Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private H I G H R I S E

Daughter of The Destroyer


"Remember Dima! When in doubt, pinky out!"

Vexia Renn Vexia Renn

"Oi, karkin metalhead! You deaf? I said what is your business?" A guard asked abruptly. Before him a rather large Mandalorian alien woman standing as if she were lost as the bustle of Bespins high society swarmed around her like little insects.

She had to remind herself why she was even here. Getting distracted and going off the rails was like a career path for the Xeno and at the moment she could barely contain her swelling bloodtlust as X9 hovered over her shoulder. Cold, crystal-like teeth rattled and chittered against each other as the mysterious creature stared at the security guarding what seemed to be a sit-in of sorts for a private gambling game. Dima's neutral expression suddenly shifted from confused to visibly irritated behind her visor.

"Metalhead?" She echoed, the man quirking a brow at her and squinting suspiciously. "Well you are a uhhh, a stupidhead!" She barked back, causing the guard to barely hole back stifled laughter at the rather weak comeback.

"Alright alright Mando relax before ya hurt yourself. You got a invitation to the game or not? If not beat it, its private game~"

Dima grimaced, making a face as she stood a bit on her tip toes to peer past the guards head and look into the room from the small little window. She could not quite make out what was happening inside or who all was involved with the game but she knew for certain that a little rat who knew the location of her mark was scurrying around in there.

"Hmmpf! Fine then, be that way Dima did not wanna play in your game anyway!" She chirped, sauntering off as if she was unbothered by how she was dismissed.

She was half tempted to carve her way into the private game but the logical part of her brain functioned properly for once. With so many 'fancy' people around such actions would certainly get Dima in trouble.

Well...that more trouble than usual.

She stared at the man guarding the VIP room and nodded briefly, leaving him be and wandering off to a nearby bar where she could continue to observe the room. After all, she was among 'civilized' people now. No sense in causing a scene before she had what she wanted! And the rat had to come out eventually, and when he did. Dima would be there to ring his neck until he told her what she wanted to know.

The stakeout...probably the worst part of any hunt. But hey, nothing a little alcohol couldn't help with! And she certainly needed to pass the time. Plopping down at the bar and watching the individuals who came and went, waiting patiently while tapping her sharp claws along the bar table.

"What can i ge-"

"KARK OFF MOUSE DIMA IS WORKING!" Dima spat at the bartender who had come to ask what she wanted to order, Dima waving him off like some kind of dog. "Shoo, shoo!" She flicked her four hands at him while her head remained locked on the card game taking place behind closed doors.

"Wow, i'm actually impressed. You didn't stab the guard for calling you a name AND you haven't caused a scene. Who are you and what have you done with my feral Dima?" X9 quipped teasingly from over her shoulder as Dima rolled her eyes and mushed him away.

"Oh stop you! Dima is a mature lady now, this one knows how to behave around the fancy people~" She mused confidently with a head swaggle before then just reaching out across the bar and GRABBING a random bottle of alcohol. Using her upper arms to unlatch the seals of her helm and peel it away, revealing her strange alien face and placing her helm on the bar while tipping her head back and proceeding to devour the contents of the bottle.

And of course, a pinky claw stuck out nice and neat, like a proper lady.

"...think i spoke to soon~" X9 said dryly as he watched Dima proceed to drink on the job.

The bartender did not bother to say anything, just sighing deeply and going to serve other patrons.

Truly a shining example of civility and nobility she was~




Bespin | Bar in Cloud City
TAG: Domina Prime Domina Prime

For the past several days, Amara had been struggling to get a good night's sleep. She had been on the hunt for a specific target who had become a thorn in the Mandalorians' side. After finally tracking down and eliminating her target, it was time to travel to Bespin and claim her well-deserved reward. Although she wasn't particularly fond of Bespin, she had little choice but to proceed. Upon arriving in the bustling cloud city, she wasted no time and made her way directly to the bar, hoping to minimize her time there and improve her mood.

As she traversed the city streets, Amara carefully observed the faces of the people she passed, searching for anyone who might be easily recognizable and offer an opportunity for an additional bounty. However, luck was not on her side, and she failed to spot anyone of interest. Finally, she arrived at the bar and promptly proceeded to the private room where a high-stakes gambling game was in full swing. To her dismay, her progress was abruptly halted by a vigilant guard.

"And where do you think you're going? State your business or leave."

The guard demanded, his tone abrupt. Amara let out an exasperated sigh, frustrated by the unexpected encounter with a guard. To make matters worse, she couldn't recall the password to enter the area at that moment.

"Uh... Do you really have to be such a thorn in my side? Don't you remember me...? Well, maybe not. Anyway, the sun shines on a thousand fields, illuminating the flowers."

She replied, realizing how stupid the phrase actually sounded like... Was it really the password? Regardless, it didn't matter much. If it would have been wrong password, she will have to wait till her contractor comes out and if it is correct then she hit a jackpot, kind of. Surprisingly, the guard acknowledged her with a nod, stepping aside and allowing her to enter.

When she stepped into the private room, it was what she expected, with a private gambling game going around. Aware of the disapproving looks she received, Amara quickly made her way to her contractor, discreetly whispering message to her.

"The deed is done. The target is dead."

She reported, her voice barely audible amidst the commotion. The Nautolan contractor clapped her hands upon hearing the news, capturing the attention of the other players. Demonstrating her satisfaction, she raised her tied hands and declared,

"Drinks will be on me today, folks. And as for you..."

With a dismissive wave, she indicated that Amara could expect her payment shortly. Relieved that her task was accomplished, Amara felt both satisfaction and relief. She was eager to leave this planet behind. Although she wasn't particularly fond of taking random jobs, the generous payment she had received brought her one step closer to realizing her dream of acquiring a sniper rifle. It remained a lofty aspiration, but with the newly acquired credits, it was a dream that seemed within reach. Offering a respectful nod to the individuals at the game, she made her way out of the room. As she was about to exit the private game, she heard some commotion going right outside.

As she went outside of the private area, she looked around. Trying to figure the source of commotion, she decided that first she will get a drink for herself and ask around what was that about. However, her attention was abruptly diverted when she spotted a familiar face—or rather, familiar armor—slowly approaching Dima. If it weren't for the distinctive Domina helmet, it might have been easier for Amara to discern the other woman's current mood. Then, she finally addressed Dima.

"My, my... I didn't expect to cross paths with you here, on Bespin of all places."


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