Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Griffa Jalen



NAME: Griffa Jallen.

FACTION: None yet.



Little was actually known of the biology of the mysterious Shi'ido. In their natural forms, they were humanoids with pale skin, wide mouths, and deep-set eyes. Their entire physiology was extremely pliable, and their skeletons were made of very thin, yet dense, bone. Their tendons were detachable and could be moved about their body at will.

Due to their pliable structure, Shi'ido were able to mimic nearly any object or being, such as Humans or Rodians. They were also able to drastically increase their mass, and were known to have hidden flesh within their bodies that assisted in such transformations. In addition to this, Shi'ido was also able to change the texture of their skin to mimic rocks, trees, scales or fur. Senior Anthropologist Mammon Hoole, a member of the species, claimed to have taken the shape of a Hutt and a Whaladon at different times. It was known, however, that if a Shi'ido attempted to increase their size in such a manner, they could end up stuck in that form for several weeks to a few months. Unlike Clawdites, Shi'ido were not limited to taking the form of only humanoid species and did not feel pain or discomfort when they changed shape. Also, Shi'ido did not immediately revert back to their true form when they were fatigued or incapacitated as Clawdites did.

Shi'ido had very long life spans and could live to be 500 years old, and were considered adults at 61 years of age. Their ability to change shape improved with age, as well as the ease in which they changed forms.

In order to complete the image that they sought, Shi'ido also possessed a form of telepathy. They used this ability to project false impressions upon those of other species, allowing them to cover up any inconsistencies with their transformations. This was extremely useful when studying species that identified each other through smell as well as sight, as a Shi'ido could project the feeling that they had the same exact scent as that particular species. Their telepathy required great concentration, and they would lose control of it if they were distracted. As with their shapeshifting abilities, this telepathy also grew more powerful with age.

AGE: 14ish.

SEX: Female.

HEIGHT: Any she chooses.

WEIGHT: Surprisingly light.

EYES: In her most common form- Blue.

HAIR: In her most common form- Brown

SKIN: In her most common form- Pale.

FORCE SENSITIVE: To your surprise- YES!!

  • Can morph to any being
  • Is AMAZING with telepathy
  • Can get into small places
  • Can intimidate anyone
  • Is great with her hands
  • Is compassionate
  • Knows her strengths
  • Up for anything
  • Is afraid of medical care
  • Afraid of showing that she is a shi'ido
  • Young and naive
  • Has NO sense of direction

Being a Shi'ido has its perks. Griffa often takes on the form of a young human female- a smuggler looking person with brown hair, blue eyes and a brilliant smile.

Griffa was born in space in a shipwreck and was taught by her parents all the needs to survive just by playing. Then, one day, some Jedi came and took it all. They killed her parents and hurt her, leaving her for dead. She barely escaped and no is just trying to survive- and have fun. She crash-landed on Felucia, where she picked up her cuddleable companion. Lieela the baby Nexu. She looks so innocent most of the time- and she is pretty innocent. But she is also a dangerous person. She got into some trouble lately- when she was sent to steal stuff from a group of noble Jedi, and she accidentally joined them. Now she has to keep her secret at all cost.! This is her form: A jedi Master.


PERSONALITY: She is genuinely quite innocent. Interested in everything. She is a clever thief who doesn’t really see thriving as wrong if it’s from the well-off people. She Looooves her Nexu more than life itself so if you harm it....




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