Dark Messiah

Affiliation: The Primeval
Manufacturer: The Primeval Fleet
Model: GU-20 Fighter
Modularity: No.
Production: Mass
Material: Durasteel, Glasteel
Length: 10.5 meters
Height: 5 meters
Width: 8.5 meters
x2 nose-mounted light-repeating laser cannons
x2 wing-mounted laser cannons
x1 homing-missile launcher
Squadron Count: 12
Special Features:
- Standard deflector shields
- Standard targeting computers
- Standard navigation computers
- Subpar communications
- Standard life support
Maneuverability Rating: 3.5
Speed Rating: 2.5
Hyperdrive Class: N/A
- Balanced armament
- Deflector shields
- Average speeds.
- No hyperdrive.
- Requires tactical support from its carrier.
Description: The GU-20 fighter is the standard starfighter of The Primeval fleet. A well-rounded and balanced craft, the GU-20's multirole capabilities make it an excellent support starfighter for escorting bombers and dogfighting similar craft. Additionally they pack enough punch to tackle light freighters and corvettes. Much like other light craft in the fleet, the GU-20 relies on tactical data to be delivered from its carrier and thus is less effective without it.
Development Thread: N/A
Intent: To create a fighter for The Primeval. We never really had one.
Who Can Use This: The Primeval