Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Location Harbor of the Cold

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Name: Harbor of the Cold

Image Source: World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

Intent: To make a proper dock for freight and defense ships in transit to and from Castle Malfrost, the Crystal Heart and the MMS vault there.

Classification: Dry Docks

Location: Crystalsong; Arctic Circle; Unnamed Tundra; Northern Walls

Affiliation: The Crystal Heart Workshop

Description: The Harbor of the Cold is little more than an almost-ancient series of high walls which allows ships sometimes ranging a kilometer long to dock there securely. The structures seem to have been quarried out of incredibly hard rock and forged out of local metals, forever condensed by the constant cold. It is considered a highly defensible structure, and has seen many modifications to suit its new role as a dry dock. The local colonist populous and any unauthorized personnel are not permitted to use these docks, in an effort to further press back the influx of Correlian and Republic immigrants which threaten the stability of this world.

The Harbor of the Cold isn't defended by any installations, but there are few weapons that could cut away such a monumental structure and even fewer that would see their way to Crystalsong on the edge of the galaxy.

History: Story has it that the walls of the Harbor of the Cold were carved by ancient warring Nàrran. While the exact history of the walls remains largely a mystery, they have stood for hundreds of years untouched by war or the elements in the frozen wasteland that is the arctic circle.

Links: In description.
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