Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Gravemind | Chiss Ascendancy


"Oyokal Station, this is the Orca. We will be exiting hyperspace shortly to for our next pickup. Are y'all clear for us to land?"


"Oyokal Station, this is the Orca."


Traveling at hyperspeed sometimes ran interference on comms signals, but this was unusual. As the bright hues of space illuminated the cockpit of the cargo ship, its captain and sole proprietor was starting to get worried. Diagnostic tests would show that the ship's systems were functioning nominally. Maybe they were on break on Oyokal? He'd try again in five minutes.

"Oyokal Station, this is the Orca."


Hm. Switching frequencies, he tried again. "Dispatch, this is the Orca."


Not even the dispatch center on Cioral was answering.

With a sudden lurch forward, the bright lights of hyperspace travel seized. The captain's eyes widened. "Dispatch! This is the Orca!", he tried once more. He prayed for a response. He prayed his calls would be heard by someone. It would be his final transmission.

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