Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Gravi'gor'attaque.

Alias: The Chiss Stonewall.

Faction: Techno Union | Gravi's Rangers.

Ranks: General, Soldier.

Species: Chiss.

Age: 42.

Sex: Male.

Height: 5'9.

Weight: 183 lbs.

Eyes: Red.

Hair: Black with hints of grey.

Skin: Blue.

Force sensitive: No.


Strengths and weaknesses:

+Excellent leader. He can easily gather up a group of people.

+Charismatic. When he speaks, people listen.

+Decent swordsman.

+Skilled hunter. He is a skilled big game hunter.

-Stubborn. Refuses assistance and will not stop, no matter the risk until the task is complete successfully.

-Smoker. He enjoys the occasional cigar.


Appearance: An average sized Chiss male, with short black hair and bright, glowing red eyes. His face is gaunt, and a scar can be found on the right side of his face.

Biography: Born into a wealthy, aristocratic family, Gravi'gor'attaque received a decent education. He was the eldest of ten children, he is said to be a direct descendant of an Imperial general. He was trained in swordsmanship, and was clearly a natural leader. Assisting with the expansion and maintaining of his family's sprawling farm in Naboo. Permanently suspended from his university for dueling with a fellow student, Gravi'gor'attaque returned to his family farm. Desiring a military career, attempting to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors, Gravi'gor'attaque enlisted in the Chiss Ascendancy. Spending most of his young life in the Chiss Ascendancy, slowly proceeded to rise through the ranks, despite the ongoing feud with his commanding officer.

Eventually earning the rank of Lieutenant General. Despite the Chiss military generally being non-violent, Gravi'gor'attaque ordered his men to show no mercy to any man, woman, or child that apposed the Chiss Ascendancy. On several occasions, the Chiss blatantly ignored orders, not only resulting in the death of the enemy, but a large majority of his men. Half of the time, the orders he gave his men clearly violating the Chiss's Non-Aggression Law.

While in a similar situation, he lost ninety percent of his men, resulting in a very swift court martial. In disbelief, Gravi'gor'attaque's attempted to get reinstated despite being found guilty for violating the Non-Aggression Law and many orders from superiors. He remained in prison for nearly five years, before finally being released, despite the protests of his former commanding officers.

Around this time, Gravi'gor'attaque decided to pursue an interest of his...Big game hunting. Traveling to strange and exotic planets, the former general proved to be a decent hunter as he brought back skins, skulls, tusks, and horns as he participated in hunting expeditions across the galaxy. This quickly established his reputation as not just a skilled general, but a skilled big game hunter as well.

He is now a capable leader and swordsman, currently enlisted in the Techno Union. He still continues his hobby of big game hunting.

Ship: None yet.

Kills: No player characters yet.

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