Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Hadzuska
RANK: Sith warrior
AGE: 24
SEX: male
EYES: red
HAIR: no hair just horns
SKIN: red with black markings
FORCE SENSITIVE: yes he is sensitive to the force


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Hadzuska's strengths come from his power, will, control of the force and his intellect but his weaknesses consist of succumbing to all Hate which clouds his judgement, and his lack of trust is a weakness to him as well.

Hadzuska is a Zabrak with red skin and traditional sharp geometrical Zabrak markings three of which run down his lips making him llook even more menacing. He has scars all across his back from his time on his home world and as a sith aprentice. His eyes are red and burn bright gainst the darkness of night. He has 7 horns on his head 3 and each side and then one in the middle towords the front. He always keeps his hands wrapped in a leather made from his first kill as a child and he always keeps his finger nails sharpened.
As a child Hadzuska always admired the sith warriors wanting to join there ranks but his mom did not like the idea of her beloved son going out to battle, and his father approved of it and taught him basic sword skills. One day Hadzuska, now a young teenager, got a letter saying that he was to be accepted to the sith acdemy. He left the next day with only a note to tell his mother and father. A few years passed and he was the best pupil there so good that Darth Itsu took him under his wing. Now he is working to be the most feared sith in all the galaxy no matter the cost.




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