Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Greyson Family Expansion

Zaiden reclined in a booth, scotch on the rocks in hand. He allowed his eyes to roam across the cantina he was in, absorbing the lights and colors while acknowledging no person in particular. For though he seemed to be looking around, he was in fact deeply ingrained in his mental prowess. Even if he wasn't however, there were to many people on Val'hala to take in anyway.

A strange feeling had begun to spread through him since the evening prior. It was difficult to pinpoint what it was, or why it was there, so he was attempting to find out.

It may have something to do with the fact he had spent literally no time covering his tracks since returning to the living a month prior. Someone could be after him, which was not unimaginable in the least. He had made enemies in all the major factions of his day. Recently though he had been teaching, so they couldn't be new found enemies.

It would soon be found, whatever it was. This he knew.

[member="Aiden"] [member="Nate Drake"]
[member="Razor Shot"]

The door open and a boy around 16 walked in and looked around his blue eye seemed to glow out from under the hood of his cloak,the other was hidden by his hair. Aiden normally avoided these type of places, but he was determined to find this guy he had learned of. His eye stopped on Zaiden and blinked once before he slowly walked over to him " E Excuse me, Do you know anyone named Zaiden?" he spoke in a low voice.
[member="Razor Shot"]
Nate walked into the cantina this was the place he heard his father was.He looked around at the people he spotted a man in a booth.The man looked just like he was told his father looked like.Nate thought to himself could that man really be his father.Well since he was here now maybe he should find out if it there was any truth to it.Since what he heard about the man being here was true he thought that him being his father was a good chance that was true as well.Nate slowly moved his way through the people to the man's booth."Hello I'm Nate would you happen to be Zaiden Greyson."Nate was very nervous to meet the man that he heard was his father.But that didn't stop Nate from wanting to know what he was like that was the only reason he came to this place.
Taking a long pull from his drink, Zaiden eyed the youths. He felt no fear in admitting his heritage to the boys, yet it could be a ploy. Mayhap an enemy was awaiting confirmation, simply to rush Zaiden...

But was he afraid of even that? No.

"I do know him." Zaiden said then took another swallow, "I am the man you seek. How may I help you?"

[member="Aiden"] [member="Nate Drake"]
" My name is Aiden... S Someone spoke about you... and I had this odd feeling i needed to find out... I'm not sure why" Aiden spoke as he pulled off his hood and let his shaggy black brown hair fall more into his face.

[member="Razor Shot"] [member="Nate Drake"]
[member="Razor Shot"]
Nate looked at Zaiden and thought it might have been to easy to find him.Nate started to run the back of his neck with his left hand.He wonder what he should say or should he just come out with what he had to say.Nate thought the straightforward way was the best thing now."Well I was told where to find you because from what I had heard was that you were my father.I want to know is there any thruth in that could you be my father?"


Well-Known Member
Zaiden choked on the last swallow of his drink, and began coughing in an extreme. He pounded his chest, rubbing his forehead with his other hand. Then he began waving frantically to the waitress nearby, "Bourbon! Now!"

Pausing to catch his thoughts he pointed at the boy was flat out about, "You're mother!? Who is she!?"

He didn't mean to ignore the other but this one held his priority.

[member="Aiden"] [member="Nate Drake"]
[member="Nate Drake"] [member="Damien Daemon"]

Aiden sighs softly and stay quiet as he pulled his hood back over his head returning his face to the shadows of the hood.
(Lmao stupid phone didnt change to this account when I made that post. Glad you guys understood and just ran with it lol.)

Zaiden reclined once again in his seat, running a hand through his hair. Mellissa....the name sounded familiar. It was slightly saddening the amount of one night stands Zaiden had been a part of. But the name had a serious range of truth in it. She was someone he had met, and therefore a possible woman he may have been with.

"I..." Zaiden could not think of the words to describe what he was thinking so instead spent that time grabing the bottle handed to him by the approaching waitress. Pouring himself a tall drink in his glass, he downed it quickly then added another and sipped it.

"Give me a few moments..." Reaching back into the past with an ability he knew a bit about, Flow Walking. The months, weeks, even years began to soar back before his eyes. His goal was to seek out the womans persona in his timeline. Soon enough he returned to the present and sighed a deep heavy thing.

Nodding he looked to the young man, "I see there is a truth to this. I was with your mother a time ago..." He wondered if the boy had his Miraluka genetics as well, and if so how much.

He glanced to the other lad, "How may I help you?"

[member="Aiden"] [member="Nate Drake"] (Also to clarify you guys are adding in the Miraluka/Human genetics to your character correct?)
(( Aiden is pretty much blind can only see like 3 feet with his only good eye, his other is like completely black and can't see from it, but can see ike heat signatures..So what i already had with him should be ok right? ))

" As i said... i heard someone speak of you.. i dont know how.. i dont know Why." He said looking at Zaiden " But something in the back of my mind told me I needed to find you , That i knew you some how" He said in his low tone

[member="Razor Shot"] [member="Nate Drake"]
[member="Aiden"] [member="Razor Shot"]
(I understand I'm on myphone as well my auto correct is what kills me and yes I'm human at the age of 23)

Nate watched the man that could be his father collect himself."Yes take your time."Nate took the set boldly acrossed from his father."I'm glad you atleast remember my mother.I don't know what happened between you and her see never did talk about my father.''
(Yeah we could simply say that since your mothers were human, that the human side is dominant. For you Aiden you could, if you like, be partially Miraluka as that would be something that would be evident. Bad eyes is common amongst the hybrids of the two. But you would never have to even actually mention it. Plus an upside comes from it, being a natural advantage in using Force Sight. Up to you. Like I said though, you guys would be partially Miraluka even if the traits DIDNT really show. You'd still have eyes, look human, etc)

Zaiden took another long pull from his glass, sighed then nodded, "Well, have a seat. You may learn what it is you came to find out if you allow yourself the time." Looking to the boy he found to be his son, he said, "Well do you have any questions for me?"

[member="Aiden"] [member="Nate Drake"]
Aiden slowly sat down next to the other looking at him with for a moment then back at Zaiden " It's odd... your name is so similar to my own" he spoke still using the low tone that he had been using. "my father must have had a similar name as well since , from what i remember was named after him." he shook his head and sighed " probably don't care why am i even saying anything...." he sighed pulling his hood more over his face, the room was a tad too bright for his liking.

[member="Razor Shot"] [member="Nate Drake"]

((Cool! So i don't have to change what i already had awsome ))
[member="Razor Shot"] [member="Aiden"]
Nate leaned back on his sit on the booth and putting his arms on the back of his neck."I don't drink but right now I need this.This whole just a lot to take in."Nate laughs alittle.
Offering his son the bottle, he raised a hand, catching a shot glass that launched from the bar directly to his hand. Placing it down in front of him, he glanced back to Aiden.

Feeling the slight alcoholic euphoria that came from drinking, he was little faster to put two and two together, "So you think I may be your father? Like I asked Nate, who is your mother and how old are you exactly? I can check."

Then, once again, he poured himself another large drink.

[member="Aiden"] [member="Nate Drake"] [member="Serian Loria"]
[member="Razor Shot"] [member="Nate Drake"]

Aiden blinked once and sighed closing his eyes thinking hard, it been so many years since he had last spoken of his mother and her name was lost in the time since then. Opening his eyes he spoke " It's been so long... I barely remembered , her name was Rachel Doughty.. i'm 16, she... died what i was 5.." he said in his normal low tone.
[member="Razor Shot"] [member="Aiden"]
Nate grabbed the shot glass from his father then the bottle.He filled his shot glass to the top and took a slow slip.Why his father's attention on the boy he listened to what the boy had to say.Since it seemed like the boy was his half brother.
Zaiden listened to the boy, then chuckled with a goofy grin, "What's funny is I recognize the name. She was a wonderful woman. We were together several months. But work called me away. I tried staying in contact yet when I came back to find her she had left."

Running a hand, again, through his hair he nodded, "Guess I have two sons now...its really good to meet you both...

"Do you maybe want to get out of here?" Zaiden asked, "Also if you like we could run and get a quick blood test done to see if its legit."

[member="Nate Drake"] [member="Aiden"]
[member="Razor Shot"]

Aiden sighed softly " I'm glad you remember her, She died as I said... It's not easy raising yourself." he sighed again " Please lets just leave, I normally would never set foot in a place like this.. Not enough places to slip into the shadows and hide." He said looking over at [member="Nate Drake"] for a moment then back at Zaiden " That might be a good idea to find out if it really is true.... I really don't want to be alone anymore"

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