appears to have once been a fully living organism is now a petrified corpse, suspended in place over the ages. Several tendrils, surrounding a wall of organic matter, are wrapped around the ruins of an ancient structure. This building is believed to have once been a temple of an ancient Force User order, as well as the source of Harok's devastation. The tendrils surrounding the temple are mostly withered and decayed, however some of them seem to still be decaying to this day.
"Starcraft II Zerg Hive Wallpaper" by Starcraft at
  • Manoch City Ruins: On the other side of this decrepit world, far from the damned lands surrounding The Cage, are ruins. Stretching on for hundreds of miles this planet was once home to a great civilization that made their home on the western hemisphere of the planet. However, nothing remains of their master city, Manoch. Years after the planet's tragedy the city is nothing more than an overgrown tomb, covered by the same mass of deceased organisms that plagues the entire planet.

"Halo 4 Enviornment concept art" by Thomas Smith at
  • Size: Location (The Cage)
  • Affiliation: Dark Side
  • Intent: To create a Dark Side Nexus which holds the trace of the horrific event that occurred on Harok, as well as house the Ghost of Asdon.
  • Effects: Those who are weak-minded or lowly trained in the ways of the Force will hear screams sent to them telepathically by the Dark Side Nexus. Those strong in the light side will simply have a faint moment, giving them pause and consideration to a massive genocide that occured on planet. Masters of the Dark Side of the Force have a chance to commune with the Force Ghost of Asdon, if he so chooses.

  • Native Species: Deceased, Formerly Humans.
  • Immigrated Species: Deceased, Formerly unknown Alien entity.
  • Population: Uninhabited
  • Demographics: None, Formerly a mostly human population, with Aliens only making up around 15% of the total population. Humans believed themselves to be the purest of beings and were reluctant to allow Aliens into their society until far later in their history.
  • Primary Languages: None, Formerly Galactic Basic.
  • Culture: None
  • Government: None, Formally a Monarchy.
  • Affiliation: None, Formerly Independent.
  • Wealth: Low, the planet no longer has a standing government to utilize it's resources in a way that would generate wealth. Formally had a High Wealth due to the trading of various metals to other planets and organizations.
  • Stability: Low stability, based around there being no present government. Formally had a High stability based upon an organized modern society under the command of a strong Monarch.
  • Freedom & Oppression: All is permitted since the planet falls under no government, before the destruction of the populace the planet stood under the rule of an oppressive Monarch that stood for harsh punishment and organized lifestyle.


  • Military: Barren planet with little to no military significance. Was formally a policed state where the military and policing authorities fell into the same category. Fortresses, armies, and war weapons were not nearly as necessary as secret police, roving units, and suppression equipment. Due to the planet's mostly internal civilization.
  • Technology: The remains of technology found on Harok (what little there is} would be considered outdated in the modern galaxy. However, in the times of the Galactic Republic, before the planet's destruction it would have been considered one of the more advanced planets and civilizations in the galaxy.


20 BBY: Harok's story begins in parallel with The Clone War, that raged in the time of the Galactic Republic. As most people know when the galaxy went to war for the first time in over hundreds of years, not everyone was prepared to be caught in the onslaught that was sure to occur. Many civilizations within the Republic and even the Separatists believed that escaping the war was the best way to remain unscathed by the many conflicts. Though it was only a footnote in the events that occurred during the Clone War and was widely ignored by most, hundreds of thousands of refugees sought to leave the warring worlds behind, in search of a new home far removed from the war.

These refugee's found their salvation beyond the Outer Rim, in wild space. A planet, beautiful in every way and lush with life, awaited the travelers. This planet was named Harok and the refugee's would be forever known as Harokonians. However, what the Harokonians did not know is that their exodus from the rest of the galaxy was a carefully planned scheme, laid by a Sith Lord by the name of Darth Avrok. Darth Avrok feared the Galactic war would give the Jedi Order a liberty they had not had in the past, one that could potentially have been used to stumble upon the hidden Sith Lord. So he orchestrated the exodus to allow himself a way to escape the galaxy and build his own empire, in secret.

16 BBY: The Galactic Republic has fallen and was replaced by the Galactic Empire. The people of Harok, having created the great city of Manoch,turned their goals towards mining the metals which is abundant on Harok. Still struggling to maintain hold of it's own worlds the Galactic Empire does not reach out to Harok, knowing it did not have the resources to subjugate the world outright. Because of this the Galactic Empire elects to keep the world a secret from the rest of the galaxy, doing all it can to expunge Harok from the known worlds, less it be seen as weak to it's people. During this time Darth Avrok takes his place as the King of Harok. Formerly known as Asdon Malvern, a member of the Serennoan nobility, he is trusted and loved by his people, and they suspect no treachery.

However, Asdon commits himself to learning more about the secrets of the Dark Side and it's powers. He turns his attention to the most powerful of Sith writings he had, hoping to find something that would give him a chance for the power he needed to rule the galaxy.

3 BBY: Having expanded into a thriving civilization Harok begins to settle into it's own, far removed from the problems of the rest of the galaxy. Using independent contractors it sells it's metals throughout the galaxy through secret channels, maintaining it's hidden status. A Force User Order is established by Asdon, publicly it is their duty to guard the King of Harok and police the people, in truth it is meant to be the first steps towards a new Sith order.

Because of the more peaceful nature of the people of Harok Asdon knows the order must be slowly integrated in the ways of the Sith, anything more than that could risk the King's entire Kingdom. It would be decades before the Sith would rise on Harok. For now he trains the force users as Monks and secret police officers.

2 ABY: The people of Harok begin wishing to open themselves back to the galaxy, feeling they could profit from being a public planet. Asdon fears the people will begin to act against his plans and wishes, yet he stumbles upon a new power in one of his ancient readings. The Ark of the Sith. An ancient device from before the Old Republic that was said to grant a Sith the power of an entire world, and give him the stength to destroy all those in his way. Devoting himself to the teachings of the Ark Asdon tightens security on Harok, putting more pressure on the people as well as giving the Harokonian monks a reason to doubt their King.

4 ABY: Asdon constructs the Ark of the Sith, using it to grant him the power of Harok. However, the Ark did not work the way the Sith believed. Rather than granting the power of the planet to Asdon it bound the Sith to the planet. Yet, that was not all it did. In only a day Harok began to change violently. The crystal blue oceans turned a pale red, and smelled of blood. The lush trees shed their bark and grew scales like a snake, the wood became flesh and the leaves became teeth. Animals and insects were mutated into grotesque versions of themselves, going wild and bloodthirsty. Caught in the middle, the people of Harok are slaughtered by the transforming planet. Asdon, placing himself in the temple of the Harokonian monks, had lost himself and was now one with the murderous world, it's heart and mind.

The Harokonian monks work quickly, hoping to get what survivors they could off of the planet. In the first twelve hours over half the planets population was murdered by Asdon. After saving what souls they could the Harokonian monks flee the planet, taking the survivors back into known space.

5 ABY: Having returned what few survivors they could to known space the Harokonian monks felt a responsibility to return to Harok to destroy their King and his monstrous planet. The monks attempted to use their fleet to bombard Harok, hoping to destroy Asdon and his sentient planet. But it was to no avail, nothing short of a super weapon would destroy Harok. Awaiting the construction of such a device was not an option either. Panic coursed through the monks, knowing that if Harok could not be destroyed then their planet would be lost forever. Calling on the Force the monks joined together. They knew they would not be able to kill the planet, but since it was the Force that willed the planet they had hoped to halt the planet's gruesome slaughter. Using all of their strength the monks brought the planet's movement to a standstill, yet they still had no means to actually destroy the planet.

6 ABY: Holding a vigil over Harok the Monks of began to notice an odd event. Harok seemed to be shrinking, over the past few months the monks had taken notice of certain mountains of flesh receding and oceans of blood drying up. Upon a closer inspection it was discovered that without any other source of life Harok was beginning to feed on itself! The carnivorous animals began to destroy each other until there was nothing left, the living planet was slowly killing itself. After what felt like years of self feeding Harok was no longer a lush world of life or even a murderous sentient planet. It became a giant rock, with a mixture of stone, metals, and corpses littering it's surface. The entire world turned into one giant carcass, the monks dared to travel to the surface once again.

10 ABY: The Monks of Harok find Asdon, connected to the Ark of the Sith and near death. Ending his life they collected the Ark to be destroyed, sealing the Sith King's corpse in his own temple and leaving the barren world forever.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Adron Malvern"]

This is pretty cool but a bit much. I think you could probably keep the thematic elements and sense of threat intact if you remove the whole bit about gobbling up moons, planets, and stars. Also, you'll need to remove the phrik entirely - that's not something we do now, though if you win the contest you can have it added.

EDIT: Oh, and if you could hyperlink to the image, that'd be great. Good job on the rest of the citation though.
[member="Ashin Varanin"] I've made some edits taking out the phrik as well as Harok's ability to consume other planets. As far as the phrik i only added that because that was what i wanted if i won the contest, but thinking back it did seem premature to add it before the contest was over XD.
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