Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gun Run: Odik


Location: Odik Space
Mission: Land

Shado had finally been given a job, drop off guns to a besieged world of the Republic's so it can protect itself. Besieged by Sith, Shado's very favorite thing to kill. He cracked his knuckles. He was in freighter that was holding tons of weapons of all sorts. Blaster, slug throwers, you name it. He cracked neck. "Time to get past this going." He laughed out loud to himself. "Ah...what a wonderful...job." he let his face fall on the dashboard. "Damn it! This isnt what I thought it would be. I don't see a damn thing'" he said looking up out the windshield. Not a single ship was insight. He swore he would see Sith ships patrolling the planet Odik, he hadn't even been here before among all that!

He had all his weapons of his ownership on him. Dual Dissuaders, Zealot Rifle, pfft even had his vibrosword. He had a few others worthy of noting, like the DC-15a for just in case, a few thermal detanators, clips of different kinds. He leaned back. "Damn Sith always disappointing me."

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