Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Guerillas of Teta

Unidentified Camp
Empress Teta

[member="Darth Hashira"] [member="Lily Kuhn"] [member="Grond"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"]

OOC: If I get stuff wrong PM me.

It had been several standard months since the last time she'd brought her fleet to tangle with the Sith. Factors beyond her control had led to heavy losses at Yavin. At Commenor the Sith had captured the Royal Family before her forces even had a chance to intervene. They'd jumped away.

She knew she could not face them in open combat in the void. That was now a fools errand, with the ships they now possessed. So instead the Dark Templars had descended upon Teta in secret. Bit by bit and bolt by bolt they were building a resistance, linking up with ancient Underground elements still in play.

While they were wary of her, they;d struck at least one fuel depot, and interrupted the flow of Koros Spaceworks.

Their camp was modest, Camo nets and hasty earthworks. They never stayed in one place for too long, moving every few days. Cache points kept them well supplied, and her connection to a smuggling ring ensured they had logistics to boot.

They stayed away from the city for the most part.

Today was a new strike, going up against an outpost to steal some Tanks. They'd need those for the final phase of their insurgency.

She glanced across the sand-table map towards her Lt. His name Was Talson, a rough Corellian Green Jedi, whom had fallen into their ranks long ago, a little too tainted for his peers.

"We have two settlements we can draw reserves from. So far most of the populace supports the Royal Family."

"Even though they know they're Sith?" She asked, eyebrow raising.

The tent entrance wavered in the cool breeze. Karrens hand summoned her modded DL-44 and trained it dead center.

"Just me, don't shoot!"

"Announce yourself next time."

Farlon Young, a Smuggler associate turned Resistance fighter of theirs.

"We were just discussing our next move. We have to de-legitimize the government here. There has to be a way to do that."

"Could cut off their supplies, and say its been requistioned for Sith war Materiel."

"They do have two main Starports for that."

Karren nodded.

"That'd have to be a coordinated attack though."

"Not at all, we hit one, and then the other, whilst some of the boys stir up trouble in the city. A well planted Operator could probably cause enough crap with the populace to start a small riot. Enough to draw them in."

Karren grinned, and leaned into the table, servos on her power armor whining as massive gloves gripped the edge.

"Start the plans then. Let [member="Coren Starchaser"] know."
American Woman

There was very little, these days, that the Tetan empress did that was not approved of by the people she ruled over. Taxes had been levied on the most wealthy, healthcare given to those unable to afford it, jobs made for those that needed it - and still the economy carried its pace like a marathon run with no end in sight. She had turned her very private company into a state-run shipwright manufacturer that employed only citizens of the Tetan star system, offering every job from the very bottom to the top across each planet and moon, and she even personally cut her own earnings from the company's profits to pay for the training of any Tetan citizen, on any planet in the Empress Teta system, that wanted or needed a job in the now-behemoth of a starship company. It was plain to see why she was favored - more so, perhaps, when one considered the hardline stance of keeping foreign influence out of their daily lives, despite her very clear and transparent ties to a darker order. And when their ruler produced her heir?

Her people cheered.


It was just another day in the complicated life of a separated parent, her son with his father and nanny for the weekend all the way out in First Order space while the red haired empress was lingering in the business district on the capital world of Empress Teta. She was often in this bustling part of Cinnagar, having kept a healthy presence in the corporate side of things since her early twenties. The goal was to broker a new carbonite mining deal for the members of the mining guild, a group that was essentially a union for miners and mining companies they worked for, which would most benefit both the state and the guild itself. Lily, for her part, was in the back of her armored speeder, flanked on either side by two of her personal Noghri bodyguards, heading towards the headquarters of the mining guild, a large skyscraper that bore the symbol of a hammer and anvil over its front doors.

Security was somewhat lax today, as compared to her usual detail, but this was mostly due to her not having her son with her today - allowing her the peace of mind that she didn't need as much protection as she normally did, especially as attempts on her life had been numbered less than five and had entirely been in her youth by corrupt politicians and rivals. The only additional security at the guild, aside from her own bodyguards, would be a handful of Mandalorians, specifically those that had assisted in the uprising that removed the puppet government erected in her absence in order to reinstate the monarchy and restore the way of life that the Tetans were used to.

[member="Karren Trask"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Darth Hashira"] [member="Grond"]

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