Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Griffon Ji'Oriell


NAME: Griffon Ji'Oriell
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Private(?)
SPECIES: Human (Socorro)
AGE: 25
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 220 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Black


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Loyal: Grif got a second chance from the Republic and he owes his life to it. He would do anything to repay the debt
Persistent: Grif is a stubborn man and he doesn't give up easily. If he needs to get somewhere, he will get there, and if he needs to kill someone, they will be killed
Sociopath: Grif is a sociopath, and doesn't feel any remorse for his actions.

Strength/Weakness: Unethical/Immoral: Grif's lack of ethics and morals allow him to carry out missions other would not be able to, but at the same time the lack of morals and ethics hurt his personal relationships severely.

Seedy: Grif grew up on Socorro, a seedy planet in the outer rim, and the lifestyle of the planet is ingrained within him. On top of this, his connections to smuggling and criminal organizations make him a scapegoat for anything that goes wrong

Inexperienced: Because of his young age, Grif lacks experience and would not be suitable for a higher position. He could also be prone to making mistake more than a seasoned trooper

Grif has short, cropped hair under his helmet and a flatish nose. He has dark skin and large muscles as well as huge hands.

Griffon Ji'Oriell, or Grif for short, grew up on Socorro, a seedy outer world planet known as a smuggler's haven. His father was a ship mechanic and his mother was a bartender, so the family never had a lot of money. Despite their location, Grif's parents refused to get involved with anything illegal, their high morals and standards keeping their heads above the cesspool of Socorro. They tried to imprint the same values on Grif, but Grif dreamed of being a smuggler. Despite their efforts, he fell in with a local group of smugglers and did small jobs for them. Although most of the jobs started out harmless, they got more illegal as time went by. At one point, Grif was asked to sabotage another smuggler's ship. Grif happily carried out the mission, mixing a few of his mother's drinks in a cocktail, lighting it, and stuffing it near the ammo closet. He had just enough time to run out of the way as the cocktail caught fire and exploded, utterly destroying the ship and starting a fire in the city block. Grif was overjoyed at the success of his plan and became interested in explosives, constantly toying with them. At the same time, the he fell in love with heavy guns, often playing with them on board the smuggler's ships.

At one point, Grif was asked to join with the smugglers and help them out. He happily took the job and left Socorro and his family behind. Unfortunately, the group he fell in with was in trouble with the Hutts and the Republic. During one of their regular operations, they were busted by Republic forces. The other smugglers were arrested, but the patrol that captured them took note of Griffon's knowledge of heavy weaponry and explosives and gave him an ultimatum: die in prison like the others or join the Republic's army. Grif was raised to hate the Republic, as the smugglers were always trying to run around them. However, he knew better than to let any sort of code get him killed, so he took up the offer.





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