Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manufacturer: G.H Corporation
Development Thread: Meeting the Grutt

Intent: To create a healing product that can return characters to their youth/prime, along with adding an item to the G.H Corporation

Model: Purple Drank!/Grambrosia
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: No
Production: Mass Produced
Material: Genetic material, Synthetic materials

Description: Grambrosia was brought to life through the brilliance of both Grudge and Viru. Through Grudge’s genius in genetic manipulation, and Viru’s deep immersion in the studies of cells and regeneration of the human body they came together. Two minds are better than one, however two brilliant minds are better than ten as a mutated Hutt once said. So using knowledge from cloning facilities on the aging of clones, Viru looked deep into the ways of reversing the accelerated aging to the point where one’s body would completely cease to age. Upon receiving this research Grudge used it to create virus cells that upon entering the host’s body would attach itself to a few cells in the body that it would restructure into stem cells. These enhanced stem cells would multiply traveling through the body increasing the productivity and healing rates of the other present cells creating an anti-aging effect. Hair cells, skin cells, just about everything in the body would be driven into hyperdrive. Along with the virus an antibody is injected as well to increase bodily functions and hold the virus at bay to keep things such as cancerous cells from forming.Though this injection will cause extreme amounts of pain at first and cause the user to have extreme shakes till the transformation is complete. One who uses this will never have to fear aging again as it increase one's lifespan for thousands of years. It does have a one time effect of completely revitalizing the body from any and all physical damage that it has suffered, even dark-side degradation. If one wishes the G.H corporation will tailor one specifically to whatever age the customer wants to be set back to. Any attempts to tamper or reverse engineer Grambrosia will lead to the virus cells destroying themselves so no information can be gained.
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
[member="Grudge The Grutt"]

OK, so, plot device. That's all well and good. But:
  • Mass produced de facto immortality?
  • Life extension by thousands of years?
  • Cures cancer and Force degradation?
  • Immune to reverse engineering?
  • For 13 posts of dev?
I am 100% on board with a plot device drug that lets people reverse the effects of ageing and get back to their prime. But you don't need all that other stuff in there cluttering up your concept. You want rejuvenation drugs? Do'em in a way that you can be proud of'em. Make it an ongoing drug regimen, maybe, with some more substantial side effects. Cut pretty much all of the above, polish it up, and we'll see where we stand.

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