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Hana Takeo

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Welcome back, Otakeo771


Any information obtained from this database is for use of the Coruscant Police Department



[Title:] Officer Hana Takeo
[Full name and other identities:]
-Hana Takeo
-Constable Takeo
[Sex:] Female
[DOB:] 829 BBY, Galactic Standard Month 2, Day 29
[Weight:] 113 pounds
[Height:] 1.83 meters
[Hair colour/length:] Brunette, Medium
[Eye colour:] Blue
[Ethnicity:] White complexion
[Place of origin:] Coruscant
[Force sensitivity:] Unknown [Pending review]



[Personality:] Cheerful, upbeat and always on the lookout for fun. Hana Takeo is described as being confident, logical and the perfect patrol partner by her co-workers. Enjoys working in groups and according to initial resume worked as a training teacher until having a career shift to join the Coruscanti Police Department.
Chief of Police has suggested implementing her into the Joint Training staff department due to her background.

[Supervisor Comment] During the initial interview, Miss Takeo showed an overflowing amount of confidence and assurance that she was fit for the position. In describing her weaknesses, she informed interview staff that she may have issues in dealing with specific psychological events, such as the death of a child or sexual assault

[Pending review] Psychological re-evaluation must be performed following incident report #43 (See below)

[Affiliates:] Known to be working within the Galactic Alliance intelligence department and Interpol.


[Background employment:] Graduated from Sector 2 high school with honors from several subjects, including Maths, Science (Chemistry) and before and home economics. Graduated from Sector 7 University with a degree in criminology. Recommended to join CPD by former Chief of Police Burke. Mother and Father are known to dislike for this decision, who are known members of a fringe group calling themselves [Redacted] and as such removed funding for living expenses.

Before employment, was working towards unknown degree in working with children. Met former Chief of Police Burke after accidentally spilling unknown substance on him at [Redacted] Bar. Unknown relationship since then. Burke is suspected to have died due to health complications, following going into cardiac arrest when he was informed of removal.

Known affiliations with several political groups which have since been removed following warning from Intelligence agency. These included a far left neoliberal group, who are now known to have been removed from alliance space.

[Supervisor Comment] Family have since been removed.



[Anaylsis:] Well built and fit for duty. Above average breathing rate for gender. Above average stamina for gender. Belowaverage agility for gender. Above average muscle mass for gender.

[Known clothing:] Known to wear non-standard issue boots. Standard issue clothing including polo shirt, brown trousers (not opting for female equivalent (Skirt), tie, officer's badge and optional cap. Known to wear more feminine outfits outside of occupation, such as dresses, high heels, etc.

[Supervisor Comment] Non-standard issue clothing approved for exceptional work.

[System Error] Clothing image removed, please click here for equivalent.



-CR2 Heavy Blaster Pistol
-E11 Carbine rifle
-Scramble keys

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