Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Guarn.
FACTION: bountyhunter
RANK: na
SPECIES: Alunoviaan / Gendai hybrid
AGE: 250
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 87lbs all muscle
EYES: red
HAIR: ginger
SKIN: pale


+ Genetic augmentation Guarn has been genetically spliced with a Gendai and has received a Gandai's healing abilities and above average strength on par with a wookie. as a result she has not aged.
+ Hardened: Native to the remote planet of Midvinter, she has a natural resistance to cold, thus able to brave freezing temperatures
+ Super strong She is as physically strong as a wookie
+ Valiant: she is brave to the point of suicidal. she will face anything regardless.
+ Peaceful: Though she may appear as imposing and aggressive, Guarn is surprisingly slow to anger; and will only act violently against those she views as an underdog or the 1st Order.

+/- Independent: While she is a bounty hunter she tends to do things for free

- Cloberin time: she refused to use firearms and tends to prefers melee combat
- Stubborn: As mentioned above, they can appear stubborn and reluctant to new ideas, as they prefer to keep to the old, traditional ways of their people.
- Cold-blooded: While she can thrive in cold climates, as a Valkyri she loathes warmer temperatures of about 10 degrees Celsius and above. she will to get sun-stricken at temperatures above 20 degrees, and generally have a really tough time acclimatizing to anything above zero degrees Celsius.
- Boastful: Enjoys boasting of past deeds, much to the annoyance of outsiders, yet is part of Valkyrian culture.
- Frenzied warriors: The utmost honor is to die valiantly in battle, and so their primitive tactics during wartime have earned them a reputation of verging on suicidal in battle.

short ginger and Bad-ass she has a tiny frame and is often mistaken for a child or a Jawa.
in fact she is a child physically at least and has been for over 235 years.
she wares worn armor with heavy padding mostly to hide her looks.
and is almost never seen outside her armor or mask.
due to her genetic augmentation she has red eyes and pointed teeth

Guarn wears bulky padded armor.

Guarn was raised a fighter her father was a brutal man who expected the best from his sons and his daughter was no exception.
she was raised with her fathers dogs as were her brothers similar to an agoge.
Guarn was raised to be a fighter as a result she is as rough and tumble as her brothers.
she grew up climbing trees and peeing outside. she is remarkably unfeminine.
The empire slaughtered her family and took the children as slaves.
Guarn was taken to be a lab rat in order to be a gunny-pig in order to create self healing troopers.
the the result was a killing machine. Guarn was deployed as a juggernaut and used to kill countless rebel troops.
she was kept under heavy sedation and brainwashing in order to be easier to control.
eventually she was deemed a liability and was killed by non other than vader himself.
Guarn was able to heal from having her head split in half.
the healing seemed to cure the decades of brainwashing.

The Axeman


Starlight-class light freighter
Production information
Manufacturer Rendili StarDrive and Surron StarTech Model Starlight-class light freighter
Class Freighter
Technical specifications
Length 34 meters
Armament Turret-mounted blaster cannon
Passengers 4 Cargo
capacity 50 metric tons


1800000 cr

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