Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Latharran Republic

Planetary government ripe for political drama. Focused on the planet Latharra.

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Government + Roster

i don't know how to code
So, as mentioned previously, there are three general sections of the government.

The Triumvirate can only at any point in time be composed of three (3) people. They are essentially at the top in the hierarchy, comparable to a king or chancellor, except the power is split between them equally. This is so no one person can become a dictator, which is important in a republic. Each of the three consuls is voted into power by the senate. Each term is two (2) years, and any one person can only have up to two terms.
Applications for consuls are open.

The Senate has no current limitations on how many people can be senators, but that's because I do not yet have an idea on how many people actually want to roleplay as senators. Each Senator will represent their own city-state, and there can only be one senator per city-state. Senators are voted in by the Assembly by their city-states section. Senator terms last four years, and each any one person can only have two terms.
Applications for senators are open.

The Assembly has no current limitations on how many people can join, and probably never will. If you join the faction, you are automatically added to the Assembly.

Current Positions


External Affairs Consul (Position Open)
Internal Affairs Consul (Position Open)
Military Consul (Position Open)

(Senator Positions Open)
Kolanda Senator - Cessiar Berav
Duranna Senator - Kara Vona

If you would like to fill a position, please post below with the following information.

Name: (Link to Character Bio)
City-State Representing: (For Senators)
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