Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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H5 Labor Droids



  • Intent: To create a labor droid model for use in manufacturing by Hydra Industries.
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Hydra Industries
  • Model: Hydra Class 5 Labor Droid (H-5 Labor)

  • Production: Minor
  • Affiliation: Hydra Industries
  • Modularity: All parts of the droid are replaceable when it comes to repairs, and there is also the specialization chip. Every droid is equipped with a specialization chip that determines what its job is when it comes to manufacturing. This chip can be swapped out with other chips, each with different manufacturing jobs.
  • Material: Droid Components | Durasteel
  • Classification: Fifth Degree
  • Weight: 91 kg
  • Height: 1.9 m
  • Movement: Bipedal
  • Armaments: None.
  • Misc. Equipment:
  • Vocabulator with Masculine Programming
  • Sensor/Scanners
  • Fusioncutter
  • Various welding, cutting, and manufacturing tools.
  • Uses large variety of equipment.
  • Made to carry out long, repetitive tasks.
  • Physical Strength: The droids are very capable in lifting very heavy cargo/objects due to the hydraulic lifting system within their limbs.
  • Obedient: The droids are incapable of independent thought due to restraining bolts that only allow them to perform their task.
  • Never Bored: Due to lack of independent thought, the droids also never complain or oppose their task regardless of its length and repetitiveness.
  • Resilient Equipment: Strong equipment and building of the droid allows it to cut, weld, and manipulate extremely strong materials.
  • Lack of Security: The droids are not equipped with any weapons, or protocols to use weapons. Security droids exist, work, and command at manufacturing bases to protect and order these droids though.
  • Droid Vulnerability: Other than the lack of security, the droid's integrity is compromised from ion/electric attacks just like most other droids.
  • System Vulnerability: Hacking is a viable attack due to the lack of firewalls in place.
Hydra Industries at first relied on slavery for manufacturing, but found that uprisings and effort became an issue. The idea of migrating to labor droids came up, and was agreed upon by shareholders. They are only capable of performing one task, and that task is determined by their specialization chip. The first batch of labor droids created the next generation, and so on. To prevent independent thought and uprisings from droids, restraining bolts are used. They are vulnerable to nearly any attack, and simply don't have the protocol to fight back.

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