Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gueer Halek

NAME: Gueer Halek
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: None
AGE: 21
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 220 lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Light skinned with moderate tan

-Ability to remain calm even in dire situations.
-Skilled pilot.
-Intelligent and confident in his decision making.
-Strong memory helps him to retain important details.
-Fiercely loyal to family and friends.

-Tends to be incredibly stubborn when he believes he is right.
-Reluctant to ask for help or seek assistance.
-Plays as hard as he works, which in the past lead to alcohol and drug fueled nights.
-Guarded when it comes to getting close to women.


An attractive man with an athletic build, clearly physically fit. He has well kempt hair and a beard he takes care to keep from growing too long. His eyes are most often blue, but have been known to look green or gray depending on lighting and his attire. He has a tattoo of his family crest on his right shoulder, though it is almost always covered. The only visible scar is a small one on his right eyebrow that is only visible when up close. He wears modest clothes that fit him well, most often brown or black pants with a colored tunic.


Born to middle class parents on the planet of Denon, Gueer (pronounced “gear”) had neither a tough nor privileged childhood. His parents were hard workers and instilled that quality in him, though he found school came easily to him and therefore did not put forth much effort when it came to academics. He still excelled in school, and enjoyed moderate success in sports. He realized he was Force sensitive at a young age, and would spend the time he was “studying for school” to instead hone his skills. For no specific reason, he kept the knowledge of his Force sensitivity a secret from his family.

After having his heart broken by his first love, he decided to leave Denon to attend the University of Byblos, where he had received a scholarship. He bid farewell to his parents and younger sister, promising them he would get his degree quickly. Once again, school came very easily to Gueer and he was able to succeed with very little effort. Combined with his broken heart, this led to years of partying and womanizing while getting his degree in Energy Physics. It was also during this time he received the scar on his right eyebrow in a fight with the boyfriend of the woman he was sleeping with at the time. He continued to explore his Force sensitivity in secret, dabbling in what powers he could teach himself through books and personal accounts of Force Users.

Upon the completion of his degree, he bounced around from planet to planet, continuing his partying ways while never staying in one place very long. It was during this time he discovered he was a naturally gifted pilot, and would earn his living by racing. Unable to afford a ship of his own, he nevertheless was able to find a sponsor on every planet he lived on. During this time he rarely honed his Force skills, as he was too distracted and frankly did not care to dedicate the time to practicing. That is until one night when he received word that his childhood best friend Tonall Co’rak had been killed in an attempted robbery. After returning to Denon to speak at the funeral, Gueer was filled with a desire to seek out his purpose in life. The time for partying had come to an end, it was time to get serious about his life and about his Force sensitivity.

He once again bid farewell to his family and traveled to Ossus. Although he had really only known large city worlds for most of his life, he felt at home when stepping onto this new planet. He had decided to seek out the Jedi Temple, hoping to use his Force sensitivity to ensure peace and justice in the Galaxy.

SHIP: None




I get a strange vibe from this guy, and he seems a total lot like a best friend I know. Would roleplay with! 8/10!

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