
Name: Grutch Nul
Designation: Non-Sentient
Homeworld: Selvaris
Language: None
Average height of adults: 0.1 meters
Skin color: Brown and Black
Hair color: More accurately considered Seta, but no specific coloring (transparent)
Breathes: Type 1
[+] Fast and Agile: Can fly up to 130 km/hr and is extremely agile in flight
[+] Requires no vehicle for flight: Contrary to Nang Hul, Grutch Nul's are capable of self-propelling and require no chitin carbine or projectile toss
[+] Ferocious: Due to low intellect, these beasts serve a singular purpose and search it out without pause
[+] Sense the Force: Have been shaped to attack force sensitive species and not Vong (much like voxyn). However, just like other Vong subspecies, this species is considered to be outside the force and difficult to sense.
[+] Sharp Teeth: Composed out of chitin, the teeth are capable of eating through low grade armors. However, the tendency for these is often to go for the lowest hanging fruit, meaning flesh and fabric
[+] Acidic saliva: Slow acting saliva is capable of eating through durable metal materials, such as durasteel and duraplast. Other, more durable metals, may be immune or require more time for considerable damage (up to the writer to determine damage).
[-] Not damage resistant: Basically anything can kill this. Lightsabers, slugs, blasters, etc. Does not have standard chitin armor.
[-] Not space capable: Incapable of existing outside proper atmospheric conditions
[-] Unrelenting: These monsters are specific to force-sensitives. However, that includes lightside and darkside blasphemers. Very dangerous to use in conditions that include force sensitive allies.
[-] Short life span: Three months becomes an issue for long term travel, meaning that they need to be constantly shaped from spark bees in order to maintain proper stores.
[-] Wings: Damage to even one of the wings is enough to prevent flight. A grounded Grutch Nul will quickly die from starvation.
[-] Loud: Very Loud. You'll know they are coming by the sound of the winds through their wings and the distinct cry that escape their always open mouth.
[-] Cannot reproduce: Because of the shaping process, reproductive abilities are subtracted from the species. Everything is taken up by the desire to consume.
[-] Indiscriminate: Cannot tell the difference between alignments of the force. Users beware.
- 6 Fleshy appendages that serve the purpose of wings
-Small, worm like aerodynamic body
-Sharp, re-growing teeth, capable of eating through a great deal, due to composition out of chitin
-Saliva capable of dissolving strong metals, such as durasteel and duraplast.
Average Lifespan: 3 months
Races: None
Estimated Population: Population dependent on Native Sparkbee population, which is assumed to be flourishing on the vong formed Selvaris. Hundreds of thousands and ever increasing.
Diet: Carnivorous. When not feasting on the enemies of the Vong, they are fed the rotting leftovers of Vonduun Skerr Kyrric, those unable to be properly shaped into crab armor. Grutch Nul are also capable of gaining sustenance from other insects and microbes in the air, though flight and mouth open is the only way to obtain such nourishment.
Communication: Pheremones and Chemical signals. Hive and swarm mentality are quick overriding factors for communication.
Culture: None (Hivemind when allowed to function in natural ecosystems).
Technology level: None
General behavior: The Grutch Nul follows a general swarm mentality. What that means is that once it is set free, it's no longer under the control of those who have released it. It follows a similar predatory drive to that of the Voxyn. All the instincts, none of the intellect.
History: The spark bee, through the history of the Yuuzhan Vong, has seen numerous derived forms that have led to it's continued proliferation beyond the production of sparkbee honey. Thud bug, blast bug, razor bug, snap bug, and spy bug. Even still, forms of projectiles vehicles have been developed to improve their efficacy, including a thud bug launcher and the standard chitin carbine. The Grutch Nul is that next step in evolution, the additional mode of warefare shaped by the shapers of the Legion Yun'Do to help ward off the ever increasing threat of force sensitives among the land - primarily Selvaris.
The sparkbee was first shaped to be far more independent then it's predecessors, retaining the capacity to fly freely without direction. At this point, it was given 6 organic webbed ligaments, acting as wings. Using a flight similar to drilling, the Grutch Nul flies via constant twisting that pushes air through the webbed ligaments and guides it in a straight form of flight. This, of course, can be modified and trajectory changed with the movement of the organic wings that guide it's path. It's path is entirely dependent on a set of sensory organs, shaped from the voxyn that originate from vornskr, that allows the bug to sense the force. However, the similarities between it and the voxyn did not stop there.
The Grutch Nul is equipped with a mouthful of chitinous teeth, dripping with an acidic saliva similar to that of the voxyn. This allows the Grutch Nul to find success and bite against standard armors consisting of materials such as duraplast or durasteel. The ferocity is similar to that of the grutchin, to which it's name is derived. The teeth are composed of chitin, capable of an extensive amount of damage in and of themselves. However, this form of ferocity comes with a drawback similar to that of the Grutchin. Once a mass of Grutch Nul is released, they cannot be recalled, and once their target is consumed, they continue on in search of more food sources. Their hunger and predatory drive pushes them beyond all other instincts. This requires a modicum of constant shaping, storing caged Grutch Nul for future endeavors, in constant realization that hard work and determination would eventually lead to the dead of the Grutch Nul or worse, it's abandonment of the Legion. Similar to the Thud bug and the Blast Bug.
Their sensory organs can perceive the force, though this can be deceived either through use of manipulation of line of sight, or through use of force dead armor (vonduun crab armor) or practiced concealment. However, even through concealment, utilization of the force will null such practices in the face of extreme desire to consume. In these situations, a swarm of Grutch Nul will attack with a nature similar to the Pirahna beetle, constantly searching for food and satiation. It was, in their great wisdom, that the shapers of the Grutch Nul built in this unending hunger - to constantly feed the fervor.
Notable Player-Characters: None, non-sentient
Intent: To create a sort of homing missile for the Legion Yun'Do, similar to a swarm of locusts that rip and tear and consume.