Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Harley Quinn

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NAME: Harley Quinn
RANK: Queen of the Underworld
SPECIES: Near Human
AGE: 25
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'6"
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Very Very pale

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Acrobatics- She is a world class acrobat which can help in many cases.
+Beauty- Her beauty is something that may seem very strange and enchanting to most, she could be called the most beautiful woman ever
- Insane- She is about as crazy as they come, this can get her into a whole lot of trouble.
- Co-dependant- When she finds someone who she really likes she becomes very very attached and unable to live without them
+/- Flirtatious- she is very flirtatious towards everyone
+/- Fearless- she is very fearless, this can be very good or very bad for her depending on the situation
As Above
Harleen Quinzel began her life very normally, she went through grade school and all the way through high school and graduated top of her class. She then went to college to become a Psychiatrist. A model student, in addition to receiving high grades in college, she was also a dedicated gymnast, winning a scholarship to one of the best universities around. While researching the lunatics at the Asylum she worked out, she became fascinated with one particular patient. Ambitiously volunteering to analyze him, she pleaded with the doctors at the Asylum for three months before she could treat him. After he gained her sympathy during their sessions, he seduced her, causing her to fall madly in love with him. After helping him escape from the asylum more than once, Harleen was suspected by the authorities, who revoked her license and placed her in her own cell. During an earthquake on Coruscant, she fled and became Harley Quinn. She would later join the man's gang and in doing so would find herself in a vat of very toxic chemicals, this caused her to lose most of her memory to that point, it is also the reason she is very near to white in her complexion.

ITEMS: Her baseball bat- X
Her blaster- X




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